What are you afraid of?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 5, 2005
At the moment my biggest fear is having my heart fixed- I'm a little scared something might go wrong. It's pretty much all i've been able to think about for a while now and totally freaks me out that I need work on my heart.

I'm also scared that i will have a heart attack or sudden cardia death or something else before I get my heart fixed- i know it's probably irrational, but it's definitely a fear.

I also worry about what would happen if DH got deployed on a mission. I think we would make do ok though, but it would really be lousey without him.

As far as silly fears go....

Clowns - hate them!!
Spiders (I have the scars from multiple brown recluse bites to merit my fear of what those can do!)
Really long expansion bridges- ohhh how i hate driving over those!!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 22, 2006
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
Originally Posted by StarryEyedTiGeR

Spiders (I have the scars from multiple brown recluse bites to merit my fear of what those can do!)
You've actually been bitten by a Brown Recluse? Wow you're lucky to be alive. Those things are deadly. Brown Recluse and the Brazilian Wandering Spider are the only spiders I'm afraid of. I have no problem with any others.

My only other real fear is heights. It's not being up high that scares me but if I fall, it's the falling sensation that gets to me.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 5, 2005
Originally Posted by TigerOnTheProwl

You've actually been bitten by a Brown Recluse? Wow you're lucky to be alive. Those things are deadly. Brown Recluse and the Brazilian Wandering Spider are the only spiders I'm afraid of. I have no problem with any others.

My only other real fear is heights. It's not being up high that scares me but if I fall, it's the falling sensation that gets to me.
I've been bitten three times from brown recluse spiders (I was able to get one of the spiders to take to the doctor with me,so I know for sure that's what it was). I've got some pretty nice scars from them. Everyones reactions to the bites differ- what really matters is the amount of venom injected into the skin. (Death from these bites are actually pretty rare if you catch them before they get too severe) They poison actually causes part of your skin to rot in certain areas if you don't get it treated quickly. A lot of people have reactions to the bites, but some folks just heal up on their own (not me

A few yrs back I spent a summer in Mississippi when my niece was pregnant, helping them out and I actually raised my great niece for a few months before my niece decided she could keep her and be a good momma (and she's a great little momma now!). There are tons of spiders in that area and I guess they had a bunch in my sister's house at the time. I wound up with multiple bites on different occassions. All three happened when I was staying down there. (They wound up having the pest company come out on several occassions to try and get rid of them.) They like to hide in boxes, bed skirts, wood, head boards, clothing/etc...

They are common here in the Memphis area too though so i'm always on the lookout for them. A lot of people confuse them with wolf spiders -but they're totally different. (wolf spiders are harmless usually). I've tought all my nieces/nephews the difference.

So yea, spiders I hate!!! I'm always scared of getting another bad bite- they're soo painful! / When I see them though I go into "savage killer mode" and kill them as fast as I can. I hate creepy crawlies


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 1, 2008
South Coast, UK
My biggest fears at the moment are:

Water going over my face...I usually wash my face with a flannel before going under the shower.

As a kid I used to be afraid of the dark, and this one is really daft....rainbows!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 25, 2005
Plano, Texas
Originally Posted by StarryEyedTiGeR

...When I see them [spiders] though I go into "savage killer mode"...
Ha! Me too! Nice, mild-mannered women most of the time, but show us a spider and we turn into Hulks!


Staff Member
Oct 11, 2006
Heights. All my fears are related to heights, such as flying, being on mountain-tops (which is a bad one, as the in-laws live in the mountains--I hate going there--I love my in-laws, but find the 3-hour trip a nightmare). I also dislike being in tall buildings past a few floors up. Big, suspension bridges--I can drive over them, but try to avoid them (I actually have nightmares about them; always have--and my palms sweat when I even look at a pic of one. I do like small, low bridges, though.) The weird part: I;m not afraid of being on a ladder! Go figure.

Even though I had a severe facial dog-mauling years ago, I;m not afraid of dogs--I love them. Weird. I;m afraid of a bridge, but not the real threat. Bugs don;t bug me, though I;m not wild about them. Heights are my only fear (so far!).

My DH is a former Marine, and thinks I;m a coward.


