Worms In My Baby!


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 21, 2017
hey fellow cat mommas and daddies,
I have a bit of an alarming thing.
I just want you guys' opinion on this, since I am totally blind and cannot easily get to Hikari's vet just yet, but am planning to once I can get transport.
My Hikari has been vomiting off and on for the past few months. took her into her vet 1 august to see if she could get examined as I was very worried.
Some backstory first.
When I was living with my dad--I had to get out of the situation I was living in before as it was unsafe--he insisted on keeping her in the garage due to he and my stepfamily having sugar gliders. He told me he never let any of the cats in the house so she would be no exception. This concerned and angered me.
So now we come to her moving in with me after my landlord said yes.
After she moved in with me, she had intermitant vomiting. I thought nothing of it, thinking that it was hairballs..hes I would have to touch the vomit sometimes in order to find it before cleaning! Being blind is annoying sometimes! lol
I took a sample of her vomit to the vet when I took her in in August, they said it was hairballs as it felt cylindrical and weird.
They wanted to do xrays, and bloodwork and the whole 9 yards..but since I only get SSI, I didn't have the cash to afford those tests. well, I did, but if i had, that would have been all of my check for that month and I would have had none to live on or even pay my rent. So I had to decline. They then suspected it was a food alergy due to her itching and stuff. They placed her on a proscription diet.
She did ok on that for a bit, but would still get sick sometimes.
Then, to be honest, this month since the price of royal canon is $60...a bit steep for my $735 a month budget, I went to the shop and compared it to Hill Science Diet sensative stomach cat food. The ingredients were almost identical.
She would do just fine on it for days and days...then she would vomit. Again.
It got very concerning so today, thank God for sighted housemates...one of them came in to look at the vomitous. She said it contained long, white wriggling worms!
I am wondering if every time she would vomit in the past since she moved here if it had those worms in?
Are those roundworms?
I will take a sample of her
stool in when I go in to get the dewormer to see if they can confirm the type of worm and get her fixed right up.
I am just worried and wondering what I should do until then to keep her comfortable.
It concerns me when I hear her getting sick as A, I don't know where she got sick so sometimes the only way to find is if I step in it, and B, if I should continue feeding her anyhow as she will just vomit it right back up again.
Thanks all.
Hugs. <3


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Definately sounds like roundworms. Drontal or Pyrantel is what will take care of them, but you will need to dose her more than once in order to kill both the adults and then the newly hatched larvae. In the meantime, yes, you should continue to feed her as at least some of her food should get digested. BTW, she may be shedding the worms in her stool also, so it's imperative that you clean her litterbox often, and WASH YOUR HANDS each time after you clean her box.

If you can, enlist one of your roommates help in finding her vomit when you hear her vomiting. You want to try to clean it up as soon as you can, especially if there are live worms in it :sigh:. I'm not sure how long they can live outside of their host, but still...

You may be able to simply CALL your Vet and tell them what you found and they may be able to give you the pills without having to run a stool sample. They also may be able to call in a prescription for the de-wormer to a pharmacy closer to your house...don't know for sure, but it's worth a phone call in order to get this taken care of sooner than later.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 21, 2017
Hi sweetie,
Thanks for your reply.
I always clean it up as soon as i find it, which is actually pretty quickly afterwords. when she gets sick I listen close to where I heard it then go and immediately try to find it.
After my housemate told me that was what it was, I started thinking about the smell...it didn't just smell like food, but I never thought about that until then. sorry to be nasty, but, it smelled like her food and, well, death. well maybe not death but something else that shouldn't be there. She has been ok today so far, but am going to try my very best to get to her vet to get the meds this week, hoping tomorrow or Tuesday.
I described what was coming out of her, and they were right away able to proscribe a dewormer for her so they didn't need to take a sample, they seemed to know pretty much what it was. I guess I'm that good at describing things? lol
I am just keeping a very close eye on her. I always do after she gets sick anyhow but watching even more closely now.
She is still very young. She is only 4 so hoping this won't do any permanent damage to her. Meaning hoping she won't have longterm consiquences because of this.
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  • #5


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 21, 2017
I just gave Hikari some dewormer from the vet. finally managed to get some!
what should I listen/feel for to know that it is working?
Thanks! <3


TCS Member
Nov 8, 2017
Hooboy! You'll know it's working when she squits out some nasty-smelling, pale yellow poo with worms in it.

And that is a sight you'll never un-see!

Though it does depend on what kinds of worms she has - has the vet confirmed worms as a diagnosis? If it's tape or roundworm then they'll detach and come out with her poo. Not sure about hookworms.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Oct 21, 2017
Hooboy! You'll know it's working when she squits out some nasty-smelling, pale yellow poo with worms in it.

And that is a sight you'll never un-see!

Though it does depend on what kinds of worms she has - has the vet confirmed worms as a diagnosis? If it's tape or roundworm then they'll detach and come out with her poo. Not sure about hookworms.
We had confirmed roundworms.
How long does it take to start working? i carefully felt where I applied the solution to her earlier to make sure it was still there. it doesn't feel like as much is there now. Does this mean it absorbed into her skin like it should?
I applied it to above her shoulderblades. but it feels like a small bit may have ran in between her shoulderblades as she moved a slight bit when I was putting it on her. is that bad?
if she starts getting better today that will be a great birthday gift. I've been worried for her ever since I found out she had these nasty things.
London <3


TCS Member
Nov 8, 2017
She'll be fine - when we got our latest kitten, Jinna, she came from a feral mum so came complete with ear mites, roundworms and fleas with her sassy attitude (that was a fun couple of weeks!). We didn't use ointment though, we had to syringe liquid into her mouth and it started working within 24-36 hours for us.

And Happy Birthday!!! :party2: