Feral cat bites

Boris Diamond

Cat Valet
Thread starter
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Today at the rescue, I was bitten multiple times by a feral cat. I went immediately to the doctor. I am on Amoxicillin TR-K CLV 875-125 MG tabs twice a day. The cat has been quarantined and will remain so for ten days to see if the cat has rabies. It had received a rabies vaccine the day before, but that is not enough time for the vaccine to take affect.

I have read several places that no human has caught rabies from a cat that has been quarantined for ten days and is still healthy (CDC and Wisconsin health website.) The state I live in requires the ten day quarantine, after which the cat will be seen by a vet to test for rabies. I certainly hope the cat is OK, as rabies is a death sentence. Also, I would rather not have to take the rabies shots.

Can anyone else think of anything that needs to be done?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
Hey! I am so sorry! If it is any consolation, my only problem with any bite or scratch EVER was from my own immunized and long time resident cats. Just watch for any red lines streaking away from the wounds. If that happens go straight in for more care. I’ve had tons of wounds but only twice had anything that needed attention. One time was simply because I was in the midst of a hurricane evacuation and could not get to help.
Since you work with cats, you might want to get an antibiotic cream to keep in your pocket. My doctor did that when he learned of my work with ferals. Keep the area clean and just keep an eye on it. I always pour alcohol straight into any wounds to clean them immediately. Keep us posted!
Healing vibes coming!:vibes:


Ms. Jeff's Legacy
Top Cat
Jul 2, 2019
I am sorry, the pressure they have in those jaws is no joke. I would do what jcatbird suggested, be diligent in keeping the wound clean. If it's any consolation, rabies in cats is extremely rare. I have been hospitalized twice for cat bites and both times stemmed from my own two pet cats.


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Good grief, man! I am soooooo sorry! But I know you, and I know you don't blame the cat. Poor terrified thing. Poor bitten you! Now, you've already been given my advice...keep it clean, and watch for red streaks, or spreading swelling. EITHER of those requires a trip to the ER, don't wait for an appointment. And KEEP US POSTED!
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Boris Diamond

Cat Valet
Thread starter
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Hey! I am so sorry! Just watch for any red lines streaking away from the wounds. If that happens go straight in for more care.
Since you work with cats, you might want to get an antibiotic cream to keep in your pocket. My doctor did that when he learned of my work with ferals. Keep the area clean and just keep an eye on it. I always pour alcohol straight into any wounds to clean them immediately. Keep us posted!
Healing vibes coming!:vibes:

Thanks for the advice! It's great to have such a wonderful resource as you great folks on TCS!

I am sorry, the pressure they have in those jaws is no joke.
It's amazing the strength in those little jaws! I did yell "Ow!" each time I was bitten. My theory is that if they know they have taught me a lesson, they may stop the bite! :p

~ The only study I know of found that taking garlic oil ( softgels ) enhanced the effectiveness of antibiotics. Good you got care quickly.
Best wishes to you ! :wave2:
Thanks! I'll give it a try! :thumbsup:

Oh dear, hoping all will be well for you and the cat. :vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes:
Appreciate the good vibes! I am optimistic.

Good grief, man! I am soooooo sorry! But I know you, and I know you don't blame the cat. Poor terrified thing. Poor bitten you! Now, you've already been given my advice...keep it clean, and watch for red streaks, or spreading swelling. EITHER of those requires a trip to the ER, don't wait for an appointment. And KEEP US POSTED!
I feel bad for the poor kitty. It was not a large cat, but man, she was feisty! I'm trying not to feel guilty. If she gets put down, it was because she had rabies, not because she bit me (and another person!) :(


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
Are you vaccinated against tetanus? It's recommended whenever you're working with animals to have a booster every ten years. Amoxicillin is the go-to antibiotic, i.e., the most effective, for cat bites, so you're good there. If you have redness or swelling that seems to be spreading, definitely go to the ER, where they'll probably immobilize any limbs that were bitten.

:vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes:your bites heal quickky!
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Boris Diamond

Cat Valet
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Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Are you vaccinated against tetanus?
I was not recently vaccinated against tetanus. The doctor I saw ordered a tetanus shot for me. I had the shot about an hour and a half after the bites. I was blessed that the doctor I saw at the small Urgent Care clinic had dealt with many animal bites - he considered himself something of an expert!


Seniors, Special Needs, Ferals, and Wildlife
Super Cat
Aug 4, 2014
I was bitten and very deeply scratched by a stray we trapped earlier this year. We had just had him vaccinated maybe a week or so before?

I have a very compromised immune system and it pretty immediately became evident that two of the tiny punctures became infected... it was super quick.

I went to the ER and had about the same treatment as you. They had me irrigate it for 5 minutes, then antibiotics and a tetanus booster.

I was a bit more in the clear with rabies than you, and I’ll have my fingers crossed for you and kitty both!

I think infection would be more likely however. And it’s much more likely if you were bitten on the hand, wrist, or foot (my two infected bites were on my hand and wrist).

If you have a bite in one of those areas, I would go to the doctor immediately if it begins to even feel like it might be infected - infections in those areas occur very deep and spread very rapidly. Like I said, I could tell within about an hour and it only took a few for my entire arm to become completely unusable due to severe pain and swelling, it progressed FAST.

