What makes you call in sick to work?


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 18, 2004
When I worked I didn't like calling in sick-sometimes you were made felt that mgmt was questioning if you were sick or not. There were a few people what abused the sick day priviledges cause their kids were sick not them and they didn't want to use a vacation day!!! But if you are not feeling good-stay home and don't expose others-there was a guy a long time ago who NEVER called in-he would bring practically a drugstore worth of stuff-you know he had a very bad cold!! I've worked ill when we were short staffed for the holidays-never again!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2005
Jersey Shore
Really no offense though, but you have every RIGHT to call in sick. I Learned this from my doctor several years back.
I was working retail at that time and had flu-like symptoms. I called in because I could barely stay awake for an hour after I woke up. My boss BEGGED me to come in because she was going to be short staffed and had 4-5 others call in sick for that day. I was
but I relented and went in for 2 hours. When I went to the doctor later that day she was
that a manager made me come into work. She said that if I was to get worse (i.e. Flu develop into pneumoia or something worse) I could've sued because its my legal right to call in sick.

Plus, I had one co-worker that wouldn't leave work, even though she was diagnosed with Bronchitis. Her manager had to keep kicking her out, but she'd always return the next day. After 3 weeks of not getting ANY bed rest, she was coughing up blood. She kept telling me that she felt guilty for not being able to work. I looked at her and said, "If you want to feel guilty for something, cough on me so that I get sick and I sue you butt for not going home like the DOCTOR'S NOTE SAID TOO!".

So long story short, use you sick time for mental or physical reasons when necessary!!! No guilt attached either!!


TCS Member
Young Cat
Sep 24, 2005
As a teacher we can get a pretty tough time for taking a day off, so I try not to call in sick. We also get a bit of a guilt trip from the boss, who tell us how much it costs the school to employ relief staff when we are away. So I try and battle on and only take the time I must. I often take only 1/2 days if I can.
It's hard too because you don' want to expose kids and other teachers, but I tell you I have heard parents complain about teachers being away!! (When they really were sick!!)


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
Originally Posted by Ennna

As a teacher we can get a pretty tough time for taking a day off, so I try not to call in sick. We also get a bit of a guilt trip from the boss, who tell us how much it costs the school to employ relief staff when we are away. So I try and battle on and only take the time I must. I often take only 1/2 days if I can.
It's hard too because you don't want to expose kids and other teachers, but I tell you I have heard parents complain about teachers being away!! (When they really were sick!!)
I can understand that. I've had 24 sick days since 1982, and 15 of them were due to surgery and subsequent hospitalization (a tonsillectomy complicated by blood poisoning, and a hysterectomy) or a death in the family which required overseas (trans-Atlantic) travel. I missed four days because hubby and 3 pets had to have surgery, and one because I was subpoenaed to testify in a sexual abuse case. I basically figure that I can teach if I have less than a 104° fever. Hubby is worse - he's missed 7 days since 1982, and that includes eye surgery and a major bout with the flu.


TCS Member
Jul 20, 2003
Lotus Land
I took a month's stress leave a few years ago out of banked sick time. Other than that, I think you could count the number of sick days I've taken in 25 years with my current employer on two hands. For sure, I have enough sick time banked (grandfathered, when the rules changed a few years ago) that I could take something close to a year off at full pay if need be. I just don't get sick.

The times I have taken time off have been for intestinal stuff, once was food poisoning; and I recall a flu a number of years back when the only thing I was good for was sleep and moaning, and would not have accomplished thing one if I had gone to work.

But sick leave is there so that when you are sick you can give your body the break it needs to heal quickly, and at the same time keep your plague to yourself, and not infect others. There's nothing to be guilty about in calling in sick if you are -- only if what you're really doing is playing hooky.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 13, 2005
The Blue Lagoon
Some of you may not be aware, but depression and mania in bipolar disorder produces physical symptoms. As with clinical depression, It's not strictly a psychological disorder.

As someone with bipolar disorder, and who calls in sick more than any other employee in my office, I am literally sick from my illness the days I do call in sick. And it always comes up in my annual review, despite the fact that I do a good job when I am at work, functioning at my fullest capacity and capability.

I am on a long term disability at the moment, but will be returning to work in March armed with knowledge I didn't have prior to receiving my diagnosis.


TCS Member
Dec 3, 2003
I've been working at the same place for the last 30 years, and i can count how many times i've been off sick.

I was really ill with flu last weekend and was still the same on the monday so i told them i couldn't go in but said i would be back in tuesday even though i still wasn't 100%, but my Director rang me back and told me to stay off the full week as he knew i was genuine, but i went back on the thursday instead.


TCS Member
Super Cat
May 2, 2005
Kansas City
Originally Posted by vespacat

Some of you may not be aware, but depression and mania in bipolar disorder produces physical symptoms. As with clinical depression, It's not strictly a psychological disorder.

As someone with bipolar disorder, and who calls in sick more than any other employee in my office, I am literally sick from my illness the days I do call in sick. And it always comes up in my annual review, despite the fact that I do a good job when I am at work, functioning at my fullest capacity and capability.

I am on a long term disability at the moment, but will be returning to work in March armed with knowledge I didn't have prior to receiving my diagnosis.
I have a good friend who calls in sick quite a bit, and it's always brought up in her review as well. Her reason? Migraines.

Even knowing that, though, if I had my own business and needed, say, an office manager or some other position filled that was not closely supervised and required lots of organization and initiative, I'd hire her in a heartbeat.

I think it's often assumed that people who use all their sick time are slackers, when frequently that's not true at all. There are plenty of people who show up every day to do not much more than warm chairs.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 31, 2002
"Southside of Cincinnati"
We are allowed 5 sick days per year at my job. I am lucky though, my boss is never around, and, if I want to work from home I can.

If I am truly sick I won't come in, but I also use sick days for my daughter. And, for my cats; Snickers had a rough time recovering from his dental cleaning so I took a day off to keep an eye on him. I also took a sick day in November when my momma needed knee surgery.

We don't call in and we don't have timesheets though (kinda weird but cool). I just shoot an email to my boss or call him & leave a msg, saying, won't be in today, reach me on the cell... and that's that!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 10, 2003
Near Pittsburgh
i don't get sick days and pretty much the rule is come in and if you can't finish the day, leave. I have come in here with the flu, and one time I puked here in the bathroom a couple times before I ASKED to be sent home. So I don't call off. Period. THe only way I would consider is if someone very close died or if I was in the hospital. Otherwise I'm here.