What silly things do you do to spoil the kitties?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 14, 2005
in the land of poutine and ice
I grow catnip and cat grass for them because they like it better than store bought.
I sleep uncomfortably to let Bumper sleep the way he wants to
I have bird feeders to keep them amused
I always leave the TV or radio on so they hear voices while I am out


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 17, 2007
on the shores of Georgian Bay
Oh my goodness where to start.

My guys have to have ice cubes in there water dish, I swear, if I fill up the dish and don't put a couple in I get the " Hey Mom, where's the ice look"

Linus has a thing for toy felt mice, the multi-colored ones that come in 5 packs. He must have 40 of them by now..He just loves when I gather them all up and put them in his chair, he then sits in the middle of them and surveys his treasures.

The chair is another thing, it is suppose to be my recliner, I don't remember then being at the store when I bought it or pitching in on the cost..But trying to get them out of it is impossible and if I am sitting in it again with the evil-eyed stare "Hey mom what you doing in my chair.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2007
Knee deep in cat litter
Oh my...let me count the ways

We get them lots of toys...I think they have more toys than our kids do

They occasionally get treats of tuna and kitty treats.
Of course I do everything I can to make sure that the bed is all ready for them at night and that I don't disturb my precious kitties.
I will go out of my way to praise them when they bring me a toy.
Oh and the worst "spoiling" is Snickers has a thing for wanting to drink from the tub water. She jumps into our Master Tub and paws at the sides as to say, "Hello, I want water now" so we always turn it on a slow dribble for her to quench her thirst. You know that water in a bowl is SOOOO not cool
She has us wrapped around her little claw.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 12, 2001
Good to know that I'm not the only one who allows furbabies to rule the home.

Every morning, I spend at least 10 minutes waiting in a hot tub before I start using soap/shampoo. Why do I wait? Because at least THREE INSIST on drinking from the tub ONLY WHEN I'm IN it.. I don't want them drinking soap/shampoo so I have to wait until they're done drinking and after Buddy has amused himself to his satisfication. For some reason, he likes to dip his tail in the water and flick it all over so I let him.

I spend more time in bedroom than I'd like because that's where Heidi hangs out (she won't come out of the bedroom- long story).

I have more cat furniture than furniture of my own. Apt floor is covered with toys.

I have scratches ALL OVER my shoulders & back because Buddy likes to ride around on my back and I've given up on avoiding this!
He's on my back about 40% of time at home.

When I go to bed, I arrange myself in bed the way the cats prefer to sleep with me.. Arms spread wide open, legs wide open.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Apr 11, 2007
I bought Princess another catnip nana because hers was flat..

She has a blanket folded up on the corner of my computer desk so she can lay next to me and be comfortable, even though it's less desk space for me.

She has a harness/leash so she can go outside with me from time to time, even though that made me have to get her flea protected which cost me a fortune.

She is free-fed dry food and then every day she gets about 1/4 a can of wet food as a treat.. AND she won't eat it unless I put it by the sliding door so she can watch outside while she eats.. I guess she doesn't want to miss anything!

I have a black futon in the living room opposite of the couch which has become her favorite sleeping spot, so I put a blanket over it so she can snuggle up (also keeps the hair off the black futon cover).

When I am getting ready to go somewhere and am putting on makeup, she likes to watch, so I put her up on the sink and let her smell everything before I use it... and she won't jump up there, she meows then I pick her up and set her up there


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 1, 2002
Next to the World's Largest 6-pack
Hmmmmm....Where do I start?

The guys have 6-8 Bananas, 4 cigars, 1 heart, 1 apple, 1 lemon, 1 pumpkin, and 1 pollock fish because they only like Yeow! catnip.
We have just about every track and puzzle toy known to cat. 2 baskets full to the top with toys (I even went through them last month and donated a bunch to the shelter--it filled a target bag). Plus yarn poofs and as many pink and yellow mice I could get my hands on at Easter. (Stimpy likes pink or yellow mousies the best)

I buy them 1-lb bags of FF Gourmet Gold because it's their favorite cat treat. Raven also likes his wet food sprinkled with Gourmet Gold like croutons and crunched up Kitty Kaviar sprinkled on it too.

