Let's Babble Our Way to Post #4,000,000 And Win Prizes Too!

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TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
The banana is a Yeowww toy
http://www.duckyworld.com/ I have the banana, the apple, and the lemon. Neither cat has any interest in catnip although Emma will lick the apple. I used to have a green fish, a catnip pillow, and a sardine years ago.


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
I agree with the pictures!! SO BEAUTIFUL!!! 
 Ok I am running out of patience. I want to eat supper as I am hungry but my lip and jaw won't cooperate! I dont remember novocaine bothering me this much before then again only had to do it three times before=all because the dentist didnt install the filling correct so then I had to get a root canal. twice. Come to find out they screwed up and the new dentist said I didnt need a root canal. $3000 later even with insurance. What a rip off! that was 2 roots then 2 crowns but not at the same time. this was a dentist highly recommended. I should have stayed with the one closer to the border of ma. They were really good. oh well.
I've had that problem with novocaine before - it is a very strange sensation to have your mouth refuse to follow orders.  I've never had novocaine still be active after three hours though.   Is the numbness going away yet?

I gave Paul and Chula their present - a cardboard scratcher insert.  They love these things and their old one was all scratched up.    I don't bother with the holder - just put the insert on the floor.  This time they didn't pull their usual running to the scratcher, sniffing it all over and then pulling out their claws to go to town on it.  No.  They sat on it.   First Paul climbed on and then Chula did.  I keep looking up to see one or the other sitting on it. It's a success...kind of.  

To everyone who has dealt with rude customers or who is dealing with them now - 
   I used to work on the front end of a grocery store, which involved taking back a lot of returns.  One time this guy came in with a bag full of burned out lightbulbs who wanted to exchange them for new ones. They were even darkened on top so it was clear they had been used but he maintained they were defective and had never worked in the first place.  I politely told him I wasn't an idiot and to go try his scam somewhere else.  He made a huge stink and the manager ended up giving in.  
  Three days later a message came around telling us that the next time someone pulled this, to tell them it was against company policy to take back burned out light bulbs.  

My favorite was the sweet old lady who brought her cooked and stuffed turkey in the day after Thanksgiving, saying it was too dry.  My manager practically shoved the money into her hands and made off with the turkey into the office.  There we all spent the rest of the day eating it.  And may I say that was one of the best turkey's I'd ever eaten.  
   She was a truly excellent cook. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
yes it finally wore off at 830. I would be stuffing my face with turkey too! Honeybee allowed the harness to be slipped over her head. she took her puffs with it around her neck. She growled when I pulled it off-it goes over the head-I kept pushing gently on her head to show her I am lifting it off her head-she usually pulls claws backwards into it and whips it off her head. She growled but was ok. I tried to distract her with her blankie. She purred..then growled..such a crabby and loving cat at the same time. Maybe if I do this every day she will get used to it. I just want to have her in a harness on our trip so we can go to the beach. she loves walking around. but I would feel better if I had full control of her.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
I totally understand
See my previous whines / rants about my work situation.

I am totally looking forward to the 6 week de-stress / meditation workshop that starts next week at work
I met with one of the people who is running it. I was talking to my mentor about how to get involved with planning and organizing company events and she put me in touch with some people. So I met with the person for half an hour to get more info about the workshop and how to get inovled with other parts of the employee resource groups. Apparently the company has a meditation room in the new building. I had no idea that it existed. Our meeting ended up going there. It has mood lighting and comfy very modern abstract furniture to sit on. Normally my anxiety is pretty bad when I meet new people but I was so at ease with this person. We bounced around ideas about the workshop and she was totally into my suggestion of having a coloring session during our upcoming meeting free week
Coloring is awesome. Our local library does a coloring event once a month for adults. (Most of the people who go to it are going for the fine motor therapy coloring provides--and the gossip, of course.) 

I've had that problem with novocaine before - it is a very strange sensation to have your mouth refuse to follow orders.  I've never had novocaine still be active after three hours though.   Is the numbness going away yet?

