Artie and his Issues

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  • #581


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
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Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Yes, I did lie down for a bit.. and woke up 2 hours later. I went into my room to lie down ontop of the bed. I covered myself with a thin blanket, was on my side, kitty-corner...I felt eyes on me.. sure enough, it was Artie!!!  He jumped on the bed and cuddle with me the entire time.. and had the classical music on and the dryer going--his quilt.

Artie is taking to the Hound & Gatos lamb!!  surprise!  He took to it a couple of years ago--just enough for me to order a case of it, and then quit eating it. I held on to a few cans. He did eat some lamb when he started getting sick, in December, but refused the H&G....Yesterday, I picked up a couple more cans at PetLife, so glad I did..

I tried to order it from Chewy. It is back ordered until some time in early February!!!! 

Went on to Amazon--I know it is related to Chewy and found the same thing. 

I called the company. Found out that the company who cans the food was sold and put them out...they did manage to solve the problem; in my area, it will re-emerge in February. They were nice enough to offer to send me a few cans...

I was dreading it again.. another food issue!! man! Cannot win!!

Then I remembered that I saw the cans at PetLife... so I called them, asking if they could put a case on the side for me and I will pick it up tomorrow... No Problem!! and they have around 12 cases in  stock.. that I do not believe, but I may pick up a couple of cases...I need it... Artie needs it.. I can always return it if he changes his mind, but I will at least have it on hand. I think I may return the other stuff I bought.. and get a few dollars back..

And I have to pick up a prescription (refill) at my compounding pharmacy which is a town or 2 away from PetLife....

deep breathe just exhaled......

It is going to snow tomorrow, but not till the afternoon.. so I will get up early and get my day going..
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angels mommy

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 5, 2011
Yes, I did lie down for a bit.. and woke up 2 hours later. I went into my room to lie down ontop of the bed. I covered myself with a thin blanket, was on my side, kitty-corner...I felt eyes on me.. sure enough, it was Artie!!!  He jumped on the bed and cuddle with me the entire time.. and had the classical music on and the dryer going--his quilt.

Artie is taking to the Hound & Gatos lamb!!  surprise!  He took to it a couple of years ago--just enough for me to order a case of it, and then quit eating it. I held on to a few cans. He did eat some lamb when he started getting sick, in December, but refused the H&G....Yesterday, I picked up a couple more cans at PetLife, so glad I did..

I tried to order it from Chewy. It is back ordered until some time in early February!!!! 

Went on to Amazon--I know it is related to Chewy and found the same thing. 

I called the company. Found out that the company who cans the food was sold and put them out...they did manage to solve the problem; in my area, it will re-emerge in February. They were nice enough to offer to send me a few cans...

I was dreading it again.. another food issue!! man! Cannot win!!

Then I remembered that I saw the cans at PetLife... so I called them, asking if they could put a case on the side for me and I will pick it up tomorrow... No Problem!! and they have around 12 cases in  stock.. that I do not believe, but I may pick up a couple of cases...I need it... Artie needs it.. I can always return it if he changes his mind, but I will at least have it on hand. I think I may return the other stuff I bought.. and get a few dollars back..

And I have to pick up a prescription (refill) at my compounding pharmacy which is a town or 2 away from PetLife....

deep breathe just exhaled......

It is going to snow tomorrow, but not till the afternoon.. so I will get up early and get my day going..
That's great news!
   Yaaay, Good boy Artie!!   Glad you got a nap in too!  
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  • #583


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
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Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Would you believe I just received an e-mail survey from the hospital??  it is related to the SVet  !!

This is nothing new, I always get surveys from them-- just delete without looking. This time I looked and saw it was related to the SVet!!!  and will be sent to the customer service manager  I spoke with yesterday...

.. debating.....

I filled out part of it, but did not submit....

This is part of a large chain of hospitals, so they believe in surveys.. I can go up there to get meds at the pharmacy and still have a survey waiting for me in my inbox.....

wonder if they want a written record of things.....hum....


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2016
Happy for you regarding new help for Artie. Things can only get better - you deserve a break!


