What Would You Do?


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Mar 28, 2016
Oakland, CA
I'm moving from a large house into a small, one room condo. I've placed two of the strays I'd been caring for into families (so pleased!) and am taking only Jack with me. The other two indoor cats are staying with my now ex-partner in the house.
Here's the big question. I've taken care of a stray for what I thought was going to be temporary but turned into 7 years. I think she's about 8 or 9. I realized that I keep referring to her as "a stray," but she's actually my cat. I feed her, shelter her, take her to the vet, she's microchipped to me so let's not kid ourselves... she's mine. But what do I do next? Is it "right" to remove a 100% outdoor cat from her surroundings and "make her" adjust to life in a one room condo?

  • Soots and Jack are already familiar with each other. Jack gets a daily hour on the back porch where he just sleeps outside (he's 9). The two of them aren't besties but they sleep near each other and there's no hissing or freaking out when they interact.
  • I will be comforted knowing that Soots is being loved and cared for. If I don't bring her with me, both my now ex and my neighbors will feed her and watch out for her health (and call me if anything starts to seem off), but they won't love her like I do. She's one of those "comes running when she sees my car pull up" kind of cats. When I walk to the market, she meets me on the corner on my way back and races me the four houses home. I love this girl and I'm the only one she has who gives her this level of attention.

  • She'll hate it inside. I've brought her indoors before (during heavy storms and cold snaps), and all it does is seem to scare her. Granted, she's never been given a chance to adjust so maybe it's possible that she'll adapt. She's gotten older so mostly sleeps a lot so does it really matter where she sleeps?
  • There's a small balcony at my new place; I'm on the third floor. It's possible to jump from my balcony to neighboring balconies or right off into the swimming pool 3 floors down. I know that I'll want to let her onto the balcony for air and sunning herself, but I'm terrified thinking she'll wind up lost or injured should she try to run off and go exploring, like she does now. Right now she has a territory of about 8 houses that she totally owns. I see her all over, when she's not sleeping. What if the only thing this move accomplishes is that she tries to go exploring and winds up lost, starving and alone.
I'm so torn. What would you do? A couple of other options are leave her at the house for now and in a couple more years when she's really slowed down, bring her in. Or move her and NOT let her on the balcony for a long time while she adapts to indoors and learns to love it. Or move her with me and if she shows unending signs of stress (like, if 3-4 weeks after the move, she's still not eating and her fur has fallen out and she won't come out from under the bed), then return her to her yard and her outdoor life, and trust that my neighbors and ex will care for her.

I really need some feedback on this. I'm so very conflicted.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
Or move her with me and if she shows unending signs of stress (like, if 3-4 weeks after the move, she's still not eating and her fur has fallen out and she won't come out from under the bed), then return her to her yard and her outdoor life, and trust that my neighbors and ex will care for her.
I think I'd try this one. At her age, and with winter coming, she may be grateful to stay indoors, once she gets used to it. Worth a try anyway.


Inky's legacy - Belly rubs CAN tame feral cats!
Alpha Cat
Feb 12, 2017
I've taken in 3 adult outdoor cats, one completely feral, one abused abandoned stray and one socialized stray
All unneutered males who were outdoor cats only ranging in age from 2 to 4 or 5. Made them completely indoor cats, no outside at all, no balcony nothing. I live in an apartment in the city near busy roads, no way. They were fine and all were fat and happy until they all died of cancer around 14 or 15. The feral one, Inky, flipped the first hour and did the tearing around and tried to climb the walls and jump out the windows and then settled right down. It took years to tame him, but he eventually became more tame and loving then some tame cats. Used to sleep on my head or next to my face with his paws wrapped around my arm to hold me closer, give me headbutts, lick my face, loved belly rubs, the most loving sweet cat you could imagine.
None of them tried to escape. One of them, Tigey, found my mom's cancer long before any of her doctors and gave me 3 years with her.
The cat loves you and you live her. Try taking her with you and DON'T let her on the balcony where she can fall and be hurt. So many people insist cats need to be outside and get diseases, parasites, Hutt by predators and other cats, tortured by awful people, and really suffer. They dont. I've had at least 11 cats that I can remember and they've all adjusted just fine to being only indoors and spoiled rotten with food served to them round the clock, warm places to sleep and endless cuddles as well as other cats to play with.
My friend took in 2 strays and insisted on letting them put because one meowed even though they kept getting ticks she lives in the woods. One cat disappeared and of course she's devastated and heartbroken but she still let's the other cat out even though she says this cat doesn't insist on going out, but she thinks it's good for her. How???!!!
It's too bad education and facts can't change people's thinking. My cats have always seemed happy and fine.
If you take her and she seems stressed you can try other things to help with stress too.
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Mar 28, 2016
Oakland, CA
Hi Inky! Thanks for taking the time to write such a passionate response... I truly appreciate the input. I was over at the new place today thinking "oh heck, they'll be in their cat tree next to the screen door, getting a good breeze... no need for them to be on the balcony." I happen to agree with everything you've said.


