Newborn kitten of 8 days old having pimples on head?


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 12, 2015
Is it normal for around 8 days old newborn kitten to have bumps looking like red pimple filled with pus on her head? i found 3 so far

what could it be?

shes otherwise energetic and loud, eating so much,sleeping normal... so basically shes a strong kitten since when we found her

heres photo of it. she has 3 of them on top of head and at sides, maybe we didnt notice them before and she had them since she came,but in case she didnt should we be worried and take her to vet?



TCS Member
Adult Cat
Feb 28, 2015
Do they cause her any pain? Is the only kitten you have? It could be just a pimple but if you can afford to have her checked then it will ease your mind. You might observe the spots and see if they get bigger if you want to wait on the Vet. Have you tried any home remedies?
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  • #3


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 12, 2015
yes, its the only kitten we have as we found he on street. she was about 2 days old. I dont think they cause her pain, when i touch there she doesnt move away or meow. But shes a loud kitten shes meowing so much when stuff isnt her way, like every time we make her pee and poop shes kicking and pulling from hands and meowing loud. Her anus area is so sensitive too and a few times now she got constipated, but i think it hurts her more now as shes more loud when we stimulate there.

anyway, back to topic. yes i looked around and other people have said its pimples. here's photo again because somehow its not showing anymore in my post

I havent tried any home remedies as we are a bit scared to be honest to try anything on her to not hurt her. So I read i could use antibacterial soap but whats other natural remedies we can use on so young kitten without causing her any harm?

are this pimples dangerous tho or will they fade like they do in humans?


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Feb 28, 2015
Triple antobiotic oitment can be used use it sparingly and dont let the kitten lick it off. I would observe the pimple as you would on yourself and if it becomes red and causes paint then I would make sure I had it checked out. The constipation probably is because of not being simulated and her bowels not moving. make sure you feed with the feet down and the head up like the kitten would normally eat from the mommy. make sure the bed is warm and she does not get cold as she will have trouble regulating her body temp right now. check her weight and track her gains. Let me know if there is anything else


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
yes, its the only kitten we have as we found he on street. she was about 2 days old. I dont think they cause her pain, when i touch there she doesnt move away or meow. But shes a loud kitten shes meowing so much when stuff isnt her way, like every time we make her pee and poop shes kicking and pulling from hands and meowing loud. Her anus area is so sensitive too and a few times now she got constipated, but i think it hurts her more now as shes more loud when we stimulate there.

anyway, back to topic. yes i looked around and other people have said its pimples. here's photo again because somehow its not showing anymore in my post

I havent tried any home remedies as we are a bit scared to be honest to try anything on her to not hurt her. So I read i could use antibacterial soap but whats other natural remedies we can use on so young kitten without causing her any harm?

are this pimples dangerous tho or will they fade like they do in humans?
I dont know much about such pimples but you got good advices by KsTonya.  Such pimples on newborns arent the common!

But constipation and problems with elimanation there are tricks against.

Some deydration may cause constipation, or make it more severe.  Be sure she gets enough fluids, perhaps a couple of drops between feedings.

In severe cases, you can give her a couple of drops of cold pressed canola/rapeseed oil, or virgin olive oil, with her usual kmr.

Re stimulating, there is a nice trick using warm running water.

You let the warm water be running, about 40 C or 103F, ie it will be lukewarm to the kitten.

You hold the kitten in your left hand, back down, head to you, rear end out.  In under the water, let it run several seconds so the kitten feels it nice and good and relaxing in itself.  And with forefinger of your right hand you tap cautiously and yet good, on her private parts.   It feels like moms tongue washing...

Works nicely.    AND no problems with sore private parts because of extensive stimulating.

Of course, be sure there is no draught, there is nicely warm, you dry off the kitten carefully, and let her down on her bed, with a heating pad...    You dont want any risk she gets chilled.

Similiar routine if you by any reason want to give her a bath over the whole body - for example, if she gots much flea infested or got very soiled by a diarrhea.
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  • #6


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 12, 2015
@kstonya she has 3 of these on her head and i foubd one tiny bear ribs. I dobt get it how and why she would get them? We will buy antibacterial soap today and try to fin epsom salt to mix with water to use on it. Google websites say it helps to make them go, but what other home remedies can we use before taking her to vet?

We stimulate her always after she eats. But when should we stimulate? We hsed to do it like 30 min after formula but now we do like before next feeding every 3hrs. Her belly is so big and puffy and she didnt poop yet today. Shes pooping herswlf a bit in her nest since she was about 5 days old too. So when is good time to stimulate? Because after feeding shes so sleepy And purring.

