What are you reading? The Sequel.

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In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Forgive me if there's already a thread about books.....

What are you reading? Do you have any favorite authors? Genres? Anything interesting? Where do you find your books? At the library? Flea markets? Book stores? I'm always looking for new books to check out.

Right now, I'm working on Proof by Dick Francis. It's about a wine merchant who is helping the police uncover stolen shipments of scotch. Very interesting read.

I love to read Stephen King and finished Under the Dome, his newest book.

Other favorites on my list include Janet Evanovich (I adore the Stephanie Plum series!), Clive Cussler (all of them, not just the Dirk Pitt series, although they're my favorites), Laurell K. Hamilton (the Anita Blake vampire executioner series), Kim Harrison, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Christine Feehan, etc.

I like Dean Koonz, although some of his endings leave a lot of be desired. And James Patterson (the Alex Cross series).

I always check out our local library for good books. Flea markets, yard sales sometimes. I also go to the Book Barn in CT with my GF who lives in CT, a fascinating place to find great books for everybody. It's such a neat place.

So....what are you reading?


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 24, 2009
South Milwaukee, WI
yea..... I don't know how to read
. Seriously though I go through phases and then I'm over it and like "why read? it's so much easier watching the movie version" lol sorry I'm of no help


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jul 12, 2008
Right now I am reading Tales of a Dog Catcher and Jonathan Kozol's On Being a Teacher.

I usually get my books out of the library or I will borrow them from friends (we have a nice book exchange going) and their is a great used bookstore near by.

tara g

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 16, 2007
On the farm
Right now I'm reading "Shem Creek" by Dorothea Benton Frank. I live in the lowcountry of SC and have read most of her books. This one actually reminds me of myself so far - the mother moves her two kids from New Jersey to South Carolina (my parents moved me from New Jersey to North Carolina) and the youngest daughter (15) doesnt want to go. I was 17 when I moved. I like her books because I know the locations she's talking about, the beaches, and some of the restaurants. In October I went to a wedding on Shem Creek. There's also been a couple that have had the person being originally from New Jersey, like myself, so I can sometimes relate to them

My favorite authors are Stephen King, Dean Koontz, Steve Martini, James Patterson, and John Grisham. I like legal thrillers, and all the crazy stuff King & Koontz come up with. I also like some chick lit books (example: Shopaholic series by Sophie Kinsella). I usually find my books at the library, and my grandma always sends me books by my favorite authors because she usually buys them and reads them. She's the one who's gotten me into all of them
She got me reading Stephen King when I was 8 or 9.

Every now and again I'll buy a few books off of half.com, since they're relatively cheap on there.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Apr 5, 2008
Port Elgin Ontario
I just finished The Lovely Bones last night and I loved it!
I love reading but sometimes all I want to do is read and other times I can't be bothered!


TCS Member
Super Cat
Mar 25, 2008
New Brunswick
I love to read, itâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]s one of my many passions in life. I pretty much panic if I run out of books and normally have at least 3-6 on my shelves waiting to be read.

Right now I am reading “Primal†by international bestselling author Robin Baker. Itâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]s pretty good! Itâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]s the brutal true story of a group of students that went on a study trip to a vacant island and got abandoned. How they survived with nothing since a storm came and took all the food, medicine and even their cloths. So naked, with barely any skills, no food, tools, nothing, they had to survive for a few years. Also all the women came back pregos and there is evidence some creepy, shady stuff went on.

I canâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]t find anything anywhere that states it is a true story, but whenever I read reviews or something about the author everyone is claiming its all true… who knows.

I really only read two types of books. Horror and non-fiction. My favorite author is Brian Keene, although since he got really famous in the horror market he seems to just be pushing out books without the effort he used to put into it. I also just discover Gord Rollo. His Jigsaw book is something messed up in the head LOL. Iâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]m hoping he comes out with something else so I can find a new favorite author. Im always looking for new horror authors if someone has any to recommend. Not many people into real horror books.

My next book is called “Night†by Elie Wiesel. Itâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]s his autobiographical account of his survival as a teenager in the Nazi death camps. Then after that I will be reading a Zombie novel LOL.


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
Right now I'm reading Homicide by David Simon. It's non-fiction (true crime), and the television series was based on it.

