Let's Babble Our Way to Post #4,000,000 And Win Prizes Too!

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TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Mar 7, 2016
Anne, did you follow the saga of Naomi and Wynonna (http://www.thecatsite.com/t/317180/this-poor-cat)?  @Wendydelmo
was live streaming Naomi giving birth and Wynonna midwifing on her Facebook page.  Since then there's been some talk of maybe getting this into a segment on My Cat From Hell, Jackson Galaxy's show on Animal Planet.  I'm not certain whether this is actually possible -- for one thing Mark Zuckerberg claims to own the copyrights to everything posted to Facebook, though I doubt the legality of that -- but if it were possible this might be a way to get some excellent publicity for the site.

Thanks for the shoutout. Actually, I downloaded all the videos and own them. And Naomi might have been hormonal as all heck, but she's calmed down quite a bit. I've adopted her! Actually, she has chomped 2 of my other cats tails resulting in abcesses and one is scared to come down off the cat tree, but hopefully her spay yesterday will take care of the hormones.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
I am so glad you adopted Naomi. Yes abscesses can be annoying to treat. I am sorry your girl chomped on the other cats' tails. I loved the whole story about those two and the kittahs!

Yes I found out that soap suffocates ticks. I had one on my leg last week and saw it in the shower. I just happen to lather up and then felt it. shortly after it came off without me using tweezers. They are bad this year. I get them just walking across the lawn but I will take ticks over fleas anyday. The eye looked red and she was holding it shut. She was scratching her head last night and didn't think anything of it this morning. Then when I got up to feed the monsters I noticed the eye shut. so out came the nursing skills. wet washcloth, soaked the fur around the eye to see if dirt or a scratch? didn't see the tick until after I put the ointment on the edges of her eye. I didn't put it right on the eyeball-just on the outer edge like my vet showed me. That's when the tick became noticeable-it is a tiny one-not a regular one. luckily I have small tweezers and had to hold her steady. Hoping the revolution kills anymore that get on her in the future. 


TCS Member
Super Cat
Feb 9, 2016
Dreading work today as we fall further and further behind and the boss refuses to hire anyone else. Is it friday yet?
I am dreading work today too. I work in customer service, but my anxiety has been acting up recently. I'm not sure if I'm ready to deal with rude customers today.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
I think it is horrible that people treat others with disrespect. I used to work in the service industry and some of the customers were really over the top rude. A family member sometimes gets rude in public when out to dinner. Sometimes I wish every rude person had someone rude to them to see how stupid they look. I get impatient as well and sometimes no filter on my mouth but I know most folks are just trying to do their job.

We have some folks here who keep coming up with projects and get mad at me because I stall them. I have explained that it involves other people and I will ask to relocate said items in here but they told me no. I am sure I will hear for days how its stupid that he can't get me to move said objects back into another department. I spoke to one of the department head folks this morning explaining the dilemma and they said sorry no room to move them in the other room.

my other coworker gets overzealous to say the least. I said at least this way if there are lots of boxes of stuff in here then we can make our case stronger that we can't store fixturing in here. Not to mention things tend to walk out of here on the days we don't have coverage. They restricted access but it doesn't matter. There are other people who don't record what is taken and drives me insane trying to keep correct number of inventory quantities but I can only work so many hours. Seems every business keeps chopping their staff and making the rest carry the load. Why do they do this? Don't they realize they would be able to make more money if there was enough staff to keep up with production? Or they can be like us-they refuse to raise the wages to the new hires and they have not been able to attract the best talent. I keep telling them you have to pay better than the other people and they insist that the rates they have it at are more than sufficient. Well in the past 3 years we have lost 14 welders/machine/qc to better paying jobs. May not sound like much but they took much tribal knowledge. and the local shipyard pays better. I told them they have to compete with the other places in order to get the best talent. but instead they hire joe smo who most of the time have no layout or actual fabrication experience. Some turned out ok but most have struggled. We are supposed to have a way to train everyone who comes on board but I haven't seen evidence of this yet. Frustrating.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jun 9, 2016
View media item 361077 this is my morning after being out for 12 hours yesterday. I felt bad being out so long but my boyfriend's niece had a great time and everyone was so happy I was home that no one was angry lol I haven't played Pokemon go, yet but once I get a battery bank for my phone I probably will. I wore my eevee shirt yesterday and people kept asking if I had played it lol I love the honey bee pictures! I've been wanting to volunteer at the shelter here everyone says I'd want to bring home all the animals especially since it's a kill shelter but once school starts I want to fill out a packet to go on weekends so I've got a ride. I'm pretty awkward around people but I'm fine with animals. I've wanted to look at getting a psychology dog maybe next year if I can so I can feel more comfortable going out by myself and have some kind of Independence. I've found some great articles about it, temperament and such. Unless maybe I could train Sammy but I think he would be more interested in being out and about lol I got such a late start today ugh working on my second cup of coffee and than I have to get to work

