What Should I Do? (cat Hates Other Cat)


TCS Member
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Nov 20, 2017
I'm at a bit of a loss. About a month and a half ago, we rescued a 6 year old male tabby named Niko. We brought him home, and put him in his safe room, but we really took introductions to our resident cat too fast. This led to her hating him. She would hiss at him and chase him until he hid under the bed. This went on for a while, until we decided to go through re-introduction. We put him back in the room, did scent exchanges, site swapping, feeding on opposite sides of the door, etc. They got to a point where they could eat together while seeing each other and being about a foot away from each other, so we decided to let him into the living room again. She would still hiss, but we'd redirect her with toys, and reinforced positive behavior around him with treats, and that worked very well. Today, it seemed to be going well, but then went downhill.

Resident cat walked up to Niko while he was on the cat tree, sniffed his tail, and jumped down. No hissing, nothing. Then, a few minutes later, Niko was on the floor, and she walked right by him, again, no hissing. We were cheering for her! But then, Niko became the aggressor. Right after she walked by him, he followed her, and stood over her in a dominant kind of way. He then tried to paw at her, and she ran away. For the rest of the night she's been back to square one, and actually even worse. About 20 minutes ago, resident cat was on the cat tree, and Niko was on the ground. Both of their tails got bushy, and she started growling LOUDLY. Niko looked like he was about to attack her. I've never heard her growl like this. I redirected Niko into the bedroom with treats and that's where he is now. I'm at a loss. It seems like Niko is trying to be the dominant one and resident cat is NOT having it. At this point I feel like my only option is getting both of them on a calming medication and going through re-introduction once again, or taking Niko back to the shelter. They both seem like very dominant cats, and I'm so worried that it'll just never work between them. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Note: I tried the multi-cat Feliway diffuser, and it made Niko worse. He began spraying, despite being neutered, a few days after the diffuser was plugged in. Another thing that is most likely causing his dominance behavior is that he had not been neutered until he was 5 years old, about a year ago.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 1, 2017
Well, super loud growling isn't good of course. But you know, sometimes you just need to let them work through their *&^!. You haven't mentioned bad fights with screaming and fur patches pulled, nor scratches. Maybe they can't get through this on their own and it will get worse, but I don't think it makes sense to cross that option off at this stage. If they are fighting for real with screaming, pulling fur patches, the whole nine yards, then that is different, but it doesn't sound like they are there yet -- growling and swatting isn't at the same level.

Alternatively, you could perhaps try the My Cat From Hell (tv show) approach to these issues. Which seems to be tons of cat trees and other structures that give the cats their own defensible spaces. I dunno how that could possibly work, but that seems to be what they do every dang episode so might be worth a shot.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 25, 2007
Sorry didn't read all in this thread, so may give repetitive advise or bad advise.

My advise is food and play

My eldest boy cat likes to fight in a I'm boss way with my other cats. Sadly my girl cat hates this and is scared of him as he is twice as big. When they are both together I play with them with the dreaded laser lol, they both forget each outer and try to get the light, taking it in turns. This is taking super long though as I said my cat still wants to be boss.

With food, find something irresistible, feed them in the same room but far apart, facing each other, this shows they are more interested with food, over time, bring bowls closer and closer. Soon they will be eating right next to each other, learning they can trust each other, you may find them sleeping together like I did with mine.
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TCS Member
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Nov 20, 2017
Thanks everyone for the advice!

A ArtNJ We have tried the "My Cat From Hell" method in that we have lots of cat trees and shelves all around the living room (their primary hang out spot). They've actually been fighting primarily over one of these cat trees despite there being multiple, as well as shelves... As for the screaming, fur flying, blood, etc. I'm worried that it would get there without our intervention. Today Niko once again cornered Lexi and she started yowling, and then they swatted at each other before we intervened. His tail once again got bushy, started going back and forth, etc.

H happilyretired We actually have 2 OTHER (4 total) cats that these two are both getting along fine with, so it's not an only cat situation! He was also housed with various other cats at the shelter. Pretty much all combinations of our cats get along except our first cat and Niko... However, one is a very submissive male, and one is a kitten, so there is expected to be less issues.

G gaogier Sounds like you're in our exact situation!! We've been doing the same, we've been using a "Da Bird" on them when they get a little too focused on each other. Sometimes it doesn't work and our resident cat just continues to be hyper-focused on Niko, though. I'll definitely try the laser - Niko goes crazy over it. We also have been feeding together but haven't tried in the same room together yet, just on opposite sides of the door.

I've plugged the multi-cat Feliway in again to give it another shot, but I'm kind of worried that it isn't in a great spot. It's in the living room (in the hallway from the living room to the kitchen), but a bit away from where the cats actively hang out and sleep. Maybe 20-ish feet away. It's the only place we have an outlet open, sadly, I wish they didn't have to be perched up like that so I could use them with a surge protector.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 25, 2007
The food has to be something special or something that they find irresistible and the same amount, same food, put bowls down tighter if possible, as cats may feel envious even for a couple seconds, my boys fight if they don't get food down at the same time, brotherly rivalry at its height lol good job I have 2 hands lol

I am known locally as the cat man, I have autism and my obsession is cats


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 1, 2017
I'd let them try to work it out. They may settle into a sort of hateful detente which will make your life easier, and gradually give them something to improve on. A few seconds of genuine cat fight -- when you are there -- is nothing to worry about, and if you don't give them the opportunity to actually fight, you don't know if they can de-escalate on their own. Believe me, you'll know if things are so far gone that you are risking actual injury.

I know hateful detente sounds bad, but what I mean is that they avoid each other, and maybe growl or swat when they get too close. Its a mostly stable state, with possibility for improvement. And sometimes its the best your gonna get. So *if you have exhausted your other options* you need to see if they are gonna try and maul each other or settle into hateful detente. Right now, don't think you know for sure, could go either way. Its a last resort, since once they start fighting for reals, there is very little possibility they will work it out on their own, but they might not get to that point.
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TCS Member
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Nov 20, 2017
G gaogier We feed Primal and all of our cats gobble it up super fast so I’ll try feeding them in the same room tomorrow!!

A ArtNJ Hateful detente sounds great right now, honestly. The weird thing is that’s where we were at until Niko decided to try to be alpha cat. Now it’s more like our resident cat is terrified rather than hateful, she acts mostly defensively (only yowls/bats when cornered). We’ll see how they progress, I’m mostly worried about it being irreparable if blood is drawn.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 25, 2007
A possibility, but it takes a longer time, may need to go to vets if they puncture skin.

A random fight is natural, we all get angry.

If you do let them sort it out, supervise so if they go too far and start really hurting each other like a bite that bleeds, you can stop it. You may get scratched or bitten.