What changes do you know this year will bring to you?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
Monday I start my new job!!!! I am also moving back to L.A.!!!!! Yeye, California Summer again!!!

Ms. Freya

Sep 19, 2008
Ontario, Canada
Well, we're getting a new CEO at work inthe spring, so that could mean plenty of changes...or none. Who knows. DH will finish the first phase of his apprenticeship this year - so that will change up...other then that I'm really not hoping for much change. I think I'd like a quiet year for once.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 1, 2005
On the west side of... of... somewhere.
Lots of things I hope to happen... but one is that I'm going back to school... starting next week. I already have a BA in English, but it's one of those 'gotta go further if you want a real job' types of degrees... so, I'm looking at a certificate in Architecture/Sustainable Building Design, with a local community college. I may also try for going back for my Masters for the fall... but I have a hurdle for that: most of my profs from undergrad are either retired, moved on, or dead. And i need three reference letters from professor types... so I'm kind of blocked there... but I'll try for my certificate first. I'm just taking a couple of art classes first... then I'll switch over.

Other than that... whatever happens, happens. I've learned not to plan my life too much... God likes to play jokes on me and pull the rug out from under my feet when I plan too much. I do intend on moving this summer... preferably to a building down in The Pearl (nice area, reminds me of where i lived in Chicago)... there's a restricted income building there and I'm now officially on the waitlist. I'll take nearly anything to get out of this neighborhood!!



TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 17, 2003
Wellington City, NZ
1 # Into my second year of my degree which will be mean more hard work for me!

2 # Got to decide if I'm going to continue working as many hours part-time.

3 # In 13 days I'm sitting my final exam to become a NZCF Cat Judge, so I'll be travelling the country judging and seeing beautiful cats.

4 # Planning a trip to Singapore and one to the Gold Coast. Will see how that goes later in the year!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2004
i made big life changes towards the end of 2008 so 2009 doesnt seem that big, we hope to buy a house this year and we will have our big wedding in october!

I will have my full licence and will be buying a used car soon! thats all i can think of now


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2005
My new year started out looking like we are going to have a horrible repair job on our corvette. Something shorted out by the battery and smoked. The battery is behind the drivers seat. It smelled terrible of electrical stinky. The car is at the shop and nobody is happy about having to trouble shoot the electrical system in that car. The car turns over but won't start up. We think it's the electronic ignition plus a short. That car is possessed.

I see in my near future more debt for repair bills. I don't know if I got the job I interviewed for. The application is still under review. I could really benefit from that job right now!

I'm going to be 50 years old this year and can't believe how fast the years have gone by to get to this age.

My year will be great no matter what happens because I have a husband and cats who love me, and that's what really matters!!!


Staff Member
Oct 11, 2006
Gosh, my life sounds so dull, compared to everyone else here!!!

I'm not sure what 2009 will bring (I hope it's good), but I know what I wish for:

1. To be healthier. I had to take so many sick days last year; all minor things, but they add up, and I don't want to get into trouble. They monitor usage; every quarter the dept. heads submit the employees with the highest # of sick days in their dept. I even got a talking to 3 years ago, as I took 11 days that year (I had the flu, and that was 5 of them), even though I had 125 sick days saved up! I've been carrying around the bulk of my sick days since 1986, but they don't see it that way. I also always save 14 days of vacation every year, for emergencies. Do I sound like someone who abuses sick time??? I even lose personal days some years, as I forget to use them!

2. To be more organized, which I started while on vacation over Xmas. The garage has been cleaned out; so has the pantry (I even labeled my spice jars, using a nifty label-maker), the linen closet, and the guest/sewing room. I boxed up 5 big boxes for the Goodwill! Last stop: the attic of doom. I'm holding off on that, as I have a cold, and the dust chokes me on a good day, plus it's freezing up there. I'ma very clean person around the house, but fall short of stuff lying around. It's not really cluttered here, but it annoys me, and I do have to search for things sometimes. I'm just tired of STUFF lying around.

3. DH & I are starting up Rev War reenacting again, joining a new unit.

4. My car will be 11 years old; I may have to buy a new one soon. Not looking forward to that--I like my car, and esp. not having car payments!

4. I'd like to insulate and wallboard the garage. We only use it for storage,and as the kitty bathroom. It's so cold out there for them. I'd also like to get the concrete floor epoxied, as the litter is grinding out chunks of the floor; and coating it would make cleaning easier.

5. I'd like to finish installing crown moulding throughout the house. We've only done the kitchen & dining so far. I want it in every single room, except the garage and attic!

6. I'd like new steps and balusters and bannisters for my staircase. We removed the carpet 3 years ago, & tried painting the treads; looks awful. I want to replace the treads with hardwood, and the ugly, '70's wrought iron railings with wood. We've been planning this for 3 years now!