I gave Paul and Chula their present - a cardboard scratcher insert.  They love these things and their old one was all scratched up.    I don't bother with the holder - just put the insert on the floor.  This time they didn't pull their usual running to the scratcher, sniffing it all over and then pulling out their claws to go to town on it.  No.  They sat on it.   First Paul climbed on and then Chula did.  I keep looking up to see one or the other sitting on it. It's a success...kind of.  

To everyone who has dealt with rude customers or who is dealing with them now - 
   I used to work on the front end of a grocery store, which involved taking back a lot of returns.  One time this guy came in with a bag full of burned out lightbulbs who wanted to exchange them for new ones. They were even darkened on top so it was clear they had been used but he maintained they were defective and had never worked in the first place.  I politely told him I wasn't an idiot and to go try his scam somewhere else.  He made a huge stink and the manager ended up giving in.  
  Three days later a message came around telling us that the next time someone pulled this, to tell them it was against company policy to take back burned out light bulbs.  

My favorite was the sweet old lady who brought her cooked and stuffed turkey in the day after Thanksgiving, saying it was too dry.  My manager practically shoved the money into her hands and made off with the turkey into the office.  There we all spent the rest of the day eating it.  And may I say that was one of the best turkey's I'd ever eaten.  
   She was a truly excellent cook. 
At least you got some turkey!
 (Luckily, we don't sell lightbulbs where we work.)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
I don't have anything to add either. This morning Pumpkin face was scratching and tonight going to put Revolution on her. I didn't have time as I usually hold them for 15-30 min so they wont try to lick it. I also noticed her color was a bit off. I also noticed she is going potty just fine. With the miralax she goes every other day and last night everyone went so I know she is eating if there is poo.  She ate her breakfast and told Jon to bring her in around 10 when the heat gets hotter and keep her in. We have appointments next week for the rest of the cats annual appointments. I will bring pumps on Tuesday instead of Floey. And get some bloods done.

I am hoping it's just the heat. She is my closet eater and doesn't like anyone watching her eat but she usually snacks on her tuna every morning. This morning she ate all the juice and half of the meat-I know tuna is bad=I have been trying to get this cat to eat for weeks of healthier food. She will starve herself. So she eats kibble, treats and mice/moles. I also will get her wormed if they think it is necessary. The revolution usually takes care of this. Pumps let me look in her mouth this morning and it looks pale pink but nothing alarming. She was never bright red in her mouth anyways and she always had normal blood work. So hopefully it's just the heat. I really want to move further north. I don't like this 95 degree crap.

And always worrying about them. We tried to get her to eat freeze dried treats and she gave me a look like what's this crap?!! She eats temptations treats and nothing else. The other cats will eat whatever is in my hand. This cat has been the reason we are still on kibble. The other two don't mind wet food. GRRRR!!
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kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
I don't have anything to add either. This morning Pumpkin face was scratching and tonight going to put Revolution on her. I didn't have time as I usually hold them for 15-30 min so they wont try to lick it. I also noticed her color was a bit off. She ate her breakfast and told Jon to bring her in around 10 when the heat gets hotter and keep her in. We have appointments next week for the rest of the cats annual appointments. I will bring pumps on Tuesday instead of Floey. And get some bloods done. I am hoping it's just the heat. She is my closet eater and doesn't like anyone watching her eat but she usually snacks on her tuna every morning. This morning she ate all the juice and half of the meat-I know tuna is bad=I have been trying to get this cat to eat for weeks of healthier food. She will starve herself. So she eats kibble, treats and mice/moles. I also will get her wormed if they think it is necessary. The revolution usually takes care of this. Pumps let me look in her mouth this morning and it looks pale pink but nothing alarming. She was never bright red in her mouth anyways and she always had normal blood work. So hopefully it's just the heat. I really want to move further north. I don't like this 95 degree crap.
I had to add Frontline to the topical the vet prescribed for heartworms, worms and fleas, ear mites. I read a lot of complaints and comments that some of these products are becoming less effective.  Do you check capillary refill on your cats gums. I think less than 2 seconds is good for cats.

We worry and worry and worry. If all Pumps will eat is tuna she's still eating. It's far from ideal but still worlds better than not eating at all.  Sounds like she hunts too. Even with the AC on all day now the cats are lethargic. during the day.