I was on a historical romance kick over Christmas (the last Plantagenets), and read some by Sandra Worth (courtesy of my SS) and Philippa Gregory, but am now back to true crime (Peter Vronsky, Harold Schechter, M. William Phelps, Donald Rumbelow, among others).

I've read all of Dick Francis's books except for the very latest, and am also a fan of James Patterson, Steve Martini, Kathy Reichs, Jonathan Kellerman and Dean Koontz.

Two "cat series" I read are the Joe Grey books by Shirley Rousseau Murphy, and the Mrs. Murphy ones by Rita Mae Brown.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
I just finished Tangerine by Edward Bloor. It's Young Adult. (library book)

Last night I started another library book by an author I haven't read before: David Lodge. The book is Deaf Sentences. I laughed hysterically and helplessly through the first three pages. Seriously I was laughing so hard the tears were streaming down my face, and I actually have sore muscles in my mid section. I hope the whole book is this good!

My favorite authors are AnneMcCaffrey (scifi/fantasy) Jean Auel (The Clan of the Cave Bear books) and Anne Tyler. These authors I buy.

I also own the James Herriot "All Creatures" series, are favorite rereads of mine,

An all time favorite non fiction author of mine who writes about his life with his cats is Deric Longden. His books are difficult to find in the USA. I use my library a lot but wanted to own Londgen's books, so had to buy them from book stores overseas.

All cat lovers should read Deric Longden.

I also love some of the old authors, Louisa May Alcott, Booth Tarkington and Paul Gallico. Paul Gallico wrote Thomasina, which many know only as a movie, trust me the book is much better. Own all those too.

But my all time favorite of all favorite books is The Abandondedalso by Paul Gallico. It's out of print, (I had to pay a fortune for a copy) so you might have trouble finding it, but every cat lover should read it! Paul Gallico knew cats!

I also love all the old classics, by the Bronte sisters (Wuthering Heights! Jane Eyre!) and the books of Jane Austen. Own them.

Gone With the Wind is an all time favorite book of mine too. The Little Princess. The Secret Garden. Heidi. all own.

In more recent reading the City of Ember books have fascinated me and I bought them all. (four) I've read them three times already.

Well I better stop here, LOL!

I am a frequent visitor to my library, we have a wonderful four county system, I can order any book, have it delivered to my library and they call me when it comes in.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Dec 22, 2008
A State of Confusion
I just finished reading We Were Sondiers Once and Young. It's the book the Mel Gibson movie was based on. I met Hal Moore a few years ago and we have the same Alma Mater, so I've been meaning to read it for quite a while. I just started reading Homer's Odyssey which is about a blind cat. It was one of the gifts from my Secret Santa, mrblance.

I used to read a lot of Sci Fi / Fantasy books. Lately, it seems to be more classics and cat books. The classics are a lot more fun to read when you don't have to read them for school and I can usually get them really cheap at the used book store. In the past 6 months, I've read Animal Farm, A Tale of Two Cities, The Red Badge of Courage, and Moby Dick. I still have A Farewell to Arms, Great Expectations, and The Jungle waiting to be read from my last trip. I like to alternate between something serious (i.e., a classic) and something a little lighter like a cat book.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
Originally Posted by Grogs

I just started reading Homer's Odyssey which is about a blind cat. It was one of the gifts from my Secret Santa, mrblance.

I used to read a lot of Sci Fi / Fantasy books. Lately, it seems to be more classics and cat books. The classics are a lot more fun to read when you don't have to read them for school and I can usually get them really cheap at the used book store. In the past 6 months, I've read Animal Farm, A Tale of Two Cities, The Red Badge of Courage, and Moby Dick. I still have A Farewell to Arms, Great Expectations, and The Jungle waiting to be read from my last trip. I like to alternate between something serious (i.e., a classic) and something a little lighter like a cat book.
I looked up Homer's Odyssey, and put it on my library list. That sounds really good. But I don't know, will I be able to read it without crying through the whole thing?

I love all those books we had to read in HS too. Don't forget The Scarlett Letter, and The Little Prince!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 5, 2006
I'm reading Southern Storm: Sherman's March to the Sea by Noah Andre Trudeau.

The title is rather self explanatory. It is about General William Tecumseh Sherman's march across the South during the Civil War that began after the capture of Atlanta and ended with the capture of the city of Savannah in December of 1864. Sherman's name is still cursed by some in the southern United States. "Sherman's March" was intended to physically and psychologically the Confederacy's ability to wage war, it would also prove instrumental in helping to trap Robert E. Lee and force his surrender after Sherman's army combined with Grant's in Virginia.


