Your cats "behaviors"


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 26, 2013
Hi everyone :) Before we (me and my grandmother) decide to get a cat, I thought it would be best to learn everything I possibly can. I have a ton of knowledge about dogs, but cats are a totally new thing to me. A lot of things that work with dogs simply won't work with cats. So I need some help! What are some of your cats bad behaviors? (jumping on counters, knocking things off tables, aggression, etc.) And what do you do to correct these behaviors? Thanks!


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
New Jersey
Casper - None (no seriously!).  Good boy!  Should get a medal for best behaved cat ever.  He's nearly 12 years old though, and we've only had him since he was 9-1/2 so he may have been different when younger, but he's great now.

Cocoa - She's much younger and has a little bit of a naughty streak but really it's just adolescent energy.  We're not quite sure how old she is, could be anywhere from 3-5 years, but we suspect more like 3 or maybe a bit younger.  She uses the vintage rug in our dining room to sharpen her claws on.  Bought her an S-scratcher.  Hasn't helped.  Got her another flat floor scratcher.  Casper threw up in it, had to be tossed.  Just ordered 2 actual scratching posts, hoping for the best.  

The only thing I can do otherwise is give her a stern "Hey!" when she does it.  Good thing the rug is old, and we didn't pay for it - it kind of came with the house.

She also has been seen on the counter twice since we've gotten her (3 months).  Once I found her there while I was out of the room - nothing on counters at all.  Did the "Hey!" thing and she jumped off.  Second time, I was actually getting her dinner ready, and she just couldn't wait and jumped up to start eating it!  That, didn't make me happy at all.  Clapped my hands loudly, she ran off, but came right back, because, well you know, dinner was ready 
  But I guess, only twice in 3 months isn't anything to really worry about.

She did jump up on a side table and break a candy dish but I'm chalking that one up to our fault.  We had left Da Bird dangling on it, and she must have noticed it and couldn't resist.  I really can't blame her on that one.  We make sure to hide it out of sight now!
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TCS Member
Jan 14, 2013
Every cat is different. We are very fortunate with Aria. Even though she was a stray, she is clearly not feral in any way. She is a total lap cat. She doesn't have any bad behaviors (unless you count wanting to be on you all the time as a negative). When we first got her, she jumped on the kitchen counter twice (both times when we were preparing her food), but we said No Aria!, and it seemed to stick.

She sometimes goes into a zone when she licks me and licks too hard (I have ridiculously thin skin), but I say Ouch and pull away a little and she gentles her licking. Sometimes she just sticks out her tongue and holds it against my skin.

The only time she has urinated outside the litter box is when she had a urinary tract issue, so you can't really blame her. Once that went away, she went right back to her box.


TCS Member
Oct 9, 2003
W/ the best cats
Although it is okay with me that cats jump on counters (it's a natural thing for them) it is fortunate that mine do not go on the ones that matter which are the ones where I have my meals and where I prepare the food. 

My cats are indoor outdoor. My furniture seems to be safe from scratches or spraying and cleaning the litter boxes is a quick chore (not much to scoop). However, I noticed that if a kitty is upset or does not feel well, he/she will spray or decide that the sofa is the new place to sharpen the claws. Finding the cause and solving it, will make things normal again.

Whether you have one or 10 cats, be prepared for what I call kitty stampedes. It is a sudden run around the house or garden. It is at a crazy speed in any given direction - straight, zig zag, circle, up, down. It ends as suddenly as it begins. This is followed by a comatose-like nap. 

Being predators, honing their hunting skills is part of their daily activities. Have lots of interactive toys. Those they can chase and grab are favorites but remember to teach them that your toes, fingers, face, arms are not prey. 

For me, bathing is not necessary. Cats seem to constantly groom themselves. But we still have to make sure their teeth, gums and ears are healthy.

What I love most about cats is their independence, their curiosity and intelligence. They learn quickly but they have this attitude of applying what they learn to their own convenience. Dogs act to please but cats will act if it pleases them. 


NOT Malfoy!
Apr 26, 2011
LawnGuyLand, NY
I am lucky to have a perfect cat that stays out of trouble..