I have some fence down along the road. I have no idea how that happened. It's supposed to last until fall when we plan on re fencing to keep stray animals out rather than livestock in. I'm going to go to the hardware story and get some extra long zip ties and just do a cheater repair.

I had an very unsettling thing happen a several weeks ago. I noticed the cats staring out the window but figured it was an animal or stray cat/dog. Turns out it was some woman down the road, or so she said, looking for her dog. She had prowled around on my property and one of her comments made me think later she'd been looking in my windows. We also want a more secure fence to keep someone from doing this easily again. For all her claim of looking for her dog I never heard anyone calling out for the alleged dog.  Which brings to mind the question. If this were a man I would have called 911 when they were on my doorstep but because it was a small middle aged woman I just pretty much told her to scoot her rear end off my property.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
I will definitely check CR tonight when I get home. I noticed first that her paw pads were not bright pink like usual. She also sits outside even if its 100 degrees. Jon and I don't agree on things when it comes to cat health. he says they are fine. I said maybe but why chance it? She slept next to Jon for the first part of the night. This morning she wanted to eat in the master bathroom so that's where I checked her color. That room has a skylight and plenty of light to see. That's the room I use to pull ticks off-the brightest lights either at night or during the day. As old as Floey is she is much more active than Pumps, she has bad arthritis and we are trying to get her to loose weight to put less strain on her joints but even without eating as much she is still a hefty 12.5 lbs. We probably should do some xrays to make sure no fluid in her chest but she isn't breathing hard or fast.


View media item 361226
View media item 361227
Jon sent this to me 2 years ago. I had to wash the carpet because of this brat cat.

View media item 361228
Jon saved this chipmunk from Bee Kitty. He said it ran down the pole here and jumped onto the side of the house and slid down then ran off. He got it away from Honeybee because she was teasing it. He tries to save the animals but then lets honeybee set it free in the house. Sometimes Floey will finish it off or Honeybee gives it to pumps.
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TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
The local library here has adult coloring sessions, too

Emma goes to the vet in a few hours. I updated my Uber app because it wouldn't work on the old version and now the whole app doesn't work at all
It either won't open or it will open but I can't get past the first screen which isn't even the log in page. I've looked at the Google reviews and others are having similar issues with the new version of Uber on their Android phones. The only thing I can find about the issue on the Uber site is that they are aware of issues with the newest version of the app for Android and are working on it. I had to set up an account with Uber's rival, Lyft. I've never used Lyft before but it's supposed to be no different than Uber. As a backup there's always regular taxi service but it's more expensive than Uber or Lyft.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Well, I bit the bullet and called the Internal Medicine Vet about Artie. I am waiting for a return call.

Artie just saw her on 6/28. She noticed he lost weight. By my scale he has been the same. I weighed him yesterday and he lost weight. He has also has decreased the amount of food he is eating. He is vomiting a bit also. It is foamy, clear stuff. Last night I watched him the entire time he tried eating.He wants to eat, but he tries, I saw him burp while doing so, and had the dry heaves after. He is now down to 1 can or 1 and 1/4 can a day. He was up to 2 1/4 - 3 cans a day. sigh

He is also sleeping a lot, and does not want to be bothered. He is also vomiting his cisapride and the steroid also. 

He is a bit listless also.

I am thinking he is very nauseous, has a flare of is IBD going on. All of his last blood work came out normal. 


He is now not eating anything during the day, until late afternoon. Then he will eat only 1/4 can, if I am lucky. He ate 1 can during the night. 

This is how he was acting a year ago, when he was diagnosed with the IBD...

At first I thought it was because of the fireworks, but there has not been any for a while. He is also a nervous cat. 

sorry, I am just getting anxious for him.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Good luck at the Vets little Emma!

I have not used uber or any site. Is it safe? We had some woman In boston MA the other week get attacked by a blankhole. I always worry about someone getting hurt. Please be careful. I think it's great to find something cheaper than taxis. Heck I could make money on the way to work and home. Maybe I will install the 3rd row seat in my truck and utilize this. I am sure there are people looking for cheaper ways to get around. I just worry about someone trying to rob me. Maybe that makes me a nitwit I don't know. For the most part most people are good people around here. That's something I need to look into if I ever get unemployed. I enjoy driving and always wanted to drive for a living.