TCS Member
Jul 6, 2007
Sundarville, NC
I just finished The Road by Cormac McCarthy. I also recently read The Moonlit Cage by Linda Holeman. Her books are beautifully written. I acquire books from anywhere I can get them...those were Christmas gifts. I order a lot of books online, but I buy used books at Goodwill and I've found a little junk shop that sells paperbacks for a quarter each.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 17, 2003
Wellington City, NZ
I'm currently reading Stepping Stones by Maureen Lee.

Maureen Lee is my favourite author but after reading her books solidly for the last few months. I need something else. I might try that Homer book everybody is talking about!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 17, 2008
New York City
I get on kicks with certain authors as well. Phillipa Gregory was my latest. I love her Tudor series. But I still haven't read The Other Boleyn Girl. But when I go on a kick with one certain author, I eventually take a break.

I go to the library for my books. I have a branch right across the street from my apartment, which is really handy.

Right now, I'm trying to make it through Twilight. I'm trying to see what all the fuss was about. I think I'm too old for it. I can see where it would definitly appeal to younger girls/women, though. I think, for vampires, I prefer Ann Rice.

I love Stephen King, and I'm going to put Under The Dome on reserve. I'm hankering for some good King.

My boyfriend gave me Beyond The White House by Jimmy Carter, for Christmas. I'll be starting that next.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Aug 21, 2009
I just finished Notes Left Behind by Keith Desserich. The book is about a six year old girl's battle with a rare brain tumor. Her parents kept a diary of Elena's progress and their feelings and thoughts. By the end of the book, I was so scared to finish it, because I knew what was coming.

Now, I am reading You Just Don't Understand by Deborah Tannen. After that, I plan to read Atonement.


TCS Member
Jan 20, 2010
New Brunswick, Canada
I am about to start Lucky by Alice Sebold. I thoroughly enjoyed her other 2 books and am hoping that this one is just as enjoyable.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
Originally Posted by nanner

I get on kicks with certain authors as well. Phillipa Gregory was my latest. I love her Tudor series. But I still haven't read The Other Boleyn Girl. But when I go on a kick with one certain author, I eventually take a break.

I go to the library for my books. I have a branch right across the street from my apartment, which is really handy.

Right now, I'm trying to make it through Twilight. I'm trying to see what all the fuss was about. I think I'm too old for it. I can see where it would definitly appeal to younger girls/women, though. I think, for vampires, I prefer Ann Rice.

I love Stephen King, and I'm going to put Under The Dome on reserve. I'm hankering for some good King.

My boyfriend gave me Beyond The White House by Jimmy Carter, for Christmas. I'll be starting that next.
I didn't even bother with the Twilight books. But you definitely have to read The Other Boleyn Girl!

And if you like period works, I highly recommend Mary Stewart's Merlin books. The Crystal Cave, The Hollow Hills, and The Last Enchantment That's the Merlin Trilogy. Add on the fourth book The Wicked Day and it becomes the Aurthurian Saga.

Incredible, unputdownable.
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In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Originally Posted by otto

I didn't even bother with the Twilight books. But you definitely have to read The Other Boleyn Girl!

And if you like period works, I highly recommend Mary Stewart's Merlin books. The Crystal Cave, The Hollow Hills, and The Last Enchantment That's the Merlin Trilogy. Add on the fourth book The Wicked Day and it becomes the Aurthurian Saga.

Incredible, unputdownable.
ITA about the Stewart series; those books were outstanding. I have them and even now I'll go back and reread them. Incredible.

Nanner, I think you'll enjoy Under the Dome. It's good, except for a few things that I won't go into detail so as to not spoil.

I also like the Joel Grey and the Mrs. Murphy series. I started to get a little tired of The Cat Who.....books; they seemed to start becoming too alike, I guess. I'm a big fan of Midnight Louie (and his daughter, Louise); they're cute books.

dave t

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Dec 2, 2009
Osceola, IN
I recently finished Dracula, by Bram Stoker. It took forever, but was well worth the read. Scratch another item off the ol' bucket list!

I am now reading And a Bottle of Rum: A History of the New World in Ten Cocktails by Wayne Curtis.

It is a good blend of history and rum (two of my favorite subjects!), and I am really enjoying it. Happy reading!

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