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
I think it is horrible that people treat others with disrespect. I used to work in the service industry and some of the customers were really over the top rude. A family member sometimes gets rude in public when out to dinner. Sometimes I wish every rude person had someone rude to them to see how stupid they look. I get impatient as well and sometimes no filter on my mouth but I know most folks are just trying to do their job.

We have some folks here who keep coming up with projects and get mad at me because I stall them. I have explained that it involves other people and I will ask to relocate said items in here but they told me no. I am sure I will hear for days how its stupid that he can't get me to move said objects back into another department. I spoke to one of the department head folks this morning explaining the dilemma and they said sorry no room to move them in the other room.

my other coworker gets overzealous to say the least. I said at least this way if there are lots of boxes of stuff in here then we can make our case stronger that we can't store fixturing in here. Not to mention things tend to walk out of here on the days we don't have coverage. They restricted access but it doesn't matter. There are other people who don't record what is taken and drives me insane trying to keep correct number of inventory quantities but I can only work so many hours. Seems every business keeps chopping their staff and making the rest carry the load. Why do they do this? Don't they realize they would be able to make more money if there was enough staff to keep up with production? Or they can be like us-they refuse to raise the wages to the new hires and they have not been able to attract the best talent. I keep telling them you have to pay better than the other people and they insist that the rates they have it at are more than sufficient. Well in the past 3 years we have lost 14 welders/machine/qc to better paying jobs. May not sound like much but they took much tribal knowledge. and the local shipyard pays better. I told them they have to compete with the other places in order to get the best talent. but instead they hire joe smo who most of the time have no layout or actual fabrication experience. Some turned out ok but most have struggled. We are supposed to have a way to train everyone who comes on board but I haven't seen evidence of this yet. Frustrating.
I don't go to any store looking for a fight but I sure have encountered a few customer service people that left me fuming. I'm inclined to let it bounce off me who wants a confrontation in a check out lane or at the customer service desk.

I have an ex SIL who was horrible in public. Out to eat once the waiter put her plate down and she yelled at him to stay put. Took her finger and jammed it into her mashed potatoes and then told him she was making sure they were hot. Once she made the waiter go to the restaurant next door and get her a menu. He did it. She then left him a horrible tip which we compensated for. Worse the place she wanted to eat from after we were seated was the more formal better menu place we wanted in the first place. We went to the one she choose. The best day ever was when her husband kicked her under the table.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Wow! A Table kicker!!
 I can't say I have ever been that rude. I was always told you never send back food because they will spit in it. I think that is garbage. I said there are 20 people back there-I highly doubt they would get away with that. I have to say I have a few customer service women who have an attitude and sometimes I wish I had the nerve to say whats the hair across your butt sweetheart? But I just let it go because what if I need to ask something later. I have an issue with thinking that people will remember and tell other people who will treat me bad. But that was when I was younger and paranoid. I got to the point I just don't care what people say about me anymore. Its them being jealous if they talk about other people.

