What is Your Least Favorite Household Chore?


Staff Member
Oct 11, 2006
Originally Posted by Rosiemac

Vacuuming the stairs
I do them every week, but i loath it!. The good thing is though that when i'm doing the stairs that's the last leg of the housework duties

I'm just pleased i don't live in a town house
Me, too. And I have to every week, because that's where the cat fur congregates (not on the carpet, but in the stair corners,strangely). I hate dragging the heavy vacuum up the stairs; I'm always afraid it/and/or I are going to fall.

All I wanted for Christmas was an extenion wand or hose for it. Did anyone get me one? No! I did, however, get a hobby-horse singing reindeer. What I've ALWAYS wanted...



TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 30, 2005
All of the above....I HATE to clean and I am going to be the WORST housewife there ever was....

#1- I cannot cook to save my life.
#2- I don't mind DOING laundry just folding it and putting it away. It used to take a week to put it all away and fold. I AM getting much better though.
#3- I hate doing dishes. They could pile up and pile up and I could care less. HATE it.
#4- Vaccuming. NUFF said.
#5- Litterboxes I don't have a choice. Oscar is mine so it's my responsibility.
#6- Bathrooms. The real reason I really hate cleaning the bathroom is that SOMEONE doesn't know how to clean up after shaving or cutting his hair or brushing his teeth. I mean seriously....is it really that hard to spit the toothpaste in the SINK?! I didn't think the sink was that small! I guess that's a man thing though.

I think that's it. I am just glad Travis does it or it would be bad. I AM getting better though. I know that it'll have to change so I'm working on it. It's hard to unspoil me when I was spoiled 19 years of my life


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jan 22, 2007
Cheshire, UK
Until four years ago, I ran my own cleaning and ironing service. Doing all the chorse was fine when I was getting paid for it, but these days I hate it all - what a thankless taks, and once it is done there is nothing to do but sit and wait for it to all need doing all over again!!!

My washing machine packed in this morning - good side to this being that I won't have anything to iron for a few days - bad side being that we will all probably run out of clothes pretty soon!!!!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 9, 2004
Over the river and through the woods...
Originally Posted by MargeCat

Me, too. And I have to every week, because that's where the cat fur congregates (not on the carpet, but in the stair corners,strangely). I hate dragging the heavy vacuum up the stairs; I'm always afraid it/and/or I are going to fall.

All I wanted for Christmas was an extenion wand or hose for it. Did anyone get me one? No! I did, however, get a hobby-horse singing reindeer. What I've ALWAYS wanted...

LOL!!! Oh, now, you KNOW you wanted that singing reindeer!

The question would be what house hold chore DON'T I hate! I honestly think the worst is cleaning the litter boxes. I hate it and my husband refuses to do it unless I'm running a temp of over 103. He did do it in Feb. when I was sick but I honestly think that was the first time.

I've solved some of the dish issue....we use paper plates whenever possible! Of course, I made spagetti last night, and the pan won't fit in the dishwasher so they're still waiting for me. But, we do have 2 dogs so they will lick the plates clean before we put them in the dishwasher (hey, the dishwasher steralizes them!). I know, I think its kind of gross too, but hey, they lick my face so why not my plates.

Basically, I need to hire a maid! I'm just glad DH isn't real picky about our house or I'd be in trouble.