What do your furbabies do at the vet?


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Aug 2, 2006
my cat freaks out when he goes to the vet. he jumps around.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 9, 2005
Needles, CA
No clue, since MIL works at the clinic, she picks them up and drops them back off at home when they need to go.

She tells us though that they all suffer complete personality trades.
My cats that are terrors at home are angels at the clinic and my cats that are angels at home turn into wailing banshee hellcats at the clinic.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 28, 2006
When the 5 kittens were getting there 2nd vaccination shots, 3 of them made themselves at home in the weighing scales (looked so cute)...the other 2 just relaxed on the vet's table.

I was surprised how calm and relaxed they were! Even the vet was too!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 25, 2005
Both of mine are good at the vets. Rambo has been to the vet alot in the last two months, that when we get to the clinic he hopes out (on his leash & harness) and goes straight to the door. He then proceeds to hide in the bathroom in the waiting room (only emerging to get love from all the vet techs). It adores the vets, and will even forgive them for IV's, needles and sub-q fluids. He likes to prowl the examination room and see if he can open the door (it has one of those long handles).

Lucky stays in my arms in the waiting room on the way to see the vet, but then when she gets out she likes to climb down on the receptionists lap and do whatever she can to hinder any typing or work on the receptionists part. Lucky allows herself to be checked by the vet, but prefers to return to the safety of my arms between each step of a check up.

I couldn't ask for better kitties!


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
The vet techs get a coffee break when Jamie is there, and both vets wear long sleeves and protective goggles - need I say more? He's won the "worst patient" award several times. He yowls all the way to the vets', freaks out if he sees another cat (his appointments have to be carefully scheduled, so there are only dogs, ferrets, rabbits, etc., but no cats in the waiting room), refuses to come out of the carrier, bites, scratches, expresses his anal glands (what we call "playing skunk", hence the goggles), and insists on sitting on top of my head. He's not a small cat (6 kilos).
At least I manage to get him checked out and vaccinated. His brothers' owner, who is very experienced with cats, has just about given up on taking the one brother except in emergencies. He's reportedly even worse than Jamie.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 6, 2004
The beautiful borough of Queens, NYC, NY
Nathan sheds like crazy, but other than that he stays pretty relaxed. I'm lucky, I have found a really great clinic where the vets are awesome with the kitties. But once before we found these vets we had to take Nathan in for a UTI on the Friday night of a holiday weekend and we could only find one clinic open. I got a totally bad vibe from this vet, and Nathan clearly did too, because he growled the entire time and at one point tried to climb my husband like a tree.

Nedicks is really not a fan of going to the vet, or of leaving the apartment for any reason at all. I put a nice soft towel in the carrier for her, and she hides her face in it the entire way there. We have to tip her out of the carrier and then take it away because she keeps trying to go back in. She never tries to run away though. She does this thing where she just kind of starts strolling away nonchalantly like it's the most normal thing in the world--it's like she's thinking, "Maybe if I go real slow, they won't notice I'm leaving."
The weird thing though is that whenever the vet or one of the vet techs picks her up, she gives hugs--puts her front paws around their neck and puts her chin on their shoulder. They are all in love with her because of that.
And because she's so cute of course.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 11, 2006
Wow, am I lucky.

Zissou acts the way she does in a bath. Acts like she wants off the table, but other than that just looks perplexed or annoyed, depending. Even when they took her temp, she was just like "I do not like this mommie!" and hid her head in my elbows.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 5, 2005
Abilene- my most crazy and wild furbaby is awesome when she's scared because she will just freeze in place and let you do anything to her lol...try and pick her up at home though and you'll get mauled! (she's my little feral rescue) So when she goes to the vet or i bathe her she just freezes in place and doesn't move- she's the best one to take to the vet.

Isabella will scream- yes scream like the little princess she is, it's hysterical...she's way too dramatic. -Especially if they mess up her fur- she will give them a go to .... look and immediately start grooming herself.

Jasmine, our little sugar momma will yowl when she gets shots or her temperature taken (she's a little Siamese, what can i say lol) ...and then she'll immediately start loving on the vets- it's funny. She's a sweet girl.

Velvet wants absolutely nothing to do with the vet- she shakes and cries and will only let me hold her...none of the vet techs. She does really good though as long as she's in my arm. If we let her down though, she makes a b-line for her momma and wants out of there lol.

The funniest furbaby of mine that i've ever taken to the vet though is my wolf mix Ginger- she will "backtalk" the vet, make a little yodling sound, shake her tail at them, and literally drag them around the office! She's sooooo sassy- but they all know her by name up there and love her- she always walks out with doggie treats in her mouth lol. It's funny, one afternoon i came to pick her up from the vets office after they ran some tests on her and when the little vet tech was bringing her out to see me, Ginger literally dragged that poor girl all the way to the front deskto see me lol. The little vet tech was hanging on to Ginger's leash for dear life- it was pretty funny to see my little wolf dragging her like she was an idetirod sled dog. I felt so bad for her- but i couldn't help but bust out laughing along with the rest of the people in the office
. My little wolf mix is definitely a little sassy pants.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 29, 2006
NW Georgia
Originally Posted by Satai

I wish I could clone her and train the clone up as a gp.
I said the same thing the first time Brian and I left Anya's vet office. The guy was so nice I wish he was my doctor too!

Anya has only been a handful of times to the vet but she's always good. I toss a couple of her fave toys in the carrier with her and she entertains herself for hours if needed.

The only time she isn't all lovey dovey with the vet is when she's getting a shot. Then she tries to bite the vet or vet tech but who can blame her? Shots stink.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 14, 2005
in the land of poutine and ice
That would be why he is an ex-vet... completely useless.

