young feral female, never been pregnant


TCS Member
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Super Cat
Jul 24, 2005
I have one young female, (I haven't trapped her yet, she has eluded the trap everytime) she is just beautiful, she is one of my favorites, one of my first ferals of the colony, "Sisters' baby. Anyway I call her lil Sis, she has also managed not to get pregnant. I think it is because she is mean. Another feral, "Callie" started the behavior last year, she started chasing any of the others off, whenever they would come up to eat, some were frightened, some took it as play, but lil Sis, and Callie, would chase each other, it was a game for them, as I used to laugh watching them.
Well now the tables have turned, and lil Sis, is the Queen of the food area, but she is pretty hateful about it. Callie is even scared of her. I can't believe she has never gotten pregnant though, my son says ..."nobody wants any of that!" I think he's right! But then again I have never heard of a cat with female problems?
In the midst of all of this rude behavior, another one of my favorites, "sweet love" who was raised with lil Sis, is now so afraid of her, she has quite coming to eat all together, so I have now started calling her separately, and when she is visible, I go and feed her, I stay with her, while she eats, but lil Sis seeks us out, and lays or paces a few feet away, intimidating sweet love to no end, so she quits eating and starts to go retreat, but not good enough for lil Sis, she has to chase her down, and I will hear a scream from sweet love whenever lil Sis catches her and I think bits her! I don't know how to handle this situation, ok already lil Sis you are the dominent one, sweet love even gets low to the ground, and submissively, bats her eyes, like ..'Im afraid of you, please don't hurt me , I give up" but it's like the more she cows down , the more lil sis abuses. Help! I don't know what to do about this!
Similiar situation at my sisters' house, one of her male cats, who is neutered, has been getting into it with a stray tom, the tom beats him up, and then he turns around and will run Lily away, Lily is her outdoor baby, and I love her so much, I have been witness to Rocky's bad behavior toward Lily.
I am scared he is going to eventually run Lily off and she won't come back!
How do I stop this , I would die if Lily or Sweet Love run off and I never see them again! Please help!!!


TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
Spaying and neutering should really go a long way to changing their behavior. That tom needs to be trapped - it'll bring down his aggression by HUGE amounts!
Don't forget - it can take 30 -45 days for the hormones to cycle out of their systems once they're speutered, so it'll still take some time for things to calm down.

In the meantime, back in the day when Tuxie was outside and crazy aggressive - even after being neutered - we had to feed him seperately, just like you're describing with Sweet Love and Lil Sis. For us, it meant putting food out for them at the same time, so Tuxie would be eating away from the colony so the colony cats could eat without being terrorized by him. We'd always put down more for him than he could eat, so that when he was done, there'd still be food, and if he chased the kitties away from the food, they could come back to eat when he wasn't around.

Don't know if this'll help, but that's all I really know about what to do.


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
This advice about trapping and spaying is for both of these aggressive revire holders - both the tom and this female.

She eludes your traps? Look in the homeless and feral-forum about advices on bait for traps. there are many treads on this theme...

Good luck!
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TCS Member
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Super Cat
Jul 24, 2005
Thanks you two! sometimes we can get lost in what we are doing and things just get away from us! I can also say this, I am the one paying for all of these spay/neuters, shots, food. and I am single! So my TNR is limited,
I know that is aggraviating to most, but it is what it is, and I give and have given alot of money, it isn't always the ideal situation, I will agree, but I do know that spay/neuter does alter the bahavior, and I promise I can trap, and have studied it for sometime now! If it were up to me, they would already be s/n and the world would be perfect! Dang! It is aggraviating to me! thanks for the advice and for the vibes, oh yeah, I found SL yesterday , her lil face on one side was swollen, I went home and grabbed my carrier, went back to her and took her and put her right in it! Can you believe that? woohoo!!
I couldn't! she did put up a lil fight but I didn't get scratched! So proud of her!!! Off to the vet and he said she was bitten, errrr....lil sis......he gave her a shot, and we discussed having her spay, she is boarding today and tonight, in the morning he will do a Felv test on her, pray she is neg.! and if she is , she will be spay, then come home with me to my house!!!!! Yeah
!!! I got to run right now because I am going to go visit her at the vets office!
I'm happy about this!!!

thanks so much !