I have been in public and some old guy was harassing the guy who was installing something on my truck. I stood up to him and told him to shut his mouth and mind his manners. He swore at me and said mind my own business. I said no. When you are disrespectful to someone else I won't tolerate it. I said just sit tight and they will get to you. He was ticked because he made an appointment. The kid was still working on two other cars. One was a wiring issue that they didn't anticipate. So I told the old guy that another car before had issues they didn't expect and asked him why is the world revolve around him and can't he just realize that they are actually working on someone car. Not standing around on their phones or with their finger up their butts. The nerve of this old guy. I shocked myself. I don't normally do this but lately I run out of patience for rude people. And age doesn't matter-plenty of rudeness to go around. Frankly it irritates the crap out of me. Like we all don't have better things to do. What happened to just letting things roll?

every now and then a family  member will rant about something concerning other kids in the family and I just gently reminded him at that age did you want to spend time with your grandparents or were you more interested in playing? That shut him up fast. I said just put yourself in their shoes. They are having a good time playing and getting along. no crying or arguing=I said don't rock the boat! 4 kids are getting along-plus the extras who were over for the Bparty.


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
Wow! A Table kicker!!
 I can't say I have ever been that rude. I was always told you never send back food because they will spit in it. I think that is garbage. I said there are 20 people back there-I highly doubt they would get away with that. I have to say I have a few customer service women who have an attitude and sometimes I wish I had the nerve to say whats the hair across your butt sweetheart? But I just let it go because what if I need to ask something later. I have an issue with thinking that people will remember and tell other people who will treat me bad. But that was when I was younger and paranoid. I got to the point I just don't care what people say about me anymore. Its them being jealous if they talk about other people.

I have been in public and some old guy was harassing the guy who was installing something on my truck. I stood up to him and told him to shut his mouth and mind his manners. He swore at me and said mind my own business. I said no. When you are disrespectful to someone else I won't tolerate it. I said just sit tight and they will get to you. He was ticked because he made an appointment. The kid was still working on two other cars. One was a wiring issue that they didn't anticipate. So I told the old guy that another car before had issues they didn't expect and asked him why is the world revolve around him and can't he just realize that they are actually working on someone car. Not standing around on their phones or with their finger up their butts. The nerve of this old guy. I shocked myself. I don't normally do this but lately I run out of patience for rude people. And age doesn't matter-plenty of rudeness to go around. Frankly it irritates the crap out of me. Like we all don't have better things to do. What happened to just letting things roll?

every now and then a family  member will rant about something concerning other kids in the family and I just gently reminded him at that age did you want to spend time with your grandparents or were you more interested in playing? That shut him up fast. I said just put yourself in their shoes. They are having a good time playing and getting along. no crying or arguing=I said don't rock the boat! 4 kids are getting along-plus the extras who were over for the Bparty.
Have you ever seen the movie Waiting? If you haven't, it's about a restaurant staff working at a chain restaurant that would be similar to say a Chili's, Applebees or TGI Fridays. It's from their point of view. If you have not seen it, I recommend it highly. It has the delicious Ryan Reynolds, Justin Long, Anna Faris and Dane Cook. It is VERY funny but once you see it, you will never, ever, ever send food back in a restaurant. 


There could be 120 people back there but if they are all in on it, who will tell? Restaurant employees more often than not get each other's backs. Always be nice to those who handle your food folks. I mean, you should anyway but yeah. That movie is a must see. It's worth seeing just for RR. He's a very naughty boy in the movie 

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
Have you ever seen the movie Waiting? If you haven't, it's about a restaurant staff working at a chain restaurant that would be similar to say a Chili's, Applebees or TGI Fridays. It's from their point of view. If you have not seen it, I recommend it highly. It has the delicious Ryan Reynolds, Justin Long, Anna Faris and Dane Cook. It is VERY funny but once you see it, you will never, ever, ever send food back in a restaurant. 


