Should I Still Be Hoping My Missing Cat Will Come Home?

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  • #61


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Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
Norachan, thank you so much for your encouragement and support. I just love George too. stunning guy. Boots is Stranger Danger smart, car savvy, (I have literally watched him cross the road looking both ways before going to the other side). He won't go near where any dogs live. so I'm hoping his 9 years of survival skills brings him home safe. and immediately! He hates cold & rain, and we've had storms and cold at nite. I'm confused why he's not come home yet. :-(
Hi Seahorse,

That's the good thing about cats that go outside, isn't it? They know that roads and strangers are dangerous and they know the houses where they have dogs, so they avoid them. George loved to be inside on cold nights too. Maybe now that the winter is coming and there are less mice and birds around both of our boys will decide to head home.

I hope you see Boots soon.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
George is beautiful. I love tabbies and mixed with that oh so white fur makes him even more beautiful.
Where in the S.W did you live and what do you do ib Japan.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Aug 6, 2013
Just checking in to see if George is home yet. I'm still praying for him. All my bunch are doing great. I went to Pigeon Forge today. There's a place called the "Cathouse" up there. They have strays they feed and they sell all kinds of cat related stuff. I bought a t-shirt that says "One Cat Short Of A Crazy Lady". That's me! With seven of them I may have already crossed that line! I always go in there when I'm up that way. I thought about you when I was there. They had a cat that looked like George. I petted him, along with all the others. Hang in there. I'm waiting on the post that says "George is home"!


TCS Member
Young Cat
Oct 19, 2013
Hubby had a kitty before we were married named Clancy.  After we married and moved to our new home about a three miles away from his Moms house where he raised Clancy, we brought Clancy with us.  Clancy was an outside kitty.  We tried to keep him indoors and he refused just bursting through the door every time it was opened.  Next thing we knew hubbys Mom was calling us saying "guess who's back".  Evidently, Clancy had found his way back to the old house in just couple days.   So we went and brought him back home again, only to have him to the same thing over and over again.  Finally, we just left him at his Moms house.  The strange thing is that we didn't know how he found his way back home over three miles away and multiple times!

Then there was Kirby whom we nick names the hitch-hiker.  He was always crawling into people's cars, the mail truck, the gas mans truck and they were always bringing him back to us.  One time he crawled into the neighbors car and she couldn't get him out...LOL  We couldn't keep Kirby in the house either.  I was always worried that Kirby was going to crawl into the wrong car and disappear and I guess he did because he just disappeared and never came again.  My guess is that someone kept him prisoner in their house and he couldn't get back home.  

Although I posted his picture everywhere and called every shelter for miles around...I never found Kirby.  I always hoped that he was okay, but one never knows.  My cats don't go outside anymore accept for a couple that stay close and come in at night.

By best guess is that your kitty just might show up one day and then he may not.  I hope he does for your sake, but we never know with things like this.  Cats are amazing and can find their way home if they haven't been captured or taken in by someone else who won't let them out again.  Let's just hope he does find his way home again.
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  • #65


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Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
Hi Stewball,

Sorry for the late reply, I've been busy.

I used to live near Bristol, do you know it? It's not really that famous. I'm still teaching English (and cat herding) in Japan, but under much better terms now as I'm self employed. How about you, what are you doing in Tel Aviv? Are you originally from Israel?

Hi Roxie,

No, he's still not home. I haven't had any calls or new leads for a couple of weeks. I keep going round and replacing my posters, they're in a five mile radius from my house now, but it's typhoon season and they keep getting blown down.

I've got a house full of kittens at the moment. I've started bringing in 8 of this years kittens at night as the weather is getting colder. They're all litter trained, have been treated for worms, fleas and ear mites and are super friendly. I'm hoping we can find homes for some of them.

The Cat House sounds great. I wish there were more shelters like that in Japan. With ten forever cats and eight foster kittens I'm definitely a Crazy Lady now.

How did Munchkins and Bubba get on at the vet? Is Munchkins still losing fur?

Hi Terianne,

I've heard lots of stories about cats coming homes months or years after they first went missing too. I'm still hoping George will show up one day. It's such a shame that Kirby never came home, he sounds like a really adventurous guy. Cat's have an amazing sense of direction, don't they? Clancy made it clear that he didn't want to move house. 

 I could never keep George inside either. He clawed his way through a set of Japanese Shouji (Wood and paper) doors and a wire bug screen to get out one time. I think he's probably doing exactly as he please somewhere, possibly with a tame human to feed him and give him a warm place to sleep. I guess he'll come back when he's good and ready.



TCS Member
Oct 21, 2013
To NoraChan,

I just read your blog, after searching online for hope about cats being able to return home.  George is a great looking cat, I'm sure you must have had such a strong bond with him since you rescued him from the edge of death and then raised him.

I recently lost my cat last Monday.  My wife and I have been so upset.  Recently a neighbor called and said he has seen a cat that looks exactly like mine.  I was overjoyed since I thought Mimi might have been taken by coyotes that live near here.  That day, I went over to his home to find Mimi, but couldn't.  So that afternoon, I took a shirt that I sweated in profusely, cut it into small pieces, and left a trail from his home to my home, (every 10 steps, I left a piece of my shirt), hoping she will catch the scent and come home.  I'm still waiting on Mimi's return.

