What is your morning routine? Cat wise?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Dec 20, 2009
I don't know you guys and gals but my day just cannot start without a mass game of fetch. The moment I open my eyes in the morning the cats jump on me with their favourite cuddles in their mouth.

Tink jumps on my legs with her mangled pink mouse. I throw it and she will bring it back over and over and over.....oh did I mention and over again.

Phoenix brings her little fluffy ball. Well I shouldn't say little. To the other cats maybe but this ball is the size of her head. Well when I throw it she chases it and will leave me alone until I get out of bed.

Mischief definitely lives up to her name. She weighs 8 1/2 pounds and jumps directly on my chest. She's a horse. Well she brings her dog bone and plays tug of war.

So every morning I am throwing ball, playing fetch with ratty (Tink's toy) while playing tug of war with Miss.

Tis my morning routine. The moment I manage to get myself out of bed and into the bathroom they sit at the door clawing and meowing. When I come out they run right to the cupboard with their treats. After treats they go sit by their food dishes.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 22, 2002
new york city
Wow, they really love you. My routine is boring. Change the water, fill the food bowls. Before I scoop litter I will usually clean the kitchen or bathroom sink or commode because I use disposable vinyl gloves which are assigned double-duty by cleaning something human first. Then I scoop, then toss the gloves. I feel it's less wasteful this way, even in a small way.


TCS Member
Jan 20, 2010
New Brunswick, Canada
For some reason, Azizi is always VERY affectionate in the mornings. When we're getting ready for work he is always rubbing against us and will paw at us until we pick him up. Then we have to pick him up and carry him around for awhile as he's purring away.
The funny thing is, usually the rest of the day he wants nothing to do with us.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Since DH gets up for work earlier than I do, he gives the kids their breakfast. He does a few exercises in the living room before dressing for work; when he's exercising, Whisper comes over and rolls around the living room floor, so that he will caress her and play with her. It's a given, every morning, that Whisper gets "her" time.

When either DH or I is in the bathroom, Mollipop will come roaring in through the doorway, purring for all she's worth. We'll pick her up and coo at her and she likes me to rub my chin against her face and up to the top of her head. Then she'll leave and go her merry way.

After Molli leaves, BooBoo comes into the bathroom. Boo and I do the Bounce, which will last for 5 minutes or so. It's basically me throwing Boo over my left shoulder (like a sack of potatoes) and bouncing around the house, singing to him. He likes to play with my wet hair and you can probably hear him purring throughout the house. He loves to Bounce! That ends with me bouncing him back to the bedroom and flopping him onto the bed, where he curls up and naps.

Ms. Pepe and Bootser go to sleep right after breakfast; they can be found on kitchen chairs around the table. Amber is awake, but she likes the pillow in the bedroom on the floor and she'll go back there for a thorough bathing.

Right before I leave the house, I do a head count, just to make sure that I know where all six cat are. I touch them, tell them that I love them, and that I have to go to work so we can buy them cat food.
Molli jumps in the bay window in the living room and watches me back down the driveway.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 27, 2009
The seat of a John Deere tractor
Mine is positively boring. Da Magpie supervises coffee making then makes her morning inspection of the house while Da Lip sleeps on. I check the water (filled at night) and top up as needed or dump and clean if needed. I sit and have coffee, read a bit, sometimes with one or two cats beside me, frequently no cats. They get fed at noonish when I have something to eat unless I have to be somewhere, then they get fed when I leave

krazy kat2

TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 14, 2001
Somewhere in Georgia
Mine are lucky they get fed at 4:30 am when I get up. We have an agreement. I give them their wet food, and they leave me alone for 5 minutes until they begin supervising my stumbling around getting ready for work. After I gather my clothes, I let them out to potty. They hate the litterbox. When I open the door to leave, they come back in and go back to bed.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 21, 2009
Roll over check kits(box besides bed for a few more weeks then that will be out the door) Do a fast visual to make sure all the cats are alright. Get to scooping the boxes, change the water pans and either change or top off the food..then a nice shower to keep allergies at bay
It works out for us. Later on I go play/cuddle whoever wants it. I try to clip a few cats nails a day so its not one big chore. I go by color group. Yeah I guess thats a you know you have to many when you clip nails by cats color..


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 5, 2008
First check to see if Ku Ku had finished off wetfood. Clean the plate and remove it regardless. Wash & rinse her water bowl, filled it with fresh clean water, also check her food bowl and add more dry food. By this time, Ku Ku usually walks toward me but she's still waiting around until I start cleaning her litter box.

As soon as I finish off cleaning her litter, she'd start munching into her "breakfast"...


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 25, 2007
Mine is boring too. DH and I wake up and he heads to the bathroom to start his morning routine. My mini-herd of cats and I walk slowly down the stairs, with the three of them stopping every other step to make sure I'm still coming. I turn on the coffee then pull the cat dishes out of the dishwasher. A chorus of hurry up please (in cat, of course) ensues and I divvy up the food. Jack gets fed on the floor, Lily gets fed on the table I bought for that purpose alone, and Boo snuggles with me for a while before jumping up to eat after Lily gets down.

Jack eats half of his food, takes a potty break, and then comes up to finish the rest of it. He grooms himself for a while then goes back to bed, while the girls run around for the next hour. They are starting to slow down and get ready for naps just as DH and I leave for work.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 2, 2006
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
I usually wake up on my back.

Abby jumps up or is already on the bed, on my left side. I give her pets and tummy and head rubs. She lets me cuddle her butt because she lays bum towards my head

Next Chynna jumps up. She goes on my right side to the pillow beside my head and lays down. I have to have my right arm bent with my hand on the pillow, palm up. She lays down with the top part of her body on my hand, and her front legs also in my hand. I then give her a left paw massage and chin rub at the same time, while she gives me lots and lots of nose kisses. If I turn my head away, out comes the right paw and she grabs my nose with her toes and pulls my head back towards her and resumes kissing my nose.

I have to make sure that neither Chynna or Abby see one another because if Chynna sees Abby, she chases her off the bed. If Abby sees Chynna, she hisses, spits and screams.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 17, 2008
Northern Virginia
My kittens are spoiled rotten and now wake me up every morning. They have a few methods they employ:

Lennon will lick my face, nose lips, chin, whatever, until I give him love. He needs a lot every day, and starts early in his demands.
Ringo, who sleeps on my pillow above my head (I dont know what we will do when he is bigger!) stretches out his legs and kicks my head till I start moving. He isn't so big on the love, but he likes his breakfast.
The third form of "wake mommy" is to play rambunctiously, painfully on the bed. They chase each other all around, stepping on my face, clawing my back, whatever happens to happen. I normally toss them to the floor for this one, but they don't mind much.
Once they have oh so rudely woken me, I top off their dry food and water. They don't get wet till I get their sister from her room (with the roommate, where she spends her nights) and then they can all enjoy that together.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Sep 13, 2009
That's awesome! I don't have much of a routine other than wake up and feed the kitties before they start on their MEOW binge, lol.