What Breed is My Cat?

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TCS Member
Jun 3, 2013
                      but that sort of nose is also seen in moggies,  


Anyway,  you'll never know her ancestry for sure,  but I'm just glad that this poor baby is out of a bad situation    and now the rest of her life can be much better than it's probably been so far.     It IS true that even with good care,  a queen often is thin by the time of weaning expecially if she had a large litter.  but she should not be 

Her color/ pattern as Callista said is Seal Point and White.   In Ragdoll terminology , Seal Point Mitted.   (I dont think she has enough white that they would call her Bicolor) .

and yes ,  nutrition certainly affects the coat.  so as she recovers,  later this year she will probably get in a much nicer coat. 
Wow! Thanks so much for this extremely comprehensive explanation. I actually reached out to the ragdoll fanciers club international and they also have the same point of view, she has ragdoll in her but they can't tell about the rest. I am just so intrigued by her because she has signs of birman, himmie and i guess some siamese too. I only say siamese because here in the Philippines we the only real pedigree breed worth buying is siamese. Also in the Philippines we don't get a variaty of domestic cats like in America. We are not a cat country so the domestic cats we have are all the same looking, nothing like milky.


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
ZiggysMomma. He is surely a domestic shorthair, meckerel tabby pattern. (meckerel = striped).

I presume you can also say: D.S, meckerel and spotted tabby (pattern).

Him having both nice stripes and spots isnt that very unusual, he he doesnt need to be purebred to have some spots.  Even as many spotted breeds were purebred from such here spotted moggies, or where such spotted moggies were a part of the breeding programme.

I dont dare to say much about his color, my monitor on this computer dont shows colors exactly.

Pretty boy.

Good luck!

Sa'ida Maryam

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jun 5, 2013
Hi , your resque cat looks like she has a seal point color pattern, if I am correct your lit'l mama has blue eyes. To determine a breed. You might also look for tabby strips on her legs or tail. Strips may appear on the brown hair in her, but tabby strips never appear on the white fur. Then , this would indicate that she is a tabby with lynx point. Someone may know better than I. Hope she regains he dignity. Looks like it may have been suppressed. With care long-medium hair have a regal disposition. She 's Queeni


TCS Member
Jun 6, 2013

This is Sol and I love her very much she's 8 weeks old. I'd love to know what mix of breeds you guys think she is :) the vet said she's a domestic long hair if that helps. Here's another picture of her, she's always curious and running everywhere so pics are hard to take



TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 22, 2010
Chicago, Illinois, USA

 That is an extremely cute kitten and I bet she will grow up to be stunning.   She has a pattern that is a combination of tortoiseshell coloring and a tabby pattern.   I would  call it Torbie,  which is the official term used in The International Cat Association (TICA),  but that is a  shortened version of  Tortoiseshell Tabby  or Tortie-Tabby.    In the Cat Fanciers Association,   it's called Patched Tabby.

It can be hard to tell in young kittens what the coat length will be as an adult.    but she does look like she may turn out to be longhair.    She would almost certainly not be considered a specific breed.   

 The vet is right about Domestic Longhair.    which means a longhair  / semi- longhair cat of no particular breed.  

 Cats are not like dogs that are usually a specific breed or a mix of breeds.   I think people often get their ideas about pets and breeds from what they have heard about dogs,  so they assume cats must be the same.  but it is very different.   There has been much, much less selective breeding of cats than dogs.   The vast majority of cats  have just bred randomly on their own , and have a mix of genes from the general cat population in their part of the world.   These cats, known as  "domestic shorthairs" and "domestic longhairs"  ( or fondly called "moggies") ,  come in a great variety,  and usually it is very difficult to impossible to  tell if one of these random-bred cats has some ancestry of a particular breed. 

  Rather than moggies usually being  mixes of breeds,  it's the breeds who came from the moggies  --  cats that people thought had an attractive color or pattern,   or  cats of a certain area who had already developed a somewhat distinctive type on their own,  and then people started to breed them to preserve them. 

So anyway, your kitten might be similar to some of the ancestors of a breed like Maine Coon or Norwegian Forest Cat.  I don't mean she IS those breeds.   and I really can't even tell from the photos how much she might resemble them.    though in the pictures i do think she has some things that remind me of NFC.  

  But unless you are in Norway or Sweden ,  she probably isn't really related to them.  She is just her own unique self. 


It's getting about time to  start her kitten vaccinations,  and she should be de-wormed if she hasn't been, just to make sure she does not have parasites. 

Then you will need to get her spayed in a couple months,      Some kittens are able to get pregnant as young as 4 months but it is not healthy for them,  would be like if a 9 year old girl got pregnant. 


TCS Member
Jun 6, 2013
Thanks for clearing that up x) and she received her first vaccine a few days ago and has been dewormed and everything else the vet said to do. I'm a first time cat owner so any and all advice will be appreciated and any knowledge will help as well :)


 That is an extremely cute kitten and I bet she will grow up to be stunning.   She has a pattern that is a combination of tortoiseshell coloring and a tabby pattern.   I would  call it Torbie,  which is the official term used in The International Cat Association (TICA),  but that is a  shortened version of  Tortoiseshell Tabby  or Tortie-Tabby.    In the Cat Fanciers Association,   it's called Patched Tabby.