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
Glad you have an appointment soon
Let us know how it goes and if you need to take Artie in sooner see a different IM vet.

Were you able to speak with the R Vet today? If she can manage Artie and provide prescriptions as needed, I think you can manage until Feb. 23. You're doing a great job at giving fluids and knowing what meds Artie needs that day depending on how he feels and his appetite and poop
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
Would you believe I just received an e-mail survey from the hospital??  it is related to the SVet  !!

This is nothing new, I always get surveys from them-- just delete without looking. This time I looked and saw it was related to the SVet!!!  and will be sent to the customer service manager  I spoke with yesterday...
.. debating.....
I filled out part of it, but did not submit....

This is part of a large chain of hospitals, so they believe in surveys.. I can go up there to get meds at the pharmacy and still have a survey waiting for me in my inbox.....

wonder if they want a written record of things.....hum....
I don't think they want a written report. I worked in a hospital and know that these surveys are tabulated into data so they can determine client/patient satisfaction. On the surveys I get, I can submit it anonymously. This is a good chance for you to get your disatisfaction on the record. It might have an effect if other clients feel the same way.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
Artie came in to cuddle with me in bed, last night.

I gave him the Natural Recipe Beef Buffalo and Venison canned yesterday. The first 1/2 can he gobbled up.. then he refused it.. 

I left out some pork for him also..

Got up, saw that he ate a tiny bit of the pork, and just the juice from the new food.....sigh....

Gave him his first meds. When it was time for him to eat, I went looking for him. He is usually waiting for food.. Artie was hiding under my bed!!!! never does that... I had to get him out. 

I wanted to give him a blander food, so I opened up the lamb for him.. he just licked the juice and walked away.. me thinking he is either nauseous or fussing...

I think I am going to give him a dose of Cerenia... just in case.. He had one yesterday... and I may mix a bit of "his" food, which constipates him immediately, with some of the prescription rabbit...sigh.....

back to square one...

he did poop at midnight.. a nice long soft piece.. but if he is not eating, he is not getting the miralax, unless I syringe it into him.....sigh

He was also fussing with his meds this morning.. His paw came up to push my hand away... that is a first....

He is on his small cat tree.. curled up and sleeping...sigh...
Day to day.  Just keep taking things one step at a time.  Keep track of what works and what does not.  And don't be surprised by setbacks; you know in advance that they'll happen, but you also know in advance that there will be good days.  Hang on to those.

I'm glad to hear that Artie finally got a good poop.



May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
I don't think they want a written report. I worked in a hospital and know that these surveys are tabulated into data so they can determine client/patient satisfaction. On the surveys I get, I can submit it anonymously. This is a good chance for you to get your disatisfaction on the record. It might have an effect if other clients feel the same way.
I completely agree!  But I would hold off until it gets closer to your appt. with the new vet.  The survey won't go away so just keep it in your inbox, waiting for the right moment then pounce. 

You have a busy morning ahead of you, fingers crossed the snow holds off until the afternoon.  Try to get a good night's sleep and more cuddle time with Artie, sweet dreams and hugs. 

Loving Mickey

Mickey , my heart and soul Angel kitty
Top Cat
Jun 13, 2014
Just sending my love and hugs to both you and Artie!
Hoping you both get a good night's rest.
Will be looking for your update!
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  • #591


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
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Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
I did fall into a deep sleep, with Artie visiting me early morning, to cuddle.. Woke up to an empty dish.. he is taking to the lamb...

Had a very good and long conversation with his R Vet. She was very shocked and surprised I had such a bad experience. She also felt it was horrible, all around. She tried to pay devils advocate, but the more I explained, the more unsympathetic to them she became. I told her I just wanted her to be aware, because her group sends a lot of patients there, 

When I mentioned I wanted to go to Angell, the Vet who immediately came out of her mouth was @LTS3  's Vet. She said is one of the top ones if not "The" top one in the country!!!  OMG!  She was kind of shocked that I got an appointment to easily.. told her a friend helped me.....((HUGS))

She was ready to send in a consult request to them.. but did not need to...