Let me note shes vocal so much. Wheb you take her in hands to stimulate shes kicking and panting and meowing so loud. Shes crawling too since her day 3. Even we had to look her so much because shes crawling so fast. is it normal shes vocal so muvh and has so much energy since shes so young?

Pimples look same today. Last nigt i used some soap and water there but its all same.
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  • #7


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Young Cat
May 12, 2015
@stefanZ about constipation. So far i read everywhere you can add 2 drops of vegetable oil in formula. But are you sure about virgin olive oil? i didnt read it anywhere yet so im cautious like that to not harm her in any way.

About showerig her im reading usually these kittens shouldnt be showered till 8 weeks of age. So i worry and im a bit skeptic to bathe her?


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
@stefanZ about constipation. So far i read everywhere you can add 2 drops of vegetable oil in formula. But are you sure about virgin olive oil? i didnt read it anywhere yet so im cautious like that to not harm her in any way.

About showerig her im reading usually these kittens shouldnt be showered till 8 weeks of age. So i worry and im a bit skeptic to bathe her?
Olive oil IS vegetable oil, and one of the best and mildest of them all.   Coldpressed canold / rapeseed is the other one, healthy both of them too...

This with using the running water.  True, you must be verry cautious so they dont get chilled out, that is why Im so clear about it. But with enough of wise precautions, it goes fine.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Feb 28, 2015
You should be simulating soon after eating waiting 3 hours is a little long. The pain in her bowel might be some of her reason for crying. StefanZ is very knowledgeable about kittens so you can trust what she says. Have you tried dewormer as almost every kitten born in the wild has worms. Please listen to StefanZ. You might try making sure she has some thing that will loosen her up. The oil and KMR should help loosen the bowel. Remember everything you put in has to come out that is why we stimulate the bowels.
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  • #10


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 12, 2015
@StefanZ we added 2 drops of virgin olive oil a d her constipation seems to be fine now, but should we leave that in formula always as it takes a day or tw and shes back to pooping hard. You can see shes in pain because she meows so loud and shes panting in hands. There was blood even from her rectum from so much pushing, We are putting vaseline now, but does vasline help to heal it? as it still seems so sensitive We thought we'd rader put some hand cream there because its looking like its cracked a bit from all this pushing. Tho we dont know if its safe to use? its why we are staying with vaseline

Otherwise Its all fine, this pimples are drying up. We used antibacterial soap 2 times only.

meanwhile she opened her eyes fully =)

however she's a milk beast. Whenever we wake her to make her pee and poop she's meowing and kicking in hands. I think it's normal for newborn? she has so much energy and after we put her back usually an hour or two after meal she demands more milk by meowing and climbing fences of transporter and pushing her head through holes. Like she's going crazy if you dont take her and give her milk. Should we? She won't sleep and be calm until she gets it

@kstonyashes always crying and panting in hands since her second day. So i dont think she has any bowel pain, but shes just like that?

when she wakes tho, this is also from when we got her, shes always smelling and making this sound like mph mph mph while smelling and crawling around. i dont know to explain, its like coming from her nose but shes always been like that and we thought if shed have and URI she would also not be healthy and energetic right. She's gaining weight good daily shes at 192grams now at 8th day of being with is. She's 10 days old today.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Feb 28, 2015
Being the kitten is 10 days old the every 2 hours feeding can be lengthened just like a newborn as they get older they don't need to eat so often. When the kitten wakes up and starts smelling and crawling around is because they are looking for food, when they wake up its feeding time. Then the bowels need stimulated. when you see the kitten pooping and you have not stimilated then they are getting the idea and thier body has figured out the system to clear the bowels.I would continue the olive oil as StefanZ suggest to keep the bowel from getting hard.


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
@StefanZ we added 2 drops of virgin olive oil a d her constipation seems to be fine now, but should we leave that in formula always as it takes a day or tw and shes back to pooping hard. You can see shes in pain because she meows so loud and shes panting in hands. There was blood even from her rectum from so much pushing, We are putting vaseline now, but does vasline help to heal it? as it still seems so sensitive We thought we'd rader put some hand cream there because its looking like its cracked a bit from all this pushing. Tho we dont know if its safe to use? its why we are staying with vaseline

Otherwise Its all fine, this pimples are drying up. We used antibacterial soap 2 times only.

meanwhile she opened her eyes fully =)

however she's a milk beast. Whenever we wake her to make her pee and poop she's meowing and kicking in hands. I think it's normal for newborn? she has so much energy and after we put her back usually an hour or two after meal she demands more milk by meowing and climbing fences of transporter and pushing her head through holes. Like she's going crazy if you dont take her and give her milk. Should we? She won't sleep and be calm until she gets it

