What Makes You Blow Your Cool?

Mother Dragon

Cat slave
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Top Cat
Oct 17, 2006
Suburban Houston, TX
What makes you really blow your cool?

For me, it's people who abuse handicapped parking, either by having no permit and taking a spot anyway or by using someone else's permit when they're not physically handicapped.

I'm part of a volunteer group for our local constable's office that file documented reports on those who park without a permit. They get a $500 reminder that it's not a good thing to do. I'm handicapped myself, so it's satisfying on a personal level.

It's hard to remain professional with these cretins when I have to confront them, and I usually vent vociferously afterward. I really do blow my cool then.


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
New Jersey
People who speak in, or talk on cell phones in the Quiet Car of the train I take to work.
It's very clearly marked as a car one should not use cell phones or talk loudly in (and announcements are made continuously through the trip) and yet there's also at least one if not many people who ignore it. Worse is when you try to politely point it out, they get totally indignant at you! I've had people literally curse me out because I mentioned there were 9 other cars they could sit in and talk to their hearts content.


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
People who continue talking on their cell phones while checking out, never acknowledging the existence of the cashier. Next time, I think I'll get out my own cell phone and, pretending that I'm having a conversation, loudly mention that the person in front of me smells like old socks.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 22, 2008
People who move to the fast lane to get around the guy driving 45 mph in the slow lane, then instead of passing they get neck-and-neck and also drive 45mph (in a 65mph zone) for miles, so that no one can drive the speed limit until one of the lanes clear.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 9, 2014
Fredericksburg, VA
What makes you really blow your cool?

For me, it's people who abuse handicapped parking, either by having no permit and taking a spot anyway or by using someone else's permit when they're not physically handicapped.

I'm part of a volunteer group for our local constable's office that file documented reports on those who park without a permit. They get a $500 reminder that it's not a good thing to do. I'm handicapped myself, so it's satisfying on a personal level.

It's hard to remain professional with these cretins when I have to confront them, and I usually vent vociferously afterward. I really do blow my cool then.
I'm partially handicapped but do not have a sticker. My doctor gave me a form to fill out but I could not find my title and never followed through.

Last month I was going to CVS and as I was getting out of my car I saw a young girl coming out of the store. As soon as she got out the door she ran all the way to her car, got in and just took off as fast as she could. I really doubt if she was handicapped. Also a young girl I worked with used to brag how she and her friends would go Christmas shopping and use her m/l handicapped sticker so that they could get a close parking space. I also had a friend that was in his seventies and he had a handicapped sticker even though he did not look handicapped. That poor man took all kinds of abuse from people that thought he was not handicapped but was using a sticker. He had a bad heart.

Did you know there are two links dated May 28, 2017?


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
People who drop litter. I live in a beautiful area of forest, part of a World Heritage Site, and people drive up here to dump trash out in the woods where they think no one will see it.

I've picked up sacks of empty drink cans and bottles when I've been out working and I've called to report dumped furniture a few times too.

If I ever catch anyone dumping they'll be sorry.


Docs Mom

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Dec 13, 2010
Lafayette, IN
People who complain about their pets....cats in particular. The couple we go out to dinner with have two cats and two dogs. One cat is a really old senior...poor guy looks awful, matted etc. She complains that she wishes he would hurry up and pass away.:fuming:
If my house wasn't full I'd go over and kittynap him. Unfortunately, I mainly bite my tongue and ask how the dogs are....
So here I am, venting online....:ohwell:


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Yesterday it was printers! Mother Dragon knows the story because we PM back and forth quite a bit, but for those who don't, my printer died. Well, the printhead bit the dust. Now I just went through this about three years ago, too, and it's frustrating. I took the printhead out, cleaned it (carefully, of course) and re-installed it. Only to get the same dialogue. I kept taking it out and re-installing it. Shutting the printer off, unplugging the printer. Starting it back up again. Blah, blah, blah. Checking things out online to see if I was doing something wrong. Nothing. And I still have a bad printhead.

I have a ton of unopened ink for this printer (ink not even six months old) and ink is expensive. So I looked online for printheads. *gulp* For the price of a blasted printhead, I could buy a new printer. So, I found an older printer at Staples that still takes the same ink cartridges, bought it and it should be here by Friday. :sigh: That was an experience in itself, trying to find a printer. For the same price as what the printhead would have cost. I even talked to my BIL, who is my computer guru, and he said, "Just save yourself the aggravation; buy another printer and be done with it. These days, printers are considered to be disposable." Seriously? Suffice to say that I blew my afternoon with blasted printer problems.

What do you guys do in a situation like that? Surely I cannot be the only one who has had printhead problems, am I? Is it an HP thing? This is the second time I've had that happen and had to buy another printer! I think it's a HP racket, to be honest. And isn't it convenient that when HP develops new printers, they must develop new ink cartridges for them, too? So no more expensive printers; from now on, I'm buying the absolute cheapest printers I can find!

