When Dealing With The Loss Of Our Fur Babies.....


Sylvester's daddy
Thread starter
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
I know that we have discussed what helps when we are dealing with the loss of our little ones, and we have talked about Chamomile tea and Holy Basil and L-Tryptophan as natural things to help ease the pain but I also wanted to mention a homeopathic remedy Ignatia Amara which are little pills that you put under your tongue without eating or drinking for about a half hour before and after taking them, it is for acute grief and shock and can be taken while you are first going through it but also while going through it and they say also works if you take it years later after an upsetting event. I used it and it does help, some people don't believe in it and think that they are just sugar pills but I believe and also take other homeopathic remedies for allergies and other things and they do help, so I hope that this helps someone out there. Don't touch the pills, pour them in the cap of the bottle and toss them under your tongue and let them dissolve, it couldn't hurt you....just take as directed on the bottle, more is not better.

And last night I started to think about a lot of the recent losses on here and then about the 6 we have lost over the years and Deb's dad 3 months ago and wanted to go get some but that would've meant I would've had to have gone into the kitchen at 3:00 A.M. and Sylvester and Simba and a few others would've cornered me in there for treats and I didn't feel like doing that at that time so I just tried to think about something else as that would've awakened me fully for the night lol! But I thought "I should mention this on the Cat Site for some who just can't get over the loss", so I hope this is the right forum and that it helps someone! :alright: :grouphug2: :rbheart:

1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
les26 les26 I could sit here all weekend long and talk your ear off about how this stuff works. I don't know how it works but it does, and even though I was skeptical to the point of laughing out loud at the vet who was trying to help us, I ate my words and had a big slice of humble pie for dessert when the proof presented itself as an animal that was facing potential euthanasia came back like a boomerang. Shocked doesn't even describe it! I've never been so happy to be wrong in my life, and I've got tons of experience :thumbsup:
Ignatia Amara, we've used before euthanasia in a scared animal, as it helps with fear of death (so does Angel of Mercy, but that's a Bach thing. Something else that gave me another helping of humble pie.)

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
This is the place where people go when they can't cope with all that is going on and need help. I couldn't think of a better place to get that kind of information out to those who need it. It may be a good idea to get some and keep it on hand, tragedies come when we least expect them. We would never know if it helps unless you try it, anything that brings light into that abyss of darkness is welcome......