Once again asking for vibes / prayers / good thoughts for my little Cindy


TCS Member
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Jan 16, 2006
North Carolina
Long story short, late last year Cindy began having problems, and through surgery in January was diagnosed with mast cell cancer.  Surgeon thought he got the entire tumor out, and she did really well on chemo.  She had her 6th and final chemo a couple months ago.  Friday before last she had her ultrasound, where they noticed a slight thickening of the colon, coupled with elevated levels of something in her blood that the oncologist associated with mast cell.  He thought she was probably out of remission, but wanted to get a biopsy to make sure it wasn't IBD or parasites.  When he spoke with the ultrasound technician, they told him the area was too small to get a needle aspirate.  So, we took her back Monday for needle aspirates of lymph node, liver, and spleen.  The lymph node was too small to get a sample (which the oncologist felt meant it likely was okay), and no cancer was found in her liver or her spleen.

The oncologist recommended we take her to see the internal medicine specialist at the hospital.  It's been a chore getting her to get back to us and get an appointment, but we finally have one for today (thanks to a cancellation).

Her symptoms, which have been escalating over the past month or so, are:

- Eating more than she used to and not gaining weight (actually losing a little)

- Drinking more than she used to (she used to dip her paw in the water and lick her paw; now she drinking normally and for a long time)

- Vocalizing more than she used to, usually begging for food

- Pooping more frequently, and they've become very soft

- Pooping outside the box occasionally (which I think is because the litter has been used.  Note: we have 5 litter boxes, 2 cats, and they're all cleaned at least twice a day.)

- Sometimes seems to be restless, especially in the evening.  She will sometimes go from place to place to place before finally settling down to sleep

- Other than that, she's active, friendly, sometimes playful, not hiding (except when she thinks a vet visit is coming).  She bathes, grooms, interact with Swanie, etc.

Because our initial visit with the internist wasn't scheduled until next Tuesday, yesterday we took her to our primary vet. She did a comprehensive blood test, urinalysis, and blood pressure to check for Thyroid, parasites, anything that might cause those symptoms.  I was actually disappointed it wasn't one of those, because I guess that means it likely is the cancer back.

Her blood test indicated elevated levels of:

Differential Neutropolis 11680 (normal range 2500-8500)

Eosinophilis 1920 (normal range 0-1000) (this is what the oncologist associated with mast cell)

Protein 1+ (normal range Neg)

Our oncologist is fantastic, top oncologist on the east coast or some such thing, and he has indicated to us that even if the cancer is back (which he believes to be the case), there are other treatments and it's not hopeless yet.  Cindy will most likely have to have a colonoscopy and possibly and endoscopy.  I hate the thought of that, but we have to know what we're dealing with.

I'm sorry this has gotten long, we are leaving in a half hour for our appointment and I know the wonder TCS vibes have done wonders in the past.  I'll check in with an update when we get back.
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TCS Member
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Jan 16, 2006
North Carolina
The internist was very very nice, and very informative.

It is a thickening in Cindy's small intestines (not her colon).  There are at least 4 things that could be causing it:

1. Her mast cell cancer has returned

2. She has small cell lymphoma

3. IBD

4. Allergies

She is scheduled for surgery tomorrow to get a biopsy of her intestines so we will know what we're dealing with.  Both the internist and the oncologist have indicated that any of those 4 are treatable.

I am going to be a nervous wreck tomorrow while she's having her surgery, and we both (and DH as well) appreciate the vibes.  We love her so much.


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
Best of luck to you tomorrow.   I am really hoping it is the least serious and easiest to treat.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Aug 12, 2013
Castle Shannon
I'm so sorry you, & especially Cindy, have to go through this right now. I know it's probably one of your biggest fears having to think of losing your Cindy, but just know that you are doing everything you can to help her. No matter what ends up happening, know that your the best owner she could have ever asked for. Hell, your giving her better doctor care than I even get! I truly pray that God gives her a break & it isent cancer again, but if it is, then she knows you will do everything in your power to keep her as healthy as possible. Good luck & definitly give an update...I promise I will pray for Cindy tonight. Keep your head up[emoji]128573[/emoji]
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TCS Member
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Jan 16, 2006
North Carolina
Thank you all so much 

I hate this, but when I look at how tiny she's gotten, I know we have no choice.  She's been around trying to get food middle of the night, this morning, I can't stand to look at her little face knowing she's hungry and I can't feed her.

We are going to be waiting at the hospital until the surgery is over and we can see her.  We will be basket cases anyway, and better to be up there than home.  Fortunately, it's a nice facility and lots of room to wait. And everyone up there is so nice. 
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  • #15


TCS Member
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Jan 16, 2006
North Carolina
Finally  home!  We took her over at 8:00, had to wait until 9:00 to talk to the doctor.  At that time, she said she had forgotten to mention that the might want to do an aspirate on a different lymph node.  They didn't even get to try that until around noon, and it was too small.  About 12:15 we talked to the surgeon, and about 3:00 someone came out and talked to us.  They said they didn't see anything obvious, took samples a lot of places to biopsy, and now we just have to wait for the results next week.

The surgery went well and this surgeon said that he couldn't even tell she had had surgery before, despite it being a major one.  Our first surgeon was totally awesome!  We saw her briefly, she is laying there shivering, breaks my heart to see her like that, but I feel pretty good about how things are going so far.  We'll leave here around 7:00 to see her again. No real idea when she'll be coming home.  I have to go to work tomorrow (I've taken the past two days off, but can't do another), but DH is going to go visit her in the afternoon if they don't release her, then we'll both go in the evening.

Thank you all for the vibes - helped get us all through it


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 11, 2013
If it helps you any, shivering is just one of those things that happens when recovering from anesthesia. ;)

Glad to hear she came through OK and keeping fingers crossed that she's fine!


TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
I'm so glad she did well and is recovering well! And that's great to hear that there was no evidence of her first surgery - a real confidence builder. :nod:

Yeah, I always hate seeing them in recovery. :(

More :hugs: and I hope she went home with you tonight. :heart2:

:vibes: :vibes: :vibes: for Cindy.


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
Very relieved it's gone well so far and hoping that she's well enough to come home with you when DH goes in today. 
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TCS Member
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Jan 16, 2006
North Carolina
She was doing really good when we saw her last night, and we had her purring.  They let us visit for around 30 minutes, and she pretty much purred the entire time (we took turns petting her and talking to her).  She actually got up at one point, stretched (arched her back) and yawned.  They said she must have been feeling pretty good if she could do that.

DH spoke with them about an hour ago and they said she was doing great and had even eaten a little bit of kibble!  They're planning on weaning her off the drip and if everything goes well, she can come home some time tomorrow

Poor Swanie misses her, he's been moping around. 