where did your kitties come from??

princess purr

TCS Member
Thread starter
Top Cat
Mar 5, 2003
I'm sure we have all told our storied here and there but I was just curious!

Moe and Neo my brother found in the woods when they were around 5 weeks old.
Snowwhite we found in the backyard...
Snowwhite made ashton, lilly, sherbert, nimbus,blizzy, and stormy!
Marble and granet were found at my dh job (he works at a tile company...hence the names granite and marble


TCS Member
Young Cat
Mar 3, 2003
Vancouver B.C. Canada
We got our kitty off of my Wife's Mom. A week after her cat gave birth she was hit by a car and killed. My Wife and her Mom hand raised the 4 kittens, after they were off age we took our favorite.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 13, 2003
We picked up Rocky from the animal shelter here that is just down the road from our house and 5 months later we decided to get him a playmate...we saw in the newspaper about Fluffy being available and free too..she was all up to dates with shots and all, and she was just want I wanted so hubby said we could have her!...she came from the local vets clinic just a few miles away from where we live.....


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 8, 2003
Bay Area, CA
I got Zoey at my local Humane Society at 11 months.

I hate to tell this story again but her stupid owners surrendered her for "biting".
And even requested she be put to sleep.
She is so not a malicious cat. She just plays rough, and I believe the previous owners had a lot to do with that since they practically raised her.

She's doing GREAT now.. I'm working with her problem and have her on Flower Essences.. she has improved about 80%. I feel very proud of her and myself.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 2, 2002
Lincoln, Nebraska
Bud and Echo are from a litter that was born in my Aunt basement window sill. They were way too young, but there were many Tom's stalking them constantly. I figured I'd save their little lives by taking them home.

I got Tiki from an Ad at our local grocery store. The owners were surrendering her because she "supposedly" didn't get along with their puppies. But, the truth came out after I took her home. She was have litter box issues and they were tired of dealing with them. That problem is now solved for us and I'm so happy she's part of my family!


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 29, 2003
So far out in left field I got lost
Well The Sammycat came from my bossman who had a whole litter to give away. I am glad that I was one of the lucky ones

Oscar was an almost dead kitten of about 5 weeks old(according to the Vet) when my Husband brought him home. I have never seen such a skinny and raggedy cat in my whole life. I really didn't think he would live through the night. But with lots of TLC and good food he is a beauty now


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 22, 2002
Citrus Heights, CA
Mystique was a 5 week feral kitten when we got her. One week after she came home her family was wiped out by Raccoons.
Rudy, Brie, and Hallie came from a Persian Breeder in Virginia. Jake, Tatum, and Drysi came from a breeder in S. Carolina. Starry is one of the kittens from a previous litter.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jul 23, 2002
Ontario, Canada
When I was in fourth grade, my friend Angela told me that her cat had had kittens. I'd wanted a cat since I could say "cat" so my parents finally let me have her. I still remember...that pile of kittens, and wanting to take them all. I was picking them up and showing them to my dad, and he was the deciding factor over which ones looked "healthiest". I still remember, I was wearing those cheap canvas flower patterned slip on shoes, and Socks grabbed onto my shoe with her claws and she was not about to let go! I had to take off my shoe and get Angela's mom to help me free my shoe from my cat, which proved impossible. I had waited two months for that kitty, and being the impatient nine year old I was, rather than free my shoe, I put the kitty, still stuck to the shoe in the carrier. There was and still is a special understanding between she and I. I remember carrying her home in her little carrier on my lap, silly little face stuck on a pink flowered shoe. I wanted so much to pet her but my mum kept saying "you're going to scare her, you're going to scare her!" She actually scared me more. Every little bump, every slight noise on the bumpy, gravel ride home, had me holding her carrier even tighter. I remember it so vividly. I'd had the litterbox and the food and water set out for a week before I got to bring her home! (Don't worry, my mum caught me before the food went stale, and of course I set out fresh water).

That first day, she stole my shoe, she stole my heart.
And today she steals my pillows, my bed, my breakfast, my drinks, my newspaper, my sanity... and we're still best friends.



TCS Member
Super Cat
Jun 20, 2003
a little stray found me almost 4 yrs ago on the 4th of july and i gave her something to eat, she was so thin, and the next day she brought me 2 kittens
they were about 1 month old, 2 boys, so my sister took the mommy after she weaned and i kept the boys, lucky day for the mommy kittie and me also, i thank her all the time for bringing me the boys


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jun 13, 2003
Troy, Missouri
Corky and Buttons were adopted from an animal rescue group. Sparkle was adopted from Humane Society. Skeeter, Shortcake, Ginger were feral kitten strays. Tazmania was a kitten given to me by a semi truck driver who had found her in his truck engine when he stopped to unload trailer at the company I worked at. Merlin was about 4 or 5 weeks old when he appeared in our closed garage.