R Vet is very happy to help me with Artie's care until then.. she did agree that I have a really good handle on the meds and she can help me otherwise.. we will be working in close contact with each other..

She also said I could just ask for Artie's records at the "hospital"  for a second opinion..and leave it at that.. that I could mail order prescriptions instead of going up there....

I also got a really good explanation on the differences between prescription food, cat food, and hydrolyzed food, and raw...

Her own cat either has IBD or lymphoma, so she really does understand...

Artie's poop is getting a bit harder and thicker.. going back, it is probably from the days he had his enema and was not eating as much, missing out on the full dose of miralax and one dose of the probiotic...sigh...
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TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
:clap: I'm so happy for you - both that Artie's accepting the lamb and that things went so well with your R vet :hugs: . :cross: that this is the start of things getting a whole lot better for Artie and you :vibes: :vibes::vibes: :vibes::vibes: :vibes::vibes: :vibes::vibes: :vibes::vibes: :vibes::vibes: :vibes::vibes: :vibes::vibes: :vibes::vibes: :vibes::vibes:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2016
Top vet in the country?  Good for you. Countdown to the 23rd will be here before you know it. You must be so relieved, very happy for you. 


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Top vet in the country?  Good for you. Countdown to the 23rd will be here before you know it. You must be so relieved, very happy for you. 
Yes, AND relieved
   That discussion with your R Vet seems like it should really have de-stressed you quite a bit, no?


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
This really is good news!  
   You must feel tremendously relieved for so many reasons.  It must have helped enormously to have your Regular Vet listen to what you said about the S Vet and agree that you and Artie had not been treated appropriately there.  And maybe you saved someone else from going through the same thing, if it means the RVet stops sending people there.

As for having an appointment with the top man in the country - Hooray!  
   Our Artie deserves it!  And so do you. 

Happy dance that he's eating the H & G Lamb and that you were able to get some.  


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Best news ever that you have your appointment, AND that they will fit you in if it becomes necessary, AND that R Vet so highly recommends New Vet (hereinafter referred to as N Vet).  I am saying LOTS of prayers for Artie and you, as, if I read that last post correctly, he may be having a little upset right now following the latest indignities at S Vet's office.  

Sending you my dearest love, always!
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  • #597


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Best news ever that you have your appointment, AND that they will fit you in if it becomes necessary, AND that R Vet so highly recommends New Vet (hereinafter referred to as N Vet).  I am saying LOTS of prayers for Artie and you, as, if I read that last post correctly, he may be having a little upset right now following the latest indignities at S Vet's office.  

Sending you my dearest love, always!
Yes,, it is the phase: It was great for a couple days and now it is not great... and it will be getting worse...


but ... he is eating the new food.. went out and bought 3 cases of it... do not forget there is a problem with the packing plant being sold and they having to find a new one... so there will be a lag in shipments.. 

I cannot find it on the web.. this is the one store that has I stocked up for a bit. 

Artie ate almost an entire 5.5 oz can today.. 

I hope giving him a bit more miralax, not too much, will help with the harder poops from this morning.. If things go the way they have been, tomorrow will be a 'rabbit poop' day..and then he will be constipated...sigh....

He did bat a ball once...and he enjoyed his brushing this morning.. purring away.. 

He gets his sub-q's tomorrow. The R Vet is not really certain how much it is helping., but I am going to continue doing it until I am told not to.. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
More wonderful news!  So glad for Artie and for you.  All in all, much more positive than negative, yes?

Glad you got the food.  Don't like it when good things are hard to find/discontinued/out of stock, so I tend to do the same because I have adequate storage space in the house or if not, in the garage.

Continued *PRAYERS* and good thoughts!


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
R Vet is very happy to help me with Artie's care until then.. she did agree that I have a really good handle on the meds and she can help me otherwise.. we will be working in close contact with each other..
Wat to go. 
 The R vet sounds like she's got your back and a very supportive person in your corner right now.  Only 23 days to go, you can do it!
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