Ok I am trying to get updated on Uber-they really ask for lots of info. This will be interesting. Says you have to have a vehicle 2004 or newer and 4 door. I have to upload insurance stuff. Good thing I have that nearby-just did my yearly insurance. Such a pain the month of July is for me. All big bills due- car insurance, taxes and other expenses. At least its done for a year and I won't have to worry about it!
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kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
Well, I bit the bullet and called the Internal Medicine Vet about Artie. I am waiting for a return call.

Artie just saw her on 6/28. She noticed he lost weight. By my scale he has been the same. I weighed him yesterday and he lost weight. He has also has decreased the amount of food he is eating. He is vomiting a bit also. It is foamy, clear stuff. Last night I watched him the entire time he tried eating.He wants to eat, but he tries, I saw him burp while doing so, and had the dry heaves after. He is now down to 1 can or 1 and 1/4 can a day. He was up to 2 1/4 - 3 cans a day. sigh

He is also sleeping a lot, and does not want to be bothered. He is also vomiting his cisapride and the steroid also. 

He is a bit listless also.

I am thinking he is very nauseous, has a flare of is IBD going on. All of his last blood work came out normal. 


He is now not eating anything during the day, until late afternoon. Then he will eat only 1/4 can, if I am lucky. He ate 1 can during the night. 

This is how he was acting a year ago, when he was diagnosed with the IBD...

At first I thought it was because of the fireworks, but there has not been any for a while. He is also a nervous cat. 

sorry, I am just getting anxious for him.
It sounds like you made the right call on your choice of vets. It's possible the fireworks set off an episode ? Keep us posted.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
@LTS3    Good luck with Emma at the Vet's

Do you use Uber to get into Boston? Is that where you are taking her? 

I was wondering how it worked and how the prices were. 

I thought about using it last year when I had the dermatology surgery, but I was able to get a ride from my cousin. 

Later, I discovered that I know an Uber driver, and he would have driven me to the doctors and back. 

@foxxycat   A friend of mine, who is a 'snowbird'....(lives in Florida during the cold weather) always uses Uber to drive her to the airport. I think Uber is taking a lot of security measures because of what has happened. 

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
I have considered Uber  for when I just want to go shopping at the mall in Alb. Quick check we don't have Uber. There is a park and ride but I'm not sure where the buses go. I keep wanting to take the train to Santa Fe.


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
Yes, Emma is going to Angell. Angell just opened a location closer to me but the vet I use is only at the Boston one. Most of the vet services are at the Boston one. The Waltham one has limited services plus 24/7 emergency.

I have used Uber in the past to bring the cats to the vet and back and to go places where I need to go. Never had a problem with the service at all. It seems like most of the negative issues happen late at night / really early morning. I know in a few cases people got into random cars without double checking if the car and driver matches what is given in the app. The app is easy to use. You just put in your location and where you are going and get a fare estimate. When you accept the estimate, a Uber driver will be notified and you get that driver's info (name, picture, car description, license plate) and an ETA. Then you just get into the car and go. Payment is done through the app. It's a little less than $30 one way to go to the vet vs $40 one way by regular taxi. Lyft and Uber don't really have a pet policy, only to be courteous and call the driver after booking a ride to make sure the driver is ok with a pet in the car or not.

I could go the cheap but time consuming way to the vet by using public transportation but it's 3 busses of major stress for Emma. Leroy woudn't care and would just talk the entire way like he did on the flight from California as a kitten
Sometimes I can get a ride from Mom. She had an appointment today (doctor or something) and offered to cancel it but I tod her not since she's getting up there in years and health is important.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Artiemom=I didn't see your post-I hope all is well. has the vet suggested Pepcid, Cerenia or Zofran for vomiting? We did use Pepcid for floey when she was getting the pukes. It seems to help but it only works for 12 hours. I wonder if a tooth is bothering him the poor baby, sending you healing vibes!
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