One of the more junior partners there is great, but getting an appointment with him is next to impossible. Our new vet is so gentle and caring, after Scully came out of surgery someone from her practise called every day to check on him. And they call on the kitties birthdays to sing happy birthday to them!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 27, 2004
Zakk is fine, though he mews pitifully the whole way there, and the whole way back. He has always been like that it in the car. Luckily he only had to go once or twice for a non routine thing besides yearly visits.
Rocky is a doll in the car. Just sits there. He used to be pretty good at tge vet until he had to stay there once. Now, my sweetest cat starts growling in the waiting area at any dogs he sees or smells, and hissing. I get a lot.. thats a cat?? Then when we get in the room he hunches down and is very hot and bothered. His fur gets real fluffy and he looks pretty scraggly. Then, when he gets a shot (which is usual due to his condition) he has a note that two people are needed to restrain him due to his tendency to twist away.

The other two have only gone twice as kittens besides the neuter spay. They were fine, but we will see when they go back later this year.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 6, 2006
Scratch is pretty good when we go to the vet's. We don't have to shove her into her carrier and she doesn't meow in the car. When she's on the examining table she presses up against whoever is closest to her, and doesn't hiss or growl. Then again, she's never been a hisser/growler.
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TCS Member
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Dec 7, 2004
I guess when Limerick was getting neutered at Wilson College, he cried and yowled for hours. One of the professors poked his head in to see if he was ok. Limerick just looked at him and chirped. He also hissed when he was being put int he cage. It was more of a "I don't want to be in here" hiss the a "I hate you hiss". He didn't go near me for a week after that one... haha


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jul 10, 2006
12th House
I can almost hear Oscar say "Oh no!"
In the carrier, and in the car, he's a bit cool, with the toys I bring, but shots a piercing look at me

When examined, he's agile, circling, and motioning away from the table, and when stuck with any device, or needle, he kicks (me), and bites (me), which I find puzzling, and am annoyed, he never kicks or bites the assistant or vet, just ME.
When he caught a bad case of cold and his temperature went to the roof, he hid under the doctor's desk, within pile of papers it took me 20 minutes to get him out of there without me ruining (and him tearing) the papers

Still, time with the vet is just as taxing for me as its is stressful for him. His vet has a way with Oscar though, she's so kind and gentle.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2006
The North Pole!
I take my boys separately, because Loki is a little angel and Jacob is the devil incarnate at the vet! Funny thing, because Loki is definitely the alpha cat at home (my grandson calls him the evil cat) but at the vet he is perfect - just sits there and blinks!

Jacob, on the other had, who is a mellow fellow the rest of the time, turns into a tasmanian devil at the vet. It starts when we walk through the door and stops the second we go out it again! I remember when he was neutered and I went to pick him up, I could hear what sounded like a cougar in the back. To my surprise (this was his first episode - guess he didn't like being neutered), it was Jacob! The carrier was bouncing around in the assistant's hand. When I went to open the door to see what on earth was wrong with him, the assistant very quickly said "Don't do that - we don't want him loose!" He bites, he snarls, he growls, it takes 3 people to hold him down. The vet has noted in his records "What an attitude!" She calls him Jacob Two Two, The Hooded Fang!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 16, 2006
North Carolina
The first time we took Swanie to the vet, he thought it was a great adventure, jumped out of his carrier and wanted to explore everything. Then the vet had to pick some gunk out of his nose and he hissed at her big time. Now, he seems to enjoy the ride over there, looking out the windows, but refuses to come out of the carrier when we get there (we have to do the kitty dump or pull him out). He doesn't like it, but he's a very gentle kitty, and usually only cringes and wiggles. And tries to get on top of his carrier. Usually he forgets about it as soon as we get him home (or at least doesn't hold it against us).

Cindy is a challenge to get her into the carrier (altho it's getting easier). She meows the entire ride there, won't come out of the carrier without the dump, and pretty much just wraps her tail around herself, tries to make herself smaller, and tries to hide under my arm. She sheds a lot as well. But other than that, she's a very good patient, very docile. Then when we get home, we get "talk to the tail" for awhile.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Feb 23, 2004
Alberta, Canada
The way my girls act at the vets can be summed up by how they reacted during their spays. When we brought Willow, she escaped from us (we were holding her, naiive little minions we were). She crawled under a shelf of cat food and we and the vet tech spent some time trying to pull her out. We the family couldn't reach her, and if the vet tech so much as got within 2 inches of Willow, she would get a hiss and a slice in the finger, lol. Finally we caught her and she went in to be spayed. When they needed to get her out of the cage to get her spayed, she wouldn't let anybody near her so they had to gass her while she was in the cage (they put a box thing overtop of her and released the gas that way, lol). And when we went to pick her up, we had to go to the back where she was and get her out of the cage ourselves. She hated us for a while, lol

When Buffy went in, she was pretty good (compared to Willow, lol). She let the vet tech take her to the other room, and when we went to pick her up, we didn't get told that she had to be gassed in her cage, lol. But she was a SCREAMER, though. The vet tech left us to go get her and almost immediately we heard her familiar yowling and she didn't stop yelling for a short while. We'd brought Willow along (familiar face to comfort Buffy, you know) and she soon quieted down. Willow was terrified though, lol.

Molly was the model patient. We handed her over for the vet tech to take her to the back room and she just snuggled into the tech's arms. "Oh, you're just a little snuggler, aren't you?" the vet tech said as she walked away, lol. Molly wasn't happy, she was terrified, and that's how she comfort herself, lol. The next day it was the same thing, she hunkered down in the tech's arms and then did the same when she was handed over to us. No yelling, no scratching, no huss, no fuss.