Why do people?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 25, 2005
Pinellas Park, Florida
I hated when strangers did that.
A girl at McDonalds did it once and said "OOOH When's the baby due?" and rubbed my belly.. I looked her dead in the face and said "Baby? What baby? I'm not pregnant"... She about cried!
I'm so mean!


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Jun 29, 2006
NW Georgia
Originally Posted by DixieDarlin256

I hated when strangers did that.
A girl at McDonalds did it once and said "OOOH When's the baby due?" and rubbed my belly.. I looked her dead in the face and said "Baby? What baby? I'm not pregnant"... She about cried!
I'm so mean!
I knew there was a reason I always liked you! That is totally something I would do. I embarrass my husband sometimes.
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Aug 23, 2006
Originally Posted by sarahp

I can imagine when I get pregnant if people do that to me, I'll probably just put my hand back on their belly and see how they like it!!

Amber, I don't know how you put up with it!!!
LOL! I should try that. I really dont know either. I guess Im just to poilte to say anything.

Originally Posted by Satai

Get a t-shirt that says, 'if you touch it, I'll smack you'.
OH YEAH! Hmmm I wonder if they make those?
Originally Posted by theimp98

lol how about that say
if you touch it ,
you pay the first year college bill
LOL Thats a good one too. All her college would be paid for in a day!
Originally Posted by Trouts mom

I don't understand it either how strangers think they can touch peoples bellies..thats just weird. Just because your preggo doesn't mean your more inclined to like strangers touching you: Its creepy to me.
I know! Why would you feel comfortable touching someone you dont know? I feel weird doing it to friends. I felt my sisters bellies and I didnt really feel to interested in it. It didnt bother me but I didnt run up and rub their bellies every time I saw them!
Originally Posted by lunasmom

If their strangers, maybe make up something where you start crying...i.e. tell them that you aren't pregnant or make up something that you were going to have twins but one of them died and you have to carry both to full term.
When I first started to show I did tell people I wasnt pregnant a few times. But now unless Im like those kids in those commercials that are horribly sick with the big bloated bellies then its obvious that I am. Ive lost alot of weight everywhere else so it looks really weird now.

Originally Posted by lunasmom

Ooo...or freak out on them and scream saying "You're hurting the baby!"
To funny!
Originally Posted by white cat lover

I agree with that! Or else just smack them without warning!
LOL That would be funny. Or just scream at the top of my lungs and run away waving my arms around like a crazy person.

Originally Posted by mooficat

I agree with a lot of the comments, you wouldnt touch a mans belly so why is it ok to touch a pregnant womens belly
But hey you should see the Spanish and personal space.........well it DOES NOT EXIST :
queues..........up close and personal.......thats if you consider a group of people waiting....is a queue (you know a line in the States)
and dont get me on about beaches...........
you find a spot with about 5ft sq free around you then all of a sudden 10 families join you and set up a major camp site..........I tell you its mad..........

but let me also tell you the Spanish are so lovely
so it just takes a little getting used to :
I have alot of friends who are spanish and I know what your talking about. They are always touching on me. But I put up with it because I know thats how they were raised.
Originally Posted by Rosey

I hated it when someone touched my belly. I don't even ask pregnant ladies when they are due because I hated it, I almost had my due date tattoed on my forehead so people would leave me alone.
I told John thats what I needed to do or put the due dateon every shirt I wear! Then I could just point to it and get on with my life.
Originally Posted by Pami

Me too. I dont touch strangers pregnant bellys, but I have with people I know.

There is a girl, I always talk to at the pet store, shes pregnant and I just rubbed her belly the other day, I hope I didnt offend her
I wouldnt worry to much about it. Some people love the attention! Im just not one of them!

Originally Posted by emily_325

Oh geez, I would be furious. Both times my sister was pregnant I only touched if she asked me too, and I was the person that went into the delivery room with her!