TCS Member
Super Cat
Jun 4, 2002
I got Saudi, my oldest when we lived in Germany, he was given to us.
Alex came from the veterinary clinic in Germany, his owner didnt want to bring him back to the states, so we adopted him and brought him back with us.
Cham came from a car engine, my daughter found her at school running out of a car engine when she was about 5 or 6 weeks.
Ash was given to us by someone, he is so shy and sweet.
Ta, we got at an outdoor art festival, someone was giving away kittens and we took him home with us, he is half burmese and is so beautiful!
Chaucer I found on petfinder.com in a shelter in South Carolina.
Griffin I found on petfinder.com in my local humane society.
The 2 newest kittens I got from my niece, whose cat had kittens in April. The Mom just got spayed this past weekend! Yay!

And I have to include Fluffy, who passed away last year of heart failure, he was my Moms cat and when she passed away in 1993, we took him back to Germany to live with us and brought him back with us in 1995 and he lived a very long happy life, until last year.

mom of 10 cats

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2003
Longmont, CO
I got Midnight from the animal shelter 2 weeks after I moved out on my own; he's been through everything with me! He was 6 months old at the time.

Sunshine ran across the highway in front of my car, I pulled over and saw him and brought him home with me, he was only about 8 weeks old.

Coal came from the local SPCA, he kept reaching his paw out of the cage when he saw me. He was 10 when we got him.

Lilith also came from the SPCA, two weeks after Coal! She was just the prettiest cat I'd ever seen, and I knew I had to have her! She was barely a year old. We didn't find out she was pregnant until 2 weeks later...

Jules, Blondie, Polly, Pan, Silver and Max came from Lilith!!! They just turned 2 in May.

Romeo came from the SPCA, he saw me and started meowing and throwing himself against the side of his enclosure until I went to see him! I just adopted him this past March, he is 2 1/2 yrs old.

Sasha came from the SPCA when we stopped in this past May to donate some cat food ours wouldn't eat. We couldn't believe someone had surrendered a Ragdoll! He is 5 yrs old.

I found Tillie courtesy of the Cat Site! There was a post about 2 months back asking for help finding a home for her, her owner was ill and being placed in a nursing home. We adopted her and fell in love very quickly! She is 9 yrs old.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 6, 2002
I found Spike when I was visiting a friend. My friend's neighbor kept his cat outside, and she got pregnant and had five kittens. When my friend showed them to me and told me that they weren't really cared for and were only fed every three days or so, I felt awful. He also went on to tell me how the kids in the area treated the kittens.
So, I ended up taking Spike home. Had I known my mother would not throw a fit, I'd have taken a brother or sister for him too.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 22, 2002
Surrey, BC
Twinkles - We bought her from a local pet store when she was 4 months old, she is now 10.

Peppurr - We bought him from a local pet store when he was 8 weeks old, he is now 2.

Rascal - He was adopted from my aunt when he was 8 months old, he is now 1.

Majesty - I adopted her from a breeder. She was abused badly, she is very friendly now. She was about 4-5 when Iadopted her and I've had her for a year.

Zues - He is the son of Mimi, Mimi was adopted by a loving woman yesterday. Zues is 10 weeks old.

krazy kat2

TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 14, 2001
Somewhere in Georgia
My s/o rescued Fred from a tree in the median in front of our house, nearly 15 years ago. He was my first cat.
I saw Georgia thrown from a moving car. Someone was trying to throw her into a pond, but she landed in the soft mud beside it. Fortunately she was not hurt. She was 4-5 weeks old at the time. She is 2 now.
Pearl was given to me by my daughter, after she rescued her from an abusive owner. I had to pick them up at the police station, because my daughter knocked this woman flat when she couldn't stand to see her mistreat this tiny kitten any more. She grabbed Pearl and ran, and the woman called the cops. She agreed not to press charges when the cop pointed out she could be arrested for cruelty to an animal. Pearl was 5 months old then, and will be 3 on July 4th.

lorie d.

TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 2, 2001
Upper Midwest (SE MN)
Snowball is from a private home. My son went to his friend's house after school every day and bonded with Snowball while he was still with the mother cat and littermates. The mother cat had been allowed to have litter after litter, and since homes couldn't be found for any of the latest kittens, they were going to be taken to a relative's farm to live as barn cats. My son had become really attached to Snowball and asked if we could adopt him. I decided to say yes, and Snowball was the only kitten from that litter to actually find a new home.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 3, 2002
I adopted Sam almost two years ago. A friend of my neighbour worked as a volunteer at a kennel, mostly dogs, but they have a few cats. A family had apparently given him up for adoption at age 5, because their kids were allergic. Its possible. He was there for three months, and apparently was so upset he never came out of his cage to play. He just ate and slept. Now he eats and sleeps, but has a lot more choices of places to sleep.

