What's your face wash?


Staff Member
Oct 11, 2006
Honey. Seriously. I have very sensitive skin, and just squirt a teaspoon or so into my palm every morning, and wash and rinse. (At night, just plain warm water.) Once or twice a week, I leave the honey on as a mask, for about 15-20 minutes (do this in private--it looks DISGUSTING); then I rinse it off. It really softens and makes your skin look healthy (as does drinking lots of water, no smoking or excessive alcohol, and eating properly). I swear it has some healing properties on skin, too. Because it's sticky, I usually use it before I wash my hair every day, in the shower. (Actually, left on dampened hair for 15-20 mins. also helps your hair, though not as well as your skin.) I also use slightly diluted cider vinegar as a toner, and a hair rinse (for shine).

Not to sound moralizing, but I prefer not to use chemical stuff on my skin, if I can help it, not just because of the sensitivity issue, but also because I don't think that stuff (a lot of which is hype) does much, or is very safe in the long run; plus, I abhor animal testing for beauty products. Honestly, I've found that natural, simple stuff is just as good, if not better; and safer, and cheaper. Not to brag, but I've been told I have a lovely complexion (after the teenage acne went away!), and look far younger than I really am (wonder how long THAT will hold up
). I simply try to take good care of myself--no drinking, smoking, nor drugs (god, I'm boring), and I try to eat properly, and drink lots of water. Getting enough sleep really helps, too, but I tend to have trouble with doing that. Genetics help, too! Mom had a beautiful English "peaches and cream" complexion, which I used to have as a kid.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jan 31, 2007
Massachusetts & Florida
I have super sensitive skin, and had a bit of acne when I was a teen. My dermatologist told me to use Purpose back in the day and I have never used anything since then. I am 31 now, and this is still the best face wash I have ever found. Purpose comes in bar soap and face wash, I am referring to the face wash, the bar soap is garbage.

I also use lotion, facial scrub, and tonic from Leaf and Rusher, this stuff is super expensive but it makes your skill feel like heaven. It is worth every penny in my opinion. It is hard to find in stores, but you can sometimes see it in like Macy's. Or leafandrusher.com