I bought them a Drinkwell finally this summer, only after trying every other fountain on the market.

And now, DH and I are building a cat fort.

Not spoiled at all....


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 9, 2005
Needles, CA
I turn the air conditioning off and open the back door for 45 minutes every evening so they can all lay around and enjoy the sun beams.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Aug 10, 2007
New Jersey
Ever since I got Nimbus, I've been buying so many unecessary items for him. I threw out his plastic cat dish and I got him a china dish/3 bowl set from Pier 1 for his food/water...I bought a little carpet for his litter box to rest on. I also got him a cat carrier that looks like a burberry duffle bag, from ebay.



TCS Member
Top Cat
May 11, 2006
What would I consider to be the silliest thing I do? Well, I sit down on the floor with the kitties after I give them their wet food, and stay on the floor with them while they eat.

This is a concession for my first furbaby, Ginger-kitty. As an 8-9 week old kitten, she wouldn't eat unless I stayed right there with her; she'd scamper along following me if I walked away, so I had to sit with her to make sure she'd eat her wet. She didn't like to be alone, sweet baby.

I can't always give up 15 minutes of my evening to sit on the floor listening to kitty tongues lapping up their wet food, but I have found that on the nights that I DON'T, Ginger will eat a lot less, and then the scavengers will finish her dinner for her.

She's rail thin as it is, and I am always worried that she doesn't eat enough, so when I can, I'll sit there with her until she's eaten as much as her belly can take. She's the last to start eating and the last to finish, my little slow-poke.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 16, 2006
North Carolina
I don't know about silly, but I sure do spoil them.

I take their food dish to them wherever they happen to be. They've eaten in various places in the house, including on top of the tv, on top of the cat tree, on our bed, on the couch.

Swanie has taken over the side of couch where I used to sit. If I'm sitting there, he'll come up and stare at me. So I get up or move over so he can have "his" seat. He used to get me off the kitchen chair I use at the computer by coming up behind me and poking me in the butt.

I was cleaning out the coat closet the other day and threw a couple of my hand knitted sweaters on the chair, temporarily. Swanie decided they made an excellent bed, so they're still on the chair.

I'm sure there's a ton of other stuff. Basically, the cats rule the house


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 26, 2005
An Elf from the Woodland Realm
Ever since the puppy came to the house Sibohan has been a "treatless" kitty she can't play with her toys outside of my bedroom for fear of the puppy eating them. She dosn't like cat treats so I have had to improvise.

Sibohan is a ham lover... and I do mean love she actually drools when she smells ham so whenever making a ham sandwich she gets to sit on my lap and I give her little pinches of ham, not very much of couse but even after i'm done my sandwich she is licking my fingers like crazy.

I have also surcombed to the constant meowing and Sibohan gets to go outside on her leash a few times a week we go for an hour wonder around the property for her to sniff things and roll around in the dust she is in kitty heaven.

Am I a suck.... oh yes!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 20, 2003
Yeah we're hooked....

For Summer, since she likes to sit on my lap just as I'm about to get up, I will put things off sometimes for 5 minutes to lay and purr on my lap.

For Chevy, he likes to catch water drops from the bathtub from the edge while I'm in it! Never fails. The other day, the drips were not plentiful enough, so I ran the water for 20 seconds so he could have more to catch.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2004
SW Indiana
This was about 30 years ago.

Twice a week we stayed in town for activities (after work/school) and would eat out. Dad's favorite place was a steak house and any fat trimmed from the steaks was wrapped in paper napkins and brought home to Solomon and Sheba. One evening it was raining pretty hard as we got home and I dropped the fat scraps in a puddle. I said to heck with it and came in the house.

We were met by Solomon asking where his scraps were. I said they were out in a puddle and I'm not going out in that rain to get it. He looked at Mom and she caved. She went back out, retrieved the package and rinsed the scraps off before giving them to the cats.

Mom was the sucker that night. She also forgave her favorite cat, Gulliver, for dropping a live mouse on her as she lay in bed barely able to move from an arthritis attack.