When should I cut my new cats nails? (She is shy)


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Oct 4, 2020
FL (Born in MN)
Hello! I've had RiRi for 2 weeks since adopting her. I had to do the reintroduction process between her and my other cat because a few days after the initial process they were both hissing at each other and clawing. Its been about four days since the reintroduction process and she is still in our spare room. I try to spend time with her by playing with her and spending time with her while she eats. The reason I bring this up is because I think these interactions between her and Remi have made her take a few steps back and it has been hard to build a bond with her as she was hiding (most likely so she wouldn't be near Remi). I don't want to break that bond by cutting her nails but at the same time I know it has to be done eventually and some say the sooner you start the better. Her nails are also very sharp and I wouldn't want Remi to get hurt by her. She does not come up to me often on her own. She will come up to me sometimes but never touch me. I will slowly come up to her and pet her when she is lounging on my chair or desk and she will purr. This is why I have a difficult time knowing how to interact with her because many say to let your cat come to you but if I did this I would almost never interact with her lol! She lets me brush her and will even purr while I hold her while petting her. I have touched her paws here and there and she will allow it sometimes but other times she has bit me. When I cut Remi's nails I wrap him in a towel (I've tried to do it while he's sleeping or just try to get him to relax but he will bite and meow loudly). I think if I tried to cut RiRi's she would also bit me unless I wrap her in a towel. Im sure whatever way I try to cut her nails she will not be happy. I just don't want to lose any of the progress I've made. Thanks for reading!


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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Hi! How old are these two cats? Depending on their ages, 2 weeks might have been a bit premature in introducing them. However, given the circumstances, I think you can wait awhile to attempt to cut RiRi's nails. It sounds like it will a bit of time before she and Remi will be able to interact directly. You need to work on rebuilding trust with RiRi first, and having her comfortable with her surroundings and you before you begin direct introductions between the two. Getting RiRi to allow you to touch her paws without getting bitten, if at all possible, would be helpful.

Is there a follow up appt. for RiRi with the vet anytime soon? If so, let them trim her nails, they are likely much faster than you and can get it done in an instant.
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Oct 4, 2020
FL (Born in MN)
Hi! How old are these two cats? Depending on their ages, 2 weeks might have been a bit premature in introducing them. However, given the circumstances, I think you can wait awhile to attempt to cut RiRi's nails. It sounds like it will a bit of time before she and Remi will be able to interact directly. You need to work on rebuilding trust with RiRi first, and having her comfortable with her surroundings and you before you begin direct introductions between the two. Getting RiRi to allow you to touch her paws without getting bitten, if at all possible, would be helpful.

Is there a follow up appt. for RiRi with the vet anytime soon? If so, let them trim her nails, they are likely much faster than you and can get it done in an instant.
Remi is 5 months and RiRi is 3 years old. I think their age difference is most likely a factor as to why they are not getting along. I believe that the cat RiRi was previously with in her cage at Petco was one of 9 the other cats she lived with. Her previous owner had a total of 10 cats and was evicted... I’m sure she was connected to him and that it was scary for her to leave. I believe she is capable of getting along with other cats since she got along with him but that I should be taking things much slower. I agree that I should make my priority to gain trust with her before focusing on the introduction! I’m just not sure when I will know the right time to introduce them. It’s hard to tell when I have fully gained trust with her, I’m not sure if that consists of her coming to me or just not being as shy. She purrs when we pet her but we always go to her. She is very different from Remi who will just come up to us when we wants attention. Would you suggest not letting them eat with the door cracked open? I was following the steps on the catsite and slowly acclimated them to each other’s scent and then had them eat on the opposite side of the door closed and then cracked. Just wondering what I should be doing :)


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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Oh, so RiRi is the older one! My mistake for assuming the opposite! She has got to get acclimated since she has had a much bigger past than Remi, and you don't know what impact her past has had on her. So, 2 weeks is very little time in the big scheme of things. She is not hiding (correct?), so that is good. But, I would try to take the approach of seeing if you can get her to come to you. If she really likes brushings, maybe set the brush near her with you there, but don't use it and see what she does. If she comes to the brush, she might really be interested in that aspect of interacting with you. Purring can also be a form of self consolation, so she might be reacting that way to deal with being handled/approached. Time will tell on that one. I am sure she is very insecure and still trying to find her bearings. Right now, she is likely just dealing with the changes she has been through, and probably can't process dealing with another cat, particularly one so young. Anything in the TCS article (see link below) that might help?