You're making me think that when Brian and I decide to have kids I should get a shirt printed that says,"Before you ask my due date is 00-00-00, we think its a boy/girl, and so help me if you touch my stomach I WILL hit you!" :
That would be a good shirt to have!

Originally Posted by DixieDarlin256

I hated when strangers did that.
A girl at McDonalds did it once and said "OOOH When's the baby due?" and rubbed my belly.. I looked her dead in the face and said "Baby? What baby? I'm not pregnant"... She about cried!
I'm so mean!
Thats really funny! When I did that the ladies kept saying Im so sorry over and over.


TCS Member
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May 24, 2006
On the 12th floor
It's so funny that you are posting this. I wrote a paper in college about how women feel like they are "community" property when they are with child. When I asked pregnant women about it I got mixed responses. Some said they loved the attention, but other's wanted to physically hurt the people that were touching them. I learned through the course of writing that paper to never touch a woman's belly unless she asks.

Also, the whole due date T-shirt is a good idea. My SIL had one.


TCS Member
Jan 30, 2005
I talked to tummys of those I know but wont touch ...
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Aug 23, 2006
Originally Posted by lookingglass

It's so funny that you are posting this. I wrote a paper in college about how women feel like they are "community" property when they are with child. When I asked pregnant women about it I got mixed responses. Some said they loved the attention, but other's wanted to physically hurt the people that were touching them. I learned through the course of writing that paper to never touch a woman's belly unless she asks.

Also, the whole due date T-shirt is a good idea. My SIL had one.
Thats cool that you did a paper on it! I have also noticed that some women love it. My sisters loved the attention but me and my SIL hated it. My mom didnt mind but my grandmother did. I think that it really depends on the personality of the person. I'm more of a shy person and dont like to be touched. Same with my Grandma. My mom and sisters all are very hands on and love attention.

I think Im gonna have one made. Now that I know for sure the day she'll be born. My mom would die laughing since thats what Ive been saying I was going to do after the first 2,000 times of answering.
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Aug 23, 2006
Originally Posted by sharky

I talked to tummys of those I know but wont touch ...
Thats what I do! I love to talk to belliies. Not strangers bellies but people I know. I have serious conversations with the babies. And act like they talk back. LOL


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
Oh I am so going to have a t-shirt made like suggested when I get pregnant!

I soooo wanted to touch my best friend's belly before she moved. I did talk to the baby, but not touch. I just felt this urge to be close to her daugher. The same with my other friend who also lives far away. I know I will not get to cuddle their babies, though I will be Auntie Leigh to them. They didn't ask if I wanted to, so I would never just do that. I am NOT a touchey person. I have to step outside myself to hug one particular friend of mine who is a very touchy person, at times when she has been very upset.

I'm the same way with holding babies. If you don't offer, I will not ask. Most of my friends have offered to let me hold their babies. I know some new moms especially are very protective and I wouldn't dare cross that boundary. Maybe I'll have a t-shirt made for my baby that says something about, if you want to hold me, you better ask my Mommy first!


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Jan 11, 2006
The only pregnant woman's stomach I have ever or would ever dream of touching is my sister's, and even then didn't do it til she said to.

She's about 8 months right now, and I swear the next person who touches her is gonna draw back a stump. She hates it as much as you do, even when it's my dad. I can't imagine talking to it either. It's just such a private thing, like I don't think it's weird if she talks to her own stomach, or her husband, but I couldn't.

I've always thought it superweird too, like under what other circumstances do people ever think it's okay to go up to someone they've never met and touch them uninvited? I would wanna lock myself in my house if that kept happening to me.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 26, 2005
I only touch bellies of my family when they are pg. Noone elses!!


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Adult Cat
Nov 16, 2006
The North
Hhaha... I wear like flowy hippie shirts a lot and people automatically assume that I am preggers cause of this. It really annoys me . I had a customer where I work touch my belly one time. I was shocked! I am a size 6. I am not preggers...
This made me uncomfortable then and then it made me wonder all these things about my looks. Its so rude!!!