Mimi was a special cat (everyone thinks that cat is special).  Mimi was a stray when I found her, and then one day she just followed me home and lived with us ever since.  I can actually take Mimi on a walk for up to 1.5 miles before she begins to complain.  Not many cats can go on a walk (no leash).

Anyhow, still waiting on Mimi Chan's return.

ところで、日本語が話せますか? 今、私は、日本語を勉強しているんですが。 出来るだけ、日本語を練習したいんです。今晩は。



TCS Member
Adult Cat
Aug 6, 2013
Munchkin has stopped losing fur for the time being. Bubba is doing great! Neutered now and healthy again. I managed to keep him in a Halloween costume long enough to get a picture.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Oct 19, 2013
Hi Stewball,

Sorry for the late reply, I've been busy.

I used to live near Bristol, do you know it? It's not really that famous. I'm still teaching English (and cat herding) in Japan, but under much better terms now as I'm self employed. How about you, what are you doing in Tel Aviv? Are you originally from Israel?

Hi Roxie,

No, he's still not home. I haven't had any calls or new leads for a couple of weeks. I keep going round and replacing my posters, they're in a five mile radius from my house now, but it's typhoon season and they keep getting blown down.

I've got a house full of kittens at the moment. I've started bringing in 8 of this years kittens at night as the weather is getting colder. They're all litter trained, have been treated for worms, fleas and ear mites and are super friendly. I'm hoping we can find homes for some of them.

The Cat House sounds great. I wish there were more shelters like that in Japan. With ten forever cats and eight foster kittens I'm definitely a Crazy Lady now.

How did Munchkins and Bubba get on at the vet? Is Munchkins still losing fur?

Hi Terianne,

I've heard lots of stories about cats coming homes months or years after they first went missing too. I'm still hoping George will show up one day. It's such a shame that Kirby never came home, he sounds like a really adventurous guy. Cat's have an amazing sense of direction, don't they? Clancy made it clear that he didn't want to move house. 

 I could never keep George inside either. He clawed his way through a set of Japanese Shouji (Wood and paper) doors and a wire bug screen to get out one time. I think he's probably doing exactly as he please somewhere, possibly with a tame human to feed him and give him a warm place to sleep. I guess he'll come back when he's good and ready.

LOL, Yeah, Kirby was a real character alright.  He's another one that refused to stay indoors because he'd come to us by my sister in law who couldn't keep him any longer.  When he wanted in a room where the door was closed, he'd jump up and grab the door knob and and bounce until he got the door opened.  I always hoped that whoever took him took good care of him, but Kirby always had a mind of his own...LOL

Clancy was another one it was impossible to keep him indoors.  We tried really hard, but evidently...he was happier back at the hubby's Moms house in the neighborhood he grew up in.  We left him there because he'd found his way back home so many times that we were afraid something bad might happen to him during his journey back to the old hood.  He finally got what he wanted and stayed at Moms the rest of his life. LOL

Sometimes there's only so much one can do.  Cats really are amazing and have a mind of their own.  LOL


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
Hi Stewball,

Sorry for the late reply, I've been busy.

I used to live near Bristol, do you know it? It's not really that famous. I'm still teaching English (and cat herding) in Japan, but under much better terms now as I'm self employed. How about you, what are you doing in Tel Aviv? Are you originally from Israel?

Hi Roxie,

No, he's still not home. I haven't had any calls or new leads for a couple of weeks. I keep going round and replacing my posters, they're in a five mile radius from my house now, but it's typhoon season and they keep getting blown down.

I've got a house full of kittens at the moment. I've started bringing in 8 of this years kittens at night as the weather is getting colder. They're all litter trained, have been treated for worms, fleas and ear mites and are super friendly. I'm hoping we can find homes for some of them.

The Cat House sounds great. I wish there were more shelters like that in Japan. With ten forever cats and eight foster kittens I'm definitely a Crazy Lady now.

How did Munchkins and Bubba get on at the vet? Is Munchkins still losing fur?

Hi Terianne,

I've heard lots of stories about cats coming homes months or years after they first went missing too. I'm still hoping George will show up one day. It's such a shame that Kirby never came home, he sounds like a really adventurous guy. Cat's have an amazing sense of direction, don't they? Clancy made it clear that he didn't want to move house. :lol3:

 I could never keep George inside either. He clawed his way through a set of Japanese Shouji (Wood and paper) doors and a wire bug screen to get out one time. I think he's probably doing exactly as he please somewhere, possibly with a tame human to feed him and give him a warm place to sleep. I guess he'll come back when he's good and ready.

Of course I've heard of Norwich. You have a football team there don't you?
I'm originally from North West London. Came here 45 years ago. I'll be 70 next year. I'm stupefied. I'm so old. Describe your house and everything around it and you.


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
Gosh, :shame:, just catching up here Norachan. STILL hoping and praying for George to COME HOME to you SOON. I am sure this is extremely unsettling for you and weighs down your heart a little each day. :sigh: Keep holding on to hope. :vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes:


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
So that afternoon, I took a shirt that I sweated in profusely, cut it into small pieces, and left a trail from his home to my home, (every 10 steps, I left a piece of my shirt), hoping she will catch the scent and come home. 

Andyfly - Mimi is so pretty and I am so sorry she has gone missing, too. :( I had to comment here on the shirt you "sweated profusely" in, cut up, and made a trail to home. :shocker: That was just brilliant and SO LOVING. :heart3: I do know about the sweaty shirt tip but have never heard of someone spreading out pieces of that shirt!!! Smart thing to try. Mega, mega, mega vibes for Mimi to "smell" her way home. :cross: :vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes:
Last edited:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
To NoraChan,

I just read your blog, after searching online for hope about cats being able to return home.  George is a great looking cat, I'm sure you must have had such a strong bond with him since you rescued him from the edge of death and then raised him.

I recently lost my cat last Monday.  My wife and I have been so upset.  Recently a neighbor called and said he has seen a cat that looks exactly like mine.  I was overjoyed since I thought Mimi might have been taken by coyotes that live near here.  That day, I went over to his home to find Mimi, but couldn't.  So that afternoon, I took a shirt that I sweated in profusely, cut it into small pieces, and left a trail from his home to my home, (every 10 steps, I left a piece of my shirt), hoping she will catch the scent and come home.  I'm still waiting on Mimi's return.

Mimi was a special cat (everyone thinks that cat is special).  Mimi was a stray when I found her, and then one day she just followed me home and lived with us ever since.  I can actually take Mimi on a walk for up to 1.5 miles before she begins to complain.  Not many cats can go on a walk (no leash).

Anyhow, still waiting on Mimi Chan's return.

ところで、日本語が話せますか? 今、私は、日本語を勉強しているんですが。 出来るだけ、日本語を練習したいんです。今晩は。

A real little poser. He's beautiful. Just look at his eyes.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
Of course I've heard of Norwich. You have a football team there don't you?
I'm originally from North West London. Came here 45 years ago. I'll be 70 next year. I'm stupefied. I'm so old. Describe your house and everything around it and you.
Did I say Norwich? I'm so sorry. It's my brain. It's not functioning as it used to and u forget things quickly.
Bristol. Of course I've heard of it. Never been there though.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
I'm sorry he's not home yet but don't give up hope.
My cats have just started their mad half hour. Oh well. Jolly good luck to them.
I've nothing to say today. Not very happy but that'll pass. Keep warm.
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  • #75


Thread starter
Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
ところで、日本語が話せますか? 今、私は、日本語を勉強しているんですが。 出来るだけ、日本語を練習したいんです。今晩は。


I really like your idea of cutting up you shirt and leaving a trail for Mimi to follow. I heard that if you take the bag out of your vacuum cleaner and sprinkle the dust around a cat can pick up the smell of their home and follow it. I've tried it a few times, but as I haven't had a single positive sighting of George the whole time he's been gone I wasn't really sure which direction to go in. I hope Mimi comes home soon, she's such a pretty girl.
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  • #76


Thread starter
Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
Did I say Norwich? I'm so sorry. It's my brain. It's not functioning as it used to and u forget things quickly.
Bristol. Of course I've heard of it. Never been there though.
 Well, I've never been to Norwich, but Bristol has two football teams. I'm not really a football fan though.

My cats had their crazy hour between 5 and 6 this morning. They think that's the best time to gallop up and down the hall way then DEMAND to be let out, even though it's raining. Then half an hour later they all come back, soaking wet, and try and get in bed with me. At least I never oversleep.
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  • #77


Thread starter
Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
Bubba looks great in his Halloween costume. I'm glad to hear that Munchkiins is getting better too.


TCS Member
Oct 25, 2013
Hi, just wanted to let you know that my cat returned today after being missing for just over 3 months. im more shocked because i live in a 3rd floor flat! He did go slightly mad when he returned early hours and smells like his been sleeping under cars but he is all well and good.
Im basically trying to say dont give up hope!! i will be keeping him in for a few weeks to get settled, i just hope he doesnt do a runner again :)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
:lol3:  Well, I've never been to Norwich, but Bristol has two football teams. I'm not really a football fan though.

My cats had their crazy hour between 5 and 6 this morning. They think that's the best time to gallop up and down the hall way then DEMAND to be let out, even though it's raining. Then half an hour later they all come back, soaking wet, and try and get in bed with me. At least I never oversleep.
It's amazing how their feet make so much noise. It sounds like a herd of ? racing along the plain.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
Hi, just wanted to let you know that my cat returned today after being missing for just over 3 months. im more shocked because i live in a 3rd floor flat! He did go slightly mad when he returned early hours and smells like his been sleeping under cars but he is all well and good.

Im basically trying to say dont give up hope!! i will be keeping him in for a few weeks to get settled, i just hope he doesnt do a runner again :)
Well. Many congratulations to you. How did he behave when he saw you?