Young New Mama And Kittens Sick And She Has No Milk


TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 7, 2019
We offered to foster a very young tortoise ready to have kittens. Day before she had then she became very sick w upper respiratory infection. She had 4, one died. Vet gave her antibiotic and steroid shots. Kittens nursed well until 3 days old, then they each became sick. Vet gave micro shot and gave us shots to give them for 5 days. Mama seems unable to nurse. Why would she stop having milk? We are using kmr w 2 but one still tries to nurse and refuses milk replacement. They're all slowly getting better. Is there a way to restart her milk flow? Sorry so long. This has become exhausting. Thx.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
I looked online and found that steroids can cause a temporary stop in milk production in humans.
As far as mama kitty, I have had good results with feeding a high quality kitten food as well as a goat-milk based KMR (such as Esbilac or a homemade formula using the recipe at fellow member Hissy's website www.kitten-rescue .com). I would ask your vet about using L-lysine and also about using any or a combination of these herbs as a tea: anise seed; licorice root; marshmallow root: red raspberry leaf; slippery elm. If approved, you can probably purchase a "nursing mother's tea" at the grocery store. Since the kitties are on antibiotics, the tea needs to be given at least 2 hours (preferably 4) from the meds.
For the nursing babies, you can get a Miracle Nipple in the "mini" size. I have ordered them from the original supplier:
The Miracle Nipple Collection
If you or your team can manage to do "homework", I HIGHLY recommend watching the free on-demand video from Maddies Fund (you can pause, rewind, etc, as suits your needs) "Caring For The Critically Ill Neonate Kitten". Although it is for veterinary professionals, the lecturer makes sure to include laymen's advice for shelter & private volunteers and owners (Maddies Fund is making a huge push to save kittens through helping foster volunteers).

Lastly, do all you can to rest WHEN you can because many of us here have done the 24hr/2-hour interval feeding schedule & it is brutal. I use disposable bed pads as much as possible and cotton makeup pads to stimulate pee/poo. I lay inclined to bottle-feed to help allow the just-fed baby to self-burp on my shoulder while I feed the next chowster positioned on my belly. If mama kitty gets sore nipples, I apply a thin coating of coconut oil. I would offer a low-voltage pet pad in one corner of the nest, in case the mama cat wants a little extra warmth.
Please do not hesitate to PM any one of us with any questions or just for moral support. Many of us have unusual schedules (I am full time family caregiver so am up & down, 24/7).
Sending major prayers and vibes for your kitty family and you :vibes::vibes::vibes:
and condolences for the little one who returned to the ancestors much too soon :alright: :grouphug2: :rbheart:

and adding a HUGE thank YOU for taking in this precious family - I SHUDDER to even consider the sufferings had you not taken them in. :thanks::rock: :thumbsup::heartshape:
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