what to do


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 26, 2012
Well I am a proud owner of 3 cats. I bought 2 kittens a while back when I already had a 10 year old cat. I moved out of my old apartment and toom my two kittens with me and left the 10 year old with her original owner at the apartment. Recently the owner told me they were going to have to give her to the animal shelter and i offered to take her back. Now I have the 3 amigos yet again. My problem is that of of my younger cats doesnt like this at all. They hiss at each other and fight. As well as the younger one is upset with this he keeps peeing on the bed to inform me that he is upset. I would like some advice in what could help becajse I'm totally lost. They liked each other before i moved out the cirst time and now it's just a nightmare. What should I do?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 6, 2004
The Land of Cheese
They will not have recognised each other when they met again, the smells would be too different. You are going to have to go through the full introduction process again, keeping the 'new' cat apart from the others while they learn each others' smells and get used tot he idea again. Slowly mix t heir smells with the use of towels that you rub on them, add a little litter from one tray to the other, and maybe try a dab of vanilla essence on all of them. A Feliway calming spray or plug-in might help too. Good luck, I am sure it will work out OK in the end.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Sep 23, 2012
Try the introduction thing as suggested....I have a 9 yr old cat who lost his best buddy (taco RIP 9-21-12) and we adopted a 7 yr old from the shelter and wow, that didnt go anything like taco and AKs meeting 8 yrs ago...

anyhow...Im such a big baby/sissy
it almost killed me but I stuck to the "steps" of the intro for cats and with the help of Calm Down and At Ease ..both from pet Smart, 15 bux total...we are one week into this and had our 1st nose to nose meeting this morning with no gates in between and it went off totally unhitched! My nerves are so thankful
because I love AK and couldnt bear the thought of taking Socks back to the shelter, but I couldnt let them hate each other...I mean who knew cats needed an intro period, 
I certainly didnt but I do now and I appreciate everyone here at the cat site for their insightful knowledge!!!

as the song goes..."looks like we made it...look how far we've come..."
...but Ive still got my guard up, for a few more days at least...good luck to ya!