@kstonyashes always crying and panting in hands since her second day. So i dont think she has any bowel pain, but shes just like that?

when she wakes tho, this is also from when we got her, shes always smelling and making this sound like mph mph mph while smelling and crawling around. i dont know to explain, its like coming from her nose but shes always been like that and we thought if shed have and URI she would also not be healthy and energetic right. She's gaining weight good daily shes at 192grams now at 8th day of being with is. She's 10 days old today.
If virgin olive oil helps, and she continues to have probs with constipation, so  proceed with it.  As said, one of the beautys with using coldpressed virgin oil or  coldpressed canold?/rapeseed oil is they are non dangerous, even healthy, good nourishment by themselves.  Also a good source of vitamine E if needed.   :)

With vaseline  I suppose you put in from outside, on the rectum?  Liquid vaseline is mentioned sometimes as such a minerale oil, even more potent than these vegetable oils mentioned.

But some experienced forumists are reluctant...  Anyways, put on from outside is surely OK.

We in Sweden use liquid paraffine foodgrade, if we wants to have some hefty gears... So I myself dont have any experience on vaseline, and I dont know if it the same, or a problem with translation.

But so much constipations sounds a little peculiar...   I dont remember your thread exactly, I suppose you use some good KMR, and shouldnt have this problem.

Did I mentioned raw goat milk?  Common shops dont carry it, but some forumites told me in the last days, the shops of Natural Food groceries, often do carry it, several different chains...

Of them forumites who tried goat milk, very few complain on constipation.  And raw goat milk is even better.

Next tip, is you use some nice  probiotic.   I have three to suggest, who are accessible in the USA:   BeneBac, S Belouardii, and Fortiflora.

So these are my tips.  Cant hurt, may help.
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  • #13


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 12, 2015
well she sleeps and doesnt wake until 3 hours have passed after feeding or if u get close to her she senses you sometimes and wakes. But after we feed her we put her in her nest and try to make her eliminate in a few minutes after or an hour after, but as I said, if we wake her she wont sleep and she'll want milk. so making her eliminate 3hrs later is late i know, but how to avoid this for having to feed her extra on her demand always throwing tantrums?

she already pooped on 5th day herself sometimes when she didnt poop at stimulating later she did herself in her nest and we had to clean, but i think we still have to stimulate till like 4th week?

and yes, we thought to continue oil as its going okay as fasr as her bowels are concerned now
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  • #14


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 12, 2015

Thank you for all these. Well when I say constipation I mean her stools are a bit hardish and she takes longer to eliminate and shes meowing loud so im thinking it hurts, thats why we needed to add this oil which helped today.

yes, we are putting vaseline on the rectum outside, not inside.

We reside in Turkey, so we use local KMR. But I think with oil added there shouldnt be hard stools anymore. Goat milk isnt a problem to get here and if problem persists well consider switching to it.

Probiotic that you suggested are for constipation? But as I said it's not severe like she's not going for a day, just hard. And again, since we are from Turkey, we would need to search similar products, but then again we dont want to feed her with any extra pills or stuff that isnt too natural for her
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Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
The trick is to stimulate almost immediately after feeding and burping, before she falls asleep.  Not one hour after...


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
Nay, probiotics arent in first hand against constipation, sooner against diarrheas.  But they help to have a healthy bacteria flora in the bowels, so - hopefully, it will help against constipation, at least, in the long run.


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
A basic but not bad at all probiotic is turkish youghurt!   Its mild, unflavored, full fat...  A type example of good youghurt.

If you do have some brand with added Acidophilus and Bifidus bacteria, its even better, but Turkish youghurt is often mentioned as a good yougurt for cats.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Feb 28, 2015
Are you putting the oil on the food so the kitty eats some with the food or just on the outside to make him poop? You can feed a little of the oil on the food and that will help the food and digestion also.
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  • #19


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Young Cat
May 12, 2015
Stefan we put her back in her nest as soon as she eats as i said shes restless in hands and meowing, so usually she falls asleep on her teddy bear soon after. Maybe we should take her like 20min afte feeding? In this time she usually doesnt want to demand for more milk
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  • #20


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 12, 2015
@kstonya we put drops in the formula as she doesnt eat solid food yet. Tho I saw some people try making these kittens eat baby kitten food moistened with formula, but i think its too early to start with that her being 10 days only, right?

@stefanZ so you mean we'd give her yoghurt to eat like just sometimes to maintain good bacteria flora? but as she only drinks kmr on bottle now I dn't see how we could do it? =)