But obviously keep an eye out for any signs of infection, period! Try not to think too much about the rabies aspect. The probability is extremely low, and you don’t need the added stress unnecessarily taxing your immune system right now!
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Boris Diamond

Cat Valet
Thread starter
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
I was bitten and very deeply scratched by a stray we trapped earlier this year. We had just had him vaccinated maybe a week or so before?

I have a very compromised immune system and it pretty immediately became evident that two of the tiny punctures became infected... it was super quick.

I went to the ER and had about the same treatment as you. They had me irrigate it for 5 minutes, then antibiotics and a tetanus booster.

I was a bit more in the clear with rabies than you, and I’ll have my fingers crossed for you and kitty both!

I think infection would be more likely however. And it’s much more likely if you were bitten on the hand, wrist, or foot (my two infected bites were on my hand and wrist).

If you have a bite in one of those areas, I would go to the doctor immediately if it begins to even feel like it might be infected - infections in those areas occur very deep and spread very rapidly. Like I said, I could tell within about an hour and it only took a few for my entire arm to become completely unusable due to severe pain and swelling, it progressed FAST.

But obviously keep an eye out for any signs of infection, period! Try not to think too much about the rabies aspect. The probability is extremely low, and you don’t need the added stress unnecessarily taxing your immune system right now!
It is good to hear other people's experience! The bites were on my hand and fingers. I am watching it closely, keeping it clean, taking antibiotics and giving my hand and fingers heat treatments (bacteria that infects living creatures live in a very narrow temperature range - why your body runs a fever when you get sick.)
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Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
I was attacked by a chow at a dog rescue group that I worked with and did exactly what you have done with the cat. I believe you have covered all bases and that you are safe. Depending on where you are, the vector for rabies may be in an isolated area or isolated to a certain type of animal. If you have to take the rabies shots, and I really think that you will not, they are not the same painful ones that were given years ago from what I understand. I am sorry that this happened to you and to the poor scared cat. Chow who bit me was rescued from a terrible situation, so he had his story as well.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 2, 2018
Today at the rescue, I was bitten multiple times by a feral cat. I went immediately to the doctor. I am on Amoxicillin TR-K CLV 875-125 MG tabs twice a day. The cat has been quarantined and will remain so for ten days to see if the cat has rabies. It had received a rabies vaccine the day before, but that is not enough time for the vaccine to take affect.

I have read several places that no human has caught rabies from a cat that has been quarantined for ten days and is still healthy (CDC and Wisconsin health website.) The state I live in requires the ten day quarantine, after which the cat will be seen by a vet to test for rabies. I certainly hope the cat is OK, as rabies is a death sentence. Also, I would rather not have to take the rabies shots.

Can anyone else think of anything that needs to be done?
You need to get a tetanus shot and I would get the rpep maybe too since this was an unvaccinated cat. It takes 14 days for immunity to build up after vaccination. Go to an er at any sign of the infection spreading, fever etc.

I was bitten in August by one of my outdoors guys, he was tnr and vaccinated the year before but sometimes vaccines fail, cats don’t hold titers for the same length etc. It was beyond extremely stressful for many reasons. They gave me Augmentin which is amoxy and clavulanate.

The rabies incubation can vary in both cats and humans. 10 days is a guide because supposedly they can shed the virus in saliva for 3-6 days before becoming symptomatic at which point they will die. But I was told that can vary as welI. I trapped Merlin but it took me 4 days to do it from the time he bit me. He was re- vetted about 14 days later and he is still inside, hoping to get him a home, no sign of rabies after 3 months or so so I am in the clear for sure now. Really if you want rpep to work it has to be done within 2 weeks after a bite, 24-48 hrs is recommended. Washing the wound out thoroughly with betadine, water/ soap, bactene etc. can also help prevent it.

I was lucky that the county hd never called me although the receptionist made me fill out a form. I have not researched about people getting rabies from a non symptomatic quarantined cat. But I did a lot of research on rabies and found that only 7 people have survived who were exposed and did not get rpep and who got to the point of symptoms after incubation. There is a new protocol for treatment now where a coma is induced and anti virals are given. Two young women in the US survived this way, one was scratched by a feral cat and did not receive Rpep. The other was bitten by a bat and also did not received rpep. She was the first to get the milwaukee protocol. The doc who invented MP actually thinks that about 20% of people fight off rabies without treatment and develop immunity. There is evidence for this in a study in Peru where people are exposed to bats, about 12 people had not received rpep, had exposure and tested positive for rabies antibodies. In 2009 a young woman was treated at a hospital in Texas after bat exposure in a cave. She never received rpep. She eventually tested positive for rabies and was quite ill but she never required intensive icu care and she was eventually released, after a second hospitalization and survived.

Someone told me she was bitten by one of her outdoor cats and lied to the er saying it was barbed wire. They gave her the treatment which is the same as for bites and the nurse, knowing it was really a cat bite said she used to work in a dvm clinic and they used to soak bite wounds in epsom salts several times a day. That is also what my foot doc has me do after toe surgeries to prevent infections. It works very well. I found my bite and scratch cleared up well with augmentin, both on my leg.

So sorry, hope you an kitty are ok.
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