There could be 120 people back there but if they are all in on it, who will tell? Restaurant employees more often than not get each other's backs. Always be nice to those who handle your food folks. I mean, you should anyway but yeah. That movie is a must see. It's worth seeing just for RR. He's a very naughty boy in the movie 
I'm glad he did give her a thump in the shins. . Her behavior was embarrassing to say the least. When the waiter asked if we were ready for the check I told him we'd be paying for us and her husband but she could pick up her own tab. She dragged us into the burger side of the restaurant when the three of us wanted to go to the side where you could order a real meal and then flipped around and wanted food carted over for her. She has steak and lobster and we had burgers.

We stopped asking them out with us because I was living in fear the staff was going to take her rude behavior out on us.  We left a lot of apology tips until finally we just stopped socializing with them.


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
I'm glad he did give her a thump in the shins. . Her behavior was embarrassing to say the least. When the waiter asked if we were ready for the check I told him we'd be paying for us and her husband but she could pick up her own tab. She dragged us into the burger side of the restaurant when the three of us wanted to go to the side where you could order a real meal and then flipped around and wanted food carted over for her. She has steak and lobster and we had burgers.

We stopped asking them out with us because I was living in fear the staff was going to take her rude behavior out on us.  We left a lot of apology tips until finally we just stopped socializing with them.
I'm glad he did too. I have worked for tips before waiting tables, bartending and cocktail waitressing. they are for the most part thankless jobs. I think everyone should have to wait tables in some way at least once in their life because it will teach you how HARD it is. Not only dealing with difficult customers but cooks and management too. Not only have I NEVER stiffed a waitperson or a bartender and never will regardless of service, more often than not, I over tip. I know what it's like. They say that people who have worked for tips always tip the most. I rarely tip less than 40% unless it's really bad and then it's still at least 20% because you don't know what else this person is dealing with. I have gone to diners or  similar places and if I see that the server was frazzled and had too many tables, I have gotten up and refilled coffee cups. Yes- really.  People who were irritated calmed down. the server always thanked me. I worked at a restaurant once many years ago for a friend of mine. He was the breakfast cook as well. The place was just getting started so it wasn't too busy. He'd go back in his office and wait for me to put orders up. Sometimes he'd forget to come back out. I ended up taking the order, getting mad for having to wait, cooking it myself and then serving it. 

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
I'm glad he did too. I have worked for tips before waiting tables, bartending and cocktail waitressing. they are for the most part thankless jobs. I think everyone should have to wait tables in some way at least once in their life because it will teach you how HARD it is. Not only dealing with difficult customers but cooks and management too. Not only have I NEVER stiffed a waitperson or a bartender and never will regardless of service, more often than not, I over tip. I know what it's like. They say that people who have worked for tips always tip the most. I rarely tip less than 40% unless it's really bad and then it's still at least 20% because you don't know what else this person is dealing with. I have gone to diners or  similar places and if I see that the server was frazzled and had too many tables, I have gotten up and refilled coffee cups. Yes- really.  People who were irritated calmed down. the server always thanked me. I worked at a restaurant once many years ago for a friend of mine. He was the breakfast cook as well. The place was just getting started so it wasn't too busy. He'd go back in his office and wait for me to put orders up. Sometimes he'd forget to come back out. I ended up taking the order, getting mad for having to wait, cooking it myself and then serving it. 
The old rule, if you can't afford to tip don't eat out.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Jon is taking Bee Kitty to the vets,. he texted me at 12:30 that she is still squinting quite a bit. I have to get some fillings done at the dentist. I tried to reschedule but its now out to September. I just said forget it and will go. Her appointment is half an hour later after mine starts. hopefully they will be backed up and I can shoot over and get there before it ends-I just don't like not being there when they examine her. I am always nervous that someone will railroad Jon because he doesn't speak up like I do. Hopefully they only send her home with ointment. That baby tick is so annoying to pull out. Luckily we got these needlepoint tweezers that I don't see anymore. if it was a broad tip tweezer we would never get it out. Those damn things!!!


