Whine, Whine, Whine!!!


TCS Member
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Jun 8, 2012
My cat whines a whole lot, and I don't know what to do. He is beautiful but needs a whole lot of attention, is extremely stubborn, extremely demanding, and is a big pain in the a*&*, but I love him and he's my precious son.
     I've tried to play with him and give him attention, but I really can't do that 24 hours a day, right? He is an intelligent cat, so he can see (as I can tell) that I don't necessarily enjoy playing with him but am simply doing it because I have to entertain him. Frankly, he is so annoying that I find him to be more of a bother than a pleasure, but as I said, he's my son and I love him.

    I try to entertain him, as I said, but he's dissatisfied still because he can see through that I'm not really into it. I don't know what else to do. If he were a dog, I'd take him for walks, which is something I would also enjoy, but playing with a laser beam isn't that fun to me, and because it's not fun to me, it's not fun for him either, it seems.
    I have a cat tree, but he's not that interested in it. He has catnip toys, but those are things he would play with alone, and as I said, he desires practically nonstop attention.
    So I'm thinking about getting him a companion--that is, another pet. However, years ago when I got him another cat companion, all he did was bully him and I don't think he liked it. There's also another cat who hangs out in the backyard of my duplex apartemnt everyday and my cat doesn't seem to like him either and, if he has anything to do with him, only bullies him.
     Would a rabbit be a better idea as a companion for my cat?