What happens with RiRi's demeanor when you feed them both with the door cracked?

16 Top Cat Experts Share Tips For Dealing With Timid Cats – TheCatSite Articles
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Oct 4, 2020
FL (Born in MN)
Oh, so RiRi is the older one! My mistake for assuming the opposite! She has got to get acclimated since she has had a much bigger past than Remi, and you don't know what impact her past has had on her. So, 2 weeks is very little time in the big scheme of things. She is not hiding (correct?), so that is good. But, I would try to take the approach of seeing if you can get her to come to you. If she really likes brushings, maybe set the brush near her with you there, but don't use it and see what she does. If she comes to the brush, she might really be interested in that aspect of interacting with you. Purring can also be a form of self consolation, so she might be reacting that way to deal with being handled/approached. Time will tell on that one. I am sure she is very insecure and still trying to find her bearings. Right now, she is likely just dealing with the changes she has been through, and probably can't process dealing with another cat, particularly one so young. Anything in the TCS article (see link below) that might help?

What happens with RiRi's demeanor when you feed them both with the door cracked?

16 Top Cat Experts Share Tips For Dealing With Timid Cats – TheCatSite Articles
Exactly I have no idea what she’s been through and yes she’s not hiding. She would hide at times and I’m pretty sure that was to avoid Remi. I don’t know if she likes to be brushed but she will just sit there when I brush her and I let her sniff the brush before brushing. I will try the brush. She isn’t really influenced with treats (she eats them but won't really come if you have a treat) and does play with toys here and there. I suppose she could be purring to sooth herself, interesting! Yeah I think she may be stressed. She looks out the window constantly and when I try to call her over (which she doesn’t really listen) or when she is playing she often just starts grooming herself. She really gets into it and grooms herself often (she has long hair so it’s hard to tell if she’s doing it too much). I’ve heard that randomly stopping and grooming can be a form of stress and a way to sooth but once again I’m unsure. I will definitely take a look at the TCS article later tonight, it looks very thorough! Here are some videos from her eating tonight (I made an album link because I don’t know how else to do it). One is her reaction eating, one is Remi’s reaction when she was done eating, one is me interacting with her, and the last one is her just playing by herself (I don't see her play like this too often, I tried to get a video of her meowing but she often does these strange meows even when I am in the room, she will also meow after we leave and when she hears us get up in the morning).



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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
I really enjoyed those videos! It doesn't seem like anything too bad is going on based on those videos. I think RiRi is just trying to figure things out still. Her sniffing your fingers is fine, although she seems to think she is going to get some food/treats by doing so? If not, she is just testing the waters to see if something else 'not so nice' might follow. She walked away from the door after eating while Remi is still eating, so she must not be too concerned about Remi. I am guessing both cats know their boundaries with you watching - Remi knows that you don't want her 'trespassing' into RiRi's territory, and RiRi knows you won't let Remi do that! All good. I would say to continue the course you are on, and see what happens. RiRi looks fairly comfortable, but she may still need some more time before being in a room with Remi without the watchful eye of 'mom'.
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Oct 4, 2020
FL (Born in MN)
I really enjoyed those videos! It doesn't seem like anything too bad is going on based on those videos. I think RiRi is just trying to figure things out still. Her sniffing your fingers is fine, although she seems to think she is going to get some food/treats by doing so? If not, she is just testing the waters to see if something else 'not so nice' might follow. She walked away from the door after eating while Remi is still eating, so she must not be too concerned about Remi. I am guessing both cats know their boundaries with you watching - Remi knows that you don't want her 'trespassing' into RiRi's territory, and RiRi knows you won't let Remi do that! All good. I would say to continue the course you are on, and see what happens. RiRi looks fairly comfortable, but she may still need some more time before being in a room with Remi without the watchful eye of 'mom'.
Thanks for taking the time reading and replying! I just stuck out my hand so that she could sniff and approach if she wants to. I’m not sure if she expects treats but she is not super receptive to treats. She won’t come over if I have one but will eat one if I place it directly in front of her. I will continue to let her get comfortable in the room and see if she becomes more receptive to me regarding her coming to me etc. Thanks again and I’m sure I’ll make an updated post on the progress in the future! :)