However my other cat , Monet, is the trouble maker. He used to knock over my trash can and go digging (solved that by bricks and bungee cords), he would steal any food left out ( yesterday he stole a bag of coconut flakes and it was everywhere!!!). He would jump on my counters and knock anything out of my sink..

He's untamable but I love him too much anyway! I just had to change a few things around here
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TCS Member
May 5, 2012
Waldron, Arkansas
Around my house, anything that can be pushed over, pushed off, pulled off, pulled out, jumped on, climbed under, climbed over, stolen or hidden is not safe.  I just try to keep anything that I want to save put away.  I wouldn't change any of the ladies, though.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Sep 18, 2012
North Carolina
I would consider finding a cat that lives in a foster home. The foster home can often tell you a lot more about a cat than a shelter can.

The worst behavior I've had to deal with was destructive scratching (tore up the carpet) but otherwise he was the most awesome cat. You can put up with a lot when you love your cat.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Feb 25, 2013
My cat, Elvis is generally well-behaved. He loves sitting on your lap. He isn't picky with his food or litter. He doesn't chew on wires. He's also very quiet and rarely knock things over.

Yeah, he does jump on the counter, will occasionally attack my ankle and will sometimes scratch my couch. I'm planning to get 1 more scratching post to be placed right beside the couch.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 4, 2013
Michiana is a good starting need to have a sense of humor to live with a cat.  I just spent over 10 minutes typing a response here....and Gideon just ran across the laptop keyboard and deleted it

Here are some points I would make about living with cats, and their behaviors....

1. Kittens are very energetic.  We have the "kitty stampedes" mentioned above once or twice a day, usually first thing in the morning, and then later in the evening when the sun goes down.  If you don't think you are up for the "energy expenditures", you might want to consider an older cat.  Toys and play sessions go a long way toward helping them expend all the energy.

2. Two cats can be better than one, especially if you are away part of the time.  It gives them a companion to play with, and may make them feel more secure.  

3. Cats like to climb and be up as high as possible.  I think it is critical to provide them with an appropriate place to climb, such as cat trees.  We have in on the bedroom, and one in the living room.  Look for carpet, rather than faux fur, as it is easier for them to grab onto, and will encourage appropriate scratching.

4. Cats need to scratch.  I have 3 cats, and have never had a problem with inappropriate scratching.  They use the trees, as well as the cardboard scratching lounge..  Please don't consider declawing!!

5. Different breeds have different personalities.  I adore my Siamese boy, he is clearly my favorite.  He is significantly more intelligent than the other two....but that means he is more curious, and wants to know what is going on everywhere and all the time.  He is the ringleader in the house, both for the cats and the dogs.  He can open every cabinet and drawer in the kitchen or the bathrooms....the only safe place is the dresser in the bedroom.  Many people here know that the cat treats and freeze dried food live next to my underwear....the only place he can't get to  I also have a Himilayan and a Persian....they are much more laid back, and not as curious and mischievious as the Siamese, but require a LOT more grooming.  Both the Siamese and the Himmie are kind of "one person cats".  The Siamese is clearly bonded to me, and the Himmie to my housemate.....but both "like" both of us.  The Persian boy loves us both equally.  The Siamese is the "peacemaker" in the house, and gets upset when the long haired boys squabble, and constantly tries to groom them, as well as his dog buddies..  Think about what kind of personality you are looking for....and do some research on different breeds.  Even if you are looking for a rescue can often see their background in them.  Another great source, if you don't want kittens, are retired breeders.  The breeder will be able to give you a lot of information about their personalities.  If you are looking for a quiet, laid back cat....I doubt something like a Siamese would fit your lifestyle, and would probably drive you crazy.  

6. Cats can get pretty much any place they want to go, and will go there.  I can't remember the last time I went to the bathroom without a cat jumping into my lap.  We used to have an angel collection on the window valances.  We compromised and moved them to one side of the room, and let the cats have the other side.  They definitely know which one is okay, and which one is not.  All three of mine will jump on the counters, especially when I am preparing their food.  I don't fret about it....just keep a bottle of disinfectant handy.
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