Why Did She Poop On My Bed?


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jun 8, 2018
I've been doing some reading on why cats poop on beds but my situation is a little unique. I had my cat for around 7 months - she originally belonged to my crazy landlord, who rehomed her with a hoarder who kept her outdoors 24/7 for a couple months.

When she lived with me she was definitely an anxious cat, but had perfect bathroom habits. My landlord had kept her as an indoor/outdoor cat for several years and kept her litterbox locked indoors, so Smo often went hours at a time holding her eliminations. During one particularly stressful period she started peeing small amounts frequently (not due to UTI), but was scrupulous about using her box.

We trapped Smo at the hoarder's place and brought her home on Monday night, and for a few days she used her box normally - she wasn't burying her eliminations completely 100% of the time but always went in her box. Last night though, we caught her digging in her box and squatting as though she was going to poop. When I checked the box she hadn't gone, and minutes later she was on my bed digging furiously at the sheet. Soon after that she squatted and pooped in the middle of the bed.

The only thing I can think of that may have caused this is that she escaped from the room we've been keeping her in, and ran around the house for a short while. We finally lured her back into the bedroom by opening an adjoining door to the foyer, where she used to hang out all the time - she hadn't accessed this room since she arrived home. She pooped on the bed around 20 minutes after all this went down.

My best guess is that she was really excited from getting out, but don't know why she would poop on the bed because of that. Other than that I'm thinking she could have worms from living outside. Also, I know she was eliminating in the dirt outdoors since a box wasn't provided for her. I strongly doubt it's a constipation issue making her associate the box with pain, because she's been eating a ton of wet food and producing very normal-looking poop.

Does anyone know why she would do this? And how do I prevent it from happening again? In my apartment I can only keep her in my tiny bedroom, and would really like to stop her from doing this in the future.


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
This poor cat has been through so much. I am so glad that you were able to catch her and can now give her the life she deserved. But she is probably feeling stressed and confused as her life has changed. She will adjust but it will take time. Pooping in the bed may have been her response to being sent back to the bedroom which may not feel like home or even a safe place to her yet. You said she used to hang out in the foyer but I take it she can’t do that any more?
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jun 8, 2018
How long do you think I should keep her confined? She's been sleeping for most of the time she's been home, but is starting to get restless as she gets her energy back. The first time she lived with me her routine was going outside with supervision in the daytime and playing in foyer for several hours at night. I didn't think she'd respond like this to exploring spots she's already been before, the foyer especially.

We plan on allowing her back into the foyer eventually, but we hadn't planned on it so soon - opening the foyer door was the only way to lure her back into the bedroom though. She keeps scratching at that door now to be let in, but I'm afraid she'll get overexcited and poop on the bed again.


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
You just have to go by how she is reacting. If you let her out of your room, she may be unhappy going back.
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jun 8, 2018
Could be, or just the excitement of getting into places that didn't smell totally familiar. Also I realized the trap we brought her in was in the foyer, and she may have gotten extra spooked because of that. Happy to report that she pooped in her box (twice!) last night and she's really getting back to acting like her old self. Playful, gluttonous, cute and kinda mean lol.