What's your cat love story?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Nov 1, 2015
I got a little foster kitten on Sunday. She was previously in foster care and her and her siblings were plateauing in their socialization process and becoming too dependent on one another. So they separated them out into individual foster homes. I've set up my little girl in the bathroom and she made it clear she wanted nothing to do with me haha. This morning, I went in there half asleep just to use the restroom and she started meowing at me. I started talking to her, and she talked back. I put my hand down near her, she started loving on me! She came out from behind the toilet and started loving all over me, leaning into my hand and licking me all over. I don't think there is a part of my hand or arm that didn't get licked! Haha. 

I just thought it was the sweetest thing and wanted to share. :3

Anyone else have a love story like that?


gangsta chanca

TCS Member
Young Cat
Nov 15, 2015
When i first got my cat, seven years ago i think. After a while of living with us, he made it clear he liked no one but me. Now, sure, i bear a good amount of scars from times with him, but I'm the only one in my household who he likes.

Whenever I'm on my computer, he comes in my room and leaps into my lap and starts rubbing and licking me. Hes only ever done this to me, or the family dog. Eventually, as long as he isn't hungry, he will cuddle down in my lap. Around 4am usually i hear his meowing. He always wants in my room. (i keep my door closed due to the fact i own mice and my cat, jet, his brother who he hates will come and try and destroy the poor mice.) I just find it so great that he likes me,  because in the past years all the animals have never really become loving towards me until this fat guy.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
I had been wanting a kitten for some time, and was going to save my pennies for an adoption fee when my (then) roommate's best friend called.  her queen had managed to escape one week before her scheduled spaying and had come home in the condition you'd expect her to come home in.  Amanda, my roommate, immediately put in a hold for two of the kittens, one for her, and one for me.  We waited patiently, and at 1am on the morning of April 1st, 2008, we got the call that the kittens were here.  I drove 40 miles the next morning to their house, and there were the most darling kittens I'd ever seen.  Mama was protective, but ok with gentle handling, so I picked each kitten up.  The first four just nestled down in my cupped hands.  The last, a little tortie, hissed at me.  I was smitten.  And we've been together now since she was weaned, at least 4 weeks too early by my reckoning.  Teri's mom told her the kittens had to go at five weeks.  So Amanda and I bottle-fed and gave them baby cereal (rice) mixed with canned food for another 3 weeks till their little teeth were good and in, and they were eating any and everything that came their way.  BTW...I'm convinced that being yanked from their mama at that age is why Hekitty is a smurgler today.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Dec 5, 2014
Eastern PA
I do a lot of traveling - usually gone 2 to 4 days at a time. When I get home our two Bengals stick kinda close to me for a day or so.

After getting home one evening - I was trying to get some work done on the computer... a picture is worth a thousand words

They make it difficult to get anything done, but I can't bring myself to shoosh them away. Sticking close is how they say "we missed you!"


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
~SIGH~  So true...no matter how inconvenient it might be when Hekitty decides that she and I are one being, I don't ever shoosh her away.  Cats can be so aloof...nobody, but nobody does aloof like a cat, that when they are loving, it would be almost like a slap in their faces to not accept that love and affection in the spirit it is given.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 7, 2010
Naples, Fl
My first cat, Boots, comforted me after my mother died. I was sitting on the couch just thinking of my mom, after the funeral. Boots was never a lap cat, but at that moment he jumped on my lap, stood up and put his paws on my shoulders, leaned over and hugged me. He was around 4 years old then, and lived to be 17. Never did anything like that for the rest of his life, but he definitely felt my emotions and wanted to show his love and affection. I'll never forget that moment.