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
I'm at my first doctor's visit since I moved. Time to start with the bloodwork and preventative tests. [emoji]128543[/emoji]

The good news is that it's next door to a Petsmart. Needless to say I am now waiting for a cab with a bag. [emoji]128570[/emoji]


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Good luck Margd!  I hope they don't bug you too much about tests and meds etc. I am nervous about this dentist appointment. The person who does the work is soft spoken n I can't hear well. I hope they don't hurt me too bad. And Honeybee going to the vets-she won't be happy.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jul 2, 2015
The old rule, if you can't afford to tip don't eat out.
Yeah, I waited tables for a couple months last year. I was surprised by who did and didn't tip. Often people who were like, "Wow you're such a great server!" and seemed well off would leave, like, a dollar tip on a hundred dollar bill. (Don't even get me started on the people who stiffed me.) Then there were the people on fixed incomes who carefully checked the price of every item and had a stack of coupons but left a HUGE tip. I always try to tip well just because I know how much it meant to me when someone left me a great tip. Not only was it nice, it made up for all the crappy tables tipping me less than ten percent (I was shocked to find out how common this was, and it wasn't even like I was a terrible server! Customers were constantly calling over my boss to say how great I was at my job, they just didn't want to pay me for it...)


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
Yeah, I waited tables for a couple months last year. I was surprised by who did and didn't tip. Often people who were like, "Wow you're such a great server!" and seemed well off would leave, like, a dollar tip on a hundred dollar bill. (Don't even get me started on the people who stiffed me.) Then there were the people on fixed incomes who carefully checked the price of every item and had a stack of coupons but left a HUGE tip. I always try to tip well just because I know how much it meant to me when someone left me a great tip. Not only was it nice, it made up for all the crappy tables tipping me less than ten percent (I was shocked to find out how common this was, and it wasn't even like I was a terrible server! Customers were constantly calling over my boss to say how great I was at my job, they just didn't want to pay me for it...)
I also hate it when people take a kitchen error out on the server. They assume that you put the order in wrong or grabbed the wrong thing or whatever. Mistakes happen- especially in a really busy kitchen. 

I always tip extra when I have a coupon. I figure that if I didn't have a coupon I would have spent X dollars with tip. If I add the difference to the tip, I still spend X dollars and the server will feel appreciated thus making someone else's dining experience better and hopefully the trend will continue...  hopefully.  

I also REALLY hate it when people from other countries come here and look down their nose and sniff about the whole tipping thing and then not do it because it is not done where THEY are from. I don't give a rat's bum how they do things where THEY are from. They expect their customs to be respected when we are in their world. So do we when they are in ours. 


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
I'm at my first doctor's visit since I moved. Time to start with the bloodwork and preventative tests. [emoji]128543[/emoji]

The good news is that it's next door to a Petsmart. Needless to say I am now waiting for a cab with a bag. [emoji]128570[/emoji]
Well that;s handy,  I'd be waiting with a bag, too!  I hate going into PetSmart, but only because it takes all of my willpower not to leave with 15 or so ratties,


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
Well that;s handy,  I'd be waiting with a bag, too!  I hate going into PetSmart, but only because it takes all of my willpower not to leave with 15 or so ratties,
My DD had to take a test last month that is supposed to help her get into grad school and get funding. It was in Fort Lauderdale and it was 4 hours long so I had time to kill. I ended up at the outlet mall. Out of all the stores I could have parked near, I ended up right in front of Petsmart. I wandered around but ended up going in and getting some treats and toys for the cats because mommy was "away on a trip". I think all petsmarts carry pretty much the same stuff. 
  Mommy's "trip away" was just for the day. We got home around 5 PM- just in time for their supper. 

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
My DD had to take a test last month that is supposed to help her get into grad school and get funding. It was in Fort Lauderdale and it was 4 hours long so I had time to kill. I ended up at the outlet mall. Out of all the stores I could have parked near, I ended up right in front of Petsmart. I wandered around but ended up going in and getting some treats and toys for the cats because mommy was "away on a trip". I think all petsmarts carry pretty much the same stuff. 
  Mommy's "trip away" was just for the day. We got home around 5 PM- just in time for their supper. 
I'm pretty sure mine go though the bags looking for their treats. What you went away and I got nothing ????
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