What's The Chances Of My 7 Month Old Kitten Coming Back Home?


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Oct 23, 2017
I live in an apartment and I've had her since September 25th, 2017, a little less than 2 months. She is well fed and I play with her give or take 30~45 mins on an average day(longer if you count just sitting down and lap cuddling) or more during my weekends. She spends a lot of time either sitting in front of me while I'm on the computer or curls between my legs while I'm watching TV. She accidentally managed to get out to explore, I thought nothing of it at first as she was taking it slow but she ended up bolting off the wrong direction from a those leaf blowers in the morning.

I've searched for her a several times already today and just earlier with my flashlight at 8pm. Left warm smelly tuna(I use these as a treat, she only gets one of these a week) and her staying home alone classical songs running a few times today. I've left her urine stained box outside along with her food bowl with treats and water. Her litter box is also outside.

So far it's been about 14 hours since she was last seen. What's the chances do you guys think that she'll manage to find her way back home? It's actually raining right now so I'm worried that the rain is washing away all scent left at the front door. I'm also living in the upstairs apartment so the scent may be harder to pick up? There are also a few strays in the area, one in particular that is pretty aggressive(hisses and scratches if you are nearby) but I didn't see any blood stains or anything on that one when I ran into him(her?) today.

In any case I just want to read some replies to understand my situation right now better.
Any opinions are welcomed, thanks for reading!
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Oct 23, 2017
She's back! It's been approximately 20 hours, came back with her fur all messy and wet and her meows were very raspy but overall gave her warm food, a water less bath, and lots of play time and she's back to her old self.

I thought it was bad that I was only getting 5~6 hours of sleep a day with her jumping around but that beats getting ZERO hours of sleep worrying about her. Finally can get some sleep, 2 AM is right around the corner.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 1, 2017
Awesomesauce! That said, she probably doesn't view this episode the way you do and is likely to try harder to get out now -- you might want to chip her, yeah? Costs around $45, but if she does get lost, you'll probably get her back.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Aug 9, 2016
NY State
That's fantastic, I'm so happy for you!! My family cat got out and we all thought he was gone but he reappeared after three weeks, it's amazing how cats manage to find their way home. You should definitely consider microchipping her and spaying her if you haven't already, and be extra vigilant about keeping her inside... the SOS thread is full of people whose cats haven't come back home :(

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I'm so happy you got her back, and she is so lucky to be home. If she isn't already spayed, she is most likely pregnant. I'm so happy for you, the NOT knowing is the worst. Give her a kiss from me!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Oct 23, 2017
Awesomesauce! That said, she probably doesn't view this episode the way you do and is likely to try harder to get out now -- you might want to chip her, yeah? Costs around $45, but if she does get lost, you'll probably get her back.
She is chipped and spayed(though sometimes she acts like she's not, I had to look it up and there seems to be similar cases before with other spayed cats) so at least that part is done with.

However with that said...

I was worried because when I was looking for her for a while and I ran into a group of three people and two of them were making fun of the situation. They were provoking me saying "looking for your cat"? I stopped and replied "yeah, have you seen a cat walking around"? Two said "nope". The third person which was a kid asked if my cat was spotted and tried to help but unfortunately that wasn't my cat's color but I do know which cat they were talking about. It was the aggressive stray. Then I thanked the little guy in the back and as I was walking away the two were like "yeah I got your cat, it's right here" and I turned to look and the two laughed. Basically your old school bullies laughing at someone's distress. At the time I thought it was too convenient that they knew what I was doing as I wasn't calling my cat's name when they saw me looking around.

*You can skip this part, just a side story*
See I look like a pretty scrawny nerdy Asian kid I was wearing a thick coat, thick framed glasses, and sweat pants with slippers looking for my cat. Little did they know though that I was already in a bad state of mind and I'm actually pretty well physically built and without my glasses I don't look the least bit nerdy(it's the entire point of the glasses really, to give me that look), plus I'm not a stranger when it comes to fighting(though I avoid it 95% of the time now a days if I could, that 5% is reserved for real a-holes).
So the second time around I walked outside with running shoes, sweat pants, and skin tight tank top and was literally ready to make them talk if they knew anything. Unfortunately they were gone by the time I made the next round trip around the neighborhood. I'm actually kinda glad that they were gone at the time as the two, I was really ready to make them talk during that state of mind. To me, anyone who's willing to laugh at someone's distress didn't deserve a second chance at that point of time.

Anyways thanks for the time guys! I sincerely hope that Luna won't try to venture outside for a while as there were lots of leaf blowers and lawn mowers going on for at least 2+ hours and it was raining the other half of the day and finally stopped around 1 and she came back half an hour or so after that. It looked like a pretty stressful day if I were looking through cat lenses. Compared to now since she's fast asleep on my lap as I'm typing this :)
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