I adopted Bailey in early February. I had been thinking about a second cat for quite a few months, but promised my mother I would not look after cats instead of her. Two days after her funeral, I was at PetsMart and found Bailey, when I picked her up out of the cage, she wrapped her paws around my neck and purred. I think Mom was telling me it was OK to get another cat now. Bailey is about 3, and had been found as a stray hugely pregnant. She had 10 kittens, all were adopted then she was put up for adoption. She is an extremely well behaved and social cat, I can only guess that she was a pet that got away when she was in heat. I feel sorry for her family who lost such a lovely little girl cat, but then I think, serves them right for not having her spayed.

And that is my complete cat family - it takes all of my time and attention to care for these two.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Mar 27, 2003
My friend Sherry was volunteering at a Humane Society and she brought my sister Kathy and I one Saturday with her. I had been with her before and had found a cat I really liked. His name was Oscar and he had been a barn cat. He had a very wide face that reminded me of a picture of a cat in a children's book and it looked like something had taken a bite out of his ear. I thought I would like to give him a good home, but when I got there that Saturday, he had already been adopted. I was relieved, because I really didn't know if I wanted a pet or not.

Then we went into the kitten's room there was the cutest tabby kitten about 3 months old snuggling with two identical black kitties. I wanted to hold him and when I did he snuggled down and he let me hold him any way I wanted (cradled like a baby, over my shoulder or in my lap). He just loved to be cuddled. My sister and friend wanted me to get him right away, but I said I had to think about it. My sister put a down payment on the kitten and I had a week to decide if I wanted to adopt him or not. They both convinced me on the way home that I needed a pet and I called on Monday and told them I would be in on Saturday to adopt him. I asked that they call him Max all week to get used to his name. His name is Maximillian, but I call him Max for short. When I got there on the Saturday there was a note on his cage that said, "Hi, I'm Max, please call me by my name.". I thought that was cute.

That was three years ago and Max is my very own baby. I did not realize I was loney, until I adopted Max. He is very spoiled and I'm so glad I found TCS, because my friends and co-workers get tired of hearing about him. I find that ordinary people are not as fascinated
with cats as I am.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 18, 2003
America's Finest City
I rescued Toes from a Meth House (illegal drug lab).

I got Tailer through an ad in the paper. I had called on another cat and the lady said she wanted the cat to go to an older owner, but that her friend had a bunch of kittens so I called her friend and found out she had an orange and white shorthair. This family never neutered any of their pets and there were 3 litters there, Tailer was from the middle one. They were all gorgeous cats, though. Very regal in stature.

I'll also list my parents cats:

Jeff is from an animal shelter. I fell in love with him when I was visiting the shelter every day looking for another cat I had lost. Because I was so diligent they let me adopt him (I then found the other cat that night!).

Joy came with the house my parents bought. She was a stray, but the owner of the house fed her and didn't want to take her with them so my parents adopted her. They named her Joy because she jumps for joy whenever they're around.


TCS Member
Jun 23, 2003
Stoney and Bricker were born in Georgia, where I was living at the time. I was in an apartment and was not allowed cats. So the day I was moving to Maryland.. I packed up my apartment.. ran to the Humane Society and looked around. The kitten I was going to adopt looked very sick and I called the attendant over, the removed the kitten..never sure what happened to that one. But as I looked around, I noticed a kitten sticking her paw out of the cage, trying to get my attention. Inside the cage where two kitten, identical in looks. They told me that they were brought in with their mother. They had found all 3 behind a dumpster. I had originally only planned on getting one kitten, but couldnt stand to seperate these two sisters. So home with me they came. They were little angels on a very long truck ride from Georgia to Maryland. They have been a blessing ever since. Since they looked exactly the same, except for their noses.. I had a heck of time telling them apart. One had a reddish nose, the other a dark nose. Thus Stoney and Bricker. Today their nose colors are the same.
Brickers nose is a bit funky though. She went through a period several months back, where it was oozy and very sore. The vet thought it was Pemphigus Vulgaris. We had her on antibotics and Prednisilone. It appeared to get better when she was on the antibotics, but when they were over it got worse again, leading me to think that the Pred. wasnt helping. Doing more damage probably. So I asked the vet for another course of Baytril. After the second dose, we had a beautiful, relatively health nose again. No more Pred. for her. If you want to see before and after pics. just lemme know.

Snowy, is the new addition, started coming about the house in Febuary of this year. Me being a softy, put food out for her, with no intention of bringing her inside. Our kids feel in love with her, as she was so patient and sweet with them. (Unlike Stoney and Bricker, who run and hide from them) After we found out Snowy was FIV+ we decided for her safety as well as the other cats in the neighborhood it would be best to bring her in. We havent regretted that decision once.

Vicki,Stoney,Bricker and Snowy