Inky's legacy - Belly rubs CAN tame feral cats!
Alpha Cat
Feb 12, 2017
Oh good. I really hope I didn't come off as judgmental at all towards you, that's not at all what I meant. And I know that there truly are cats who can't handle living inside hopefully that's not what happens with you!
This cat sounds so bonded to you that I'm really hopeful she'll be happy to be warm and fed and comfortable with you. My cats weren't nearly that boneed to me when I took them in but they lived the warm house and meals.
I think I'm still frustrated with my friend who's never tried. And says she's so devastated to lose the cat, but hasn't done nearly as much as I would to find him if I would if it were my cat missing. I told her to call the local shelter every few days because different volunteers might not pass info along and they could just euthanize him, he's not microchipped. She didn't want to hear it. Or hire a scent dog because she was afraid they'd find him dead. What if he was hurt and suffering? I think she needed to get out of denial, step up to the plate and actually be strong and be a pet parent even if it's stressful and unpleasant. Then she still let's the other cat out even though it's perfectly happy inside.
Sorry to rant, but parenting is you're there for the good or bad, whether it's human kids or fur babies. Don't take them in if you can't handle stress.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Oct 10, 2017
I agree with Willowy! I think you should take her and try to let her adapt to living indoors. If that doesn't work, then I would try to figure something else out. But like you said, she is attached to you, and it would be a shame if you didn't at least try! <3 Best of luck to you! Keep us updated on how it goes.


Minion to Gypsy since October 2016
Top Cat
Jan 24, 2017
Central Illinois, USA
Oh good. I really hope I didn't come off as judgmental at all towards you, that's not at all what I meant. And I know that there truly are cats who can't handle living inside hopefully that's not what happens with you!
This cat sounds so bonded to you that I'm really hopeful she'll be happy to be warm and fed and comfortable with you. My cats weren't nearly that boneed to me when I took them in but they lived the warm house and meals.
I think I'm still frustrated with my friend who's never tried. And says she's so devastated to lose the cat, but hasn't done nearly as much as I would to find him if I would if it were my cat missing. I told her to call the local shelter every few days because different volunteers might not pass info along and they could just euthanize him, he's not microchipped. She didn't want to hear it. Or hire a scent dog because she was afraid they'd find him dead. What if he was hurt and suffering? I think she needed to get out of denial, step up to the plate and actually be strong and be a pet parent even if it's stressful and unpleasant. Then she still let's the other cat out even though it's perfectly happy inside.
Sorry to rant, but parenting is you're there for the good or bad, whether it's human kids or fur babies. Don't take them in if you can't handle stress.
:clap2: :rock:
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Mar 28, 2016
Oakland, CA
Hey Willowy, I'm embarrassed that until this, I didn't realize that cats falling off of balconies is a very real concern. And I thought I knew so much about cats. I found a great site yesterday Catios & Apartments » Home of Habitat Haven with tons of great suggestions for balcony catios. Until I construct one of these, kitties will be enjoying the balcony from INSIDE the apartment. I appreciate the feedback from everyone on this, otherwise I may have made a terrible mistake.