It can be hard to tell in young kittens what the coat length will be as an adult.    but she does look like she may turn out to be longhair.    She would almost certainly not be considered a specific breed.   

 The vet is right about Domestic Longhair.    which means a longhair  / semi- longhair cat of no particular breed.  

 Cats are not like dogs that are usually a specific breed or a mix of breeds.   I think people often get their ideas about pets and breeds from what they have heard about dogs,  so they assume cats must be the same.  but it is very different.   There has been much, much less selective breeding of cats than dogs.   The vast majority of cats  have just bred randomly on their own , and have a mix of genes from the general cat population in their part of the world.   These cats, known as  "domestic shorthairs" and "domestic longhairs"  ( or fondly called "moggies") ,  come in a great variety,  and usually it is very difficult to impossible to  tell if one of these random-bred cats has some ancestry of a particular breed. 

  Rather than moggies usually being  mixes of breeds,  it's the breeds who came from the moggies  --  cats that people thought had an attractive color or pattern,   or  cats of a certain area who had already developed a somewhat distinctive type on their own,  and then people started to breed them to preserve them. 

So anyway, your kitten might be similar to some of the ancestors of a breed like Maine Coon or Norwegian Forest Cat.  I don't mean she IS those breeds.   and I really can't even tell from the photos how much she might resemble them.    though in the pictures i do think she has some things that remind me of NFC.  
  But unless you are in Norway or Sweden ,  she probably isn't really related to them.  She is just her own unique self. 
It's getting about time to  start her kitten vaccinations,  and she should be de-wormed if she hasn't been, just to make sure she does not have parasites. 
Then you will need to get her spayed in a couple months,      Some kittens are able to get pregnant as young as 4 months but it is not healthy for them,  would be like if a 9 year old girl got pregnant. 
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 22, 2010
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Thanks for clearing that up x) and she received her first vaccine a few days ago and has been dewormed and everything else the vet said to do. I'm a first time cat owner so any and all advice will be appreciated and any knowledge will help as well
 Great to hear that!  Good for you for taking good care of your kitten.  Her arrangement of the color on her face is just gorgeous.  

 You will find a lot of info on this site about health, food, behavior etc. so feel free to ask anything.  

How old did the vet think she was?  He/ she would be better able to tell from seeing her in person and can get a better idea of size, weight, and can look at her teeth. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 6, 2006
One bit of minor advice, since she is a long-hair: Get her used to grooming while she is young! That way, when she is older, you'll be able to get her to stay still for it. Longhaired cats do well with a comb (a brush often doesn't reach through all the fur). Also you probably want to clip her claws, though at this age it's lucky if she stays still for one claw at a time! But clipping claws will pay off, trust me; claws that grow too long will prick you when she kneads on your lap and get caught in the carpet or in your clothes.

She's gorgeous! If she turns out to be a gregarious, calm sort of cat, she may enjoy being shown as a Household Pet in a cat show. She's sure got the looks for it. Really, HHP is more about temperament and how well the cat has been taken care of, but beauty doesn't hurt!


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
Keagans breed is like very most cats are, ie no especial breed.  Lovingly called for moggies, or Domestic, if you want to be formal.  The pattern is tabby, stripes = mackerel, I dont see true colors on my monitor, but I guess it is grey, called blue in cat fanciers world.

thus: Domestic shorthair, spotted blue mackerel tabby.  Or something like that.   :)

These spots looks nice and unusual, but they DO happen also in "common moggies".

It is of course from such ones the dedicated breeders took ancestors / foundation cats for their purebreeding programmes into spotted breeds.

A very pretty kitten, almost as pretty as his Mom.    :)

 Good luck!

Welcome to our Forums!

ps.  are you living in USA?  perhaps you can compare him with American Shorthair.  These could have been purebred from such as Keagan. Here Im thinking perhaps mostly on his head profile.
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TCS Member
Jun 8, 2013
Reposting: Hello, I was wondering what breed my cat, Hiroshi, is since I found him as a stray when he was around a month old. He has spots on his tummy and faint stripes on his back along with a darkish gray tipped tail and faint markings on his face. Also, he has pretty yellow-honey colored eyes. But he seems like his legs are longer than that of an average cat? I'm not completely sure. [color= rgb(24, 24, 24)]Thank you.[/color]



TCS Member
Jul 26, 2005
Hi kkl5199! Sorry your post got overlooked.
Hiroshi is a handsome kitty. Probably just a domestic shorthair rather than a recognized breed. He has beautiful eyes!


TCS Member
Jun 8, 2013
PushyLady; It's okay, I was just eager to know what breed he is!

Someone mentioned him being a Tabby before but I thought Tabby cats were vibrantly striped?

But thank you for clearing things up! I adore his eyes also, they change from bright yellow to honey colored, depending on his mood.

More pictures of his eyes. (:

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