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I gave up on these 'new fangled' gadgets a long time ago. It OFTEN costs more to repair one than to get a new one. My in-laws called in a plumber to repair a dripping kitchen faucet. I offered to buy them a new one, but they refused. 150.00 later they have an old faucet that doesn't leak, for more then a new one!
Since I have went through menopause, it doesn't take much to set me off, I have a list.......People who drive 20mph in a 45mph zone, ANYONE who abuses an animal, especially those who think it's funny, those who make so much noise chewing ice or slurping ice cream I can't even think, company that stops by without calling first (I'm always right in the middle of painting, planting, or baking something), phone calls in the late night hours, and people who are late for EVERYTHING!


TCS Member
Jul 26, 2005
I have quite a list too! :lol3: People taking up disabled parking is a big peeve of mine. I would NEVER take one of those spots as I know too darn well how necessary they are if you're in a wheelchair.

Winchester Winchester , it's apalling how many things are made to be disposable in this day and age. And we wonder why the ocean is full of plastic. :frown:


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
Parking in general is one of my pet peeves. The handicapped really bugs me as well. It also bugs me when people go over the line so they are really using two spaces. I live in an apartment complex and like most complexes there is not an over abundance of parking. I see the same cars over the line time and time again. I am not the best at parking but I try my best to be considerate. I have been known to park again when I get out and see that one side of my car is very close to the line. I see it as a consideration thing.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
People who hit their kids. People who yell at their kids. People who treat their kids like crap in general. Especially people who combine all 3 and say things liem "I swear if you don't sit down right now, you little *****, I'll beat the crap out of you right here!". Unfortunately, due to childhood issues, I can't go off on those people but have a panic attack instead :/. It would be more empowering if I could work up the guts to tell them off.

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
The delivery van driver who backed in after I parked with a full space on the other side but he parked less than one foot from my driver side door. Then acted like I was the one with a problem. I took a pic of his LP so if he hit me pulling out I'd have it so he jumped out and took a picture of how his truck was parked. I'm sure his boss was impressed with his parking and social skills.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
People who hog left lane on highway.

Rude people in a store. I went off on an old guy who was harrassing the guy doing the work on car at best buy. They had a no show for one of the kids to install remote starters. I gave that old guy a good rashing. Hope he doesn't do that crap again. I don't care if you are older. Doesnt give you a pass to be a Rude jerk.

People who waste things or buy new junk all the time. I tend to reuse things instead.
People who litter and don't keep their yards/homes picked up. Clutter is one thing. But having stuff all over the place that's trash or just unusable just drives me crazy.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 21, 2015
Customers who make huge messes of merchandise on display. Like piles of folded shirts that I am in the middle of folding back up (right in front of them).

When customers badly soil a toilet in the restrooms and leave it for me to find and thus clean. Happens at least once a week at my full-time, like this past weekend and not only was the seat soiled but the floor as well.

Using public restrooms and hearing customers walk out without washing hands!

I need to stop listing as I'm blowing my cool right now. I was brought up very humbly, to respect whatever property that was not my own. I see so much disrespect and arrogance (working with the public). It can make me very sad sometimes.

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
~ Noisy neighbors - especially with kids ( brats ) who throw chewing gum and empty cups , etc. into my yard . ( my cats don't like it either )

" MUST YOU ! " :argh:
Every time the wind blows my yard fills up with my neighbors free range garbage. I find it beyond gross to have to pick up their fast food wrappers, cups and other assorted items spit on by those we do not call family. Kits are supposed to play outside and they really don't bother me.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
I gave up on these 'new fangled' gadgets a long time ago. It OFTEN costs more to repair one than to get a new one. My in-laws called in a plumber to repair a dripping kitchen faucet. I offered to buy them a new one, but they refused. 150.00 later they have an old faucet that doesn't leak, for more then a new one!
Winchester Winchester , it's apalling how many things are made to be disposable in this day and age. And we wonder why the ocean is full of plastic. :frown:
I ordered a new printer (which fortunately used the same number of ink as my old printer), which was supposed to get here by Friday. Only to get a phone call yesterday from the store that the printer had been discontinued and was out of stock. I wasn't in the mood to hear that....I really wasn't.

So I had a long talk with somebody from HP yesterday about the quality of their printers and how (I think) it's gone so far downhill in the last few years. It's really sad that things like printers (and other appliances, to be honest) are considered to be disposable in this day. We are expected to pay our good money for products, but the value just isn't there anymore. I don't know what the answer is, but it can't continue. Our landfills and our oceans are full. I told the guy that I don't appreciate having to buy a new printer every 2-3 years simply because China can't make a printhead that works for the long haul! It's simply ridiculous. And that every time I do have to buy a new printer, I also have to buy new ink because the cartridges are modified just enough that you can't continue to use the same cartridges, which is a waste in itself. Here I am with brand new XL cartridges (950/951) in a completely unopened box with an expiration date of June 2018. That I now cannot use and that the store won't allow me to exchange. All because China can't make a printhead that lasts longer than two years. I find the whole thing reprehensible. And now, if I buy another printer, the one I was looking at will use 952 ink cartridges.....which means? More ink and more money. What is wrong with this picture? Why is it OK?

Evidently the guy wasn't real pleased with me, but you know what? I don't care. I just do not care anymore. Google "HP printhead problems"; there are a slew of them. It's an ongoing problem. But damn it, enough is enough. I expect a 2-year old printer to still be working!

And that's my rant for the day.
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