Staff Member
Oct 11, 2006
Originally Posted by TigerOnTheProwl

You've actually been bitten by a Brown Recluse? Wow you're lucky to be alive. Those things are deadly. Brown Recluse and the Brazilian Wandering Spider are the only spiders I'm afraid of. I have no problem with any others.

My only other real fear is heights. It's not being up high that scares me but if I fall, it's the falling sensation that gets to me.
Do you ever have the falling dream, like I do? I jerk awake, as I have the sensation of falling out of the bed.


Staff Member
Oct 11, 2006
Originally Posted by tierre0

Oh my goodness I forgot about

I am not afraid of the little ones you get around the house, Linus is my great a fearless spider killer...
However, we use to get these huge dock spiders where I grew up that were huge with the body the size of a golf ball..they were harmless but gross just the same...
You all will think I;m crazy, but your post reminded me of my ;pet; spider, Spidey (yeah, it took AGES to think up his name, I know). Last Summer, I took up canning. Well, this little guy set up shop between the edge of the range, and the counter;s backsplash. He/she would just stay there while I was cooking--like he was watching me. I would talk to him as I cooked. He would even come out of hiding when I came to the counter, instead of the other war around. One day, I accidentally splashed boiling water while emptying the huge pot. I turned to find Spidey missing--I thought I had killed him with the water, and I was a bit upset. He came out a few minutes later, and stayed all Summer, then left us. He was kinda cute.
I must admit, I kind of miss him!


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 26, 2008
Ants...not sure where this fear came from; maybe because my brother used to terrorize me with those huge black\
ed ones that are common here...I think they are considered carpenter ants...but any type of the nasty critter sends chills down to my toes...

I also have a fear of begin stuck in a position in which a family member or beloved friend is in danger and there is nothing I can do to help.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 5, 2006
I'm afraid of heights but not when I'm flying or anything like that. The fear only gets to me when I'm up high on my own two feet. There is an extension at the college that houses the medical intruction part of the school. There is an enclosed walkway that goes from the newer wing to the main building that has very large glass panels along one side. I won't walk by the glass, I walk along the wall instead.

lemur 6

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 5, 2005
I'm terrified of my parents

Not even death is as scary. Actually, death is somewhat comforting in that it's an eventuality. "Memento Mori".


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2005
NW Pennsylvania
I keep coming to this thread and reading, but kept contemplating what I am really afraid of.

I mean, I am scared of spiders (or mouse, or snake, or insert creepy crawly here), in that I dont want one crawling on me, I would scream if I seen one on me, but really - if I see a spider crawling on the wall - I get a shoe and squish it!

I am not really afraid of heights, I can climb a ladder, or walk on a roof, but when I worked on Aircraft Carriers, I couldnt get too close to the edge when standing on the deck without getting butterflies...

I am not afraid of fire, but I have a fear of my house burning.

I guess my biggest fear or worry is that one of my children will die before me. I'm not ready for that. I imagine no is, or could be.


Darksome Duo!
Top Cat
Sep 3, 2003
Denton TX
Originally Posted by Marianjela

I guess my biggest fear or worry is that one of my children will die before me. I'm not ready for that. I imagine no one is, or could be.
my mom says [in her testimony] that it's due [in part] to the fact that we're meant to pre-decease our children. [not that i have any, except the furry kind.] we expect our parents to pre-decease us - we're sad, of course, but it's the natural 'order' of things.
my middle brother [4th of 5 kids] was killed 20 years ago when he was 22.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2005
NW Pennsylvania
Originally Posted by laureen227

my mom says that it's due to the fact that we're meant to pre-decease our children.
It's coincidental that you mention this, the other day my father-in-law basically said the same thing. My husband's sister passed away 5 years ago this month of lymphoma. She was 43. My mother-in-law passed away of ovarian cancer 2 Christmases ago. I guess Dad was having a hard day, he said he didnt expect to outlive his wife, and in a million years he didnt expect one of his children to die before him, and then he started talking about Joshua (his grandchild, my son)... It doesnt help that he is the youngest of 12 and all but one of his siblings have passed on.

Like the song says:

God only cries for the living...
'Cause it's the living that are left to carry on.

Originally Posted by laureen227

my middle brother [4th of 5 kids] was killed 20 years ago when he was 22.
I am sorry for the loss of your brother. I pray that your family has many warm memories to fill their heart!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 6, 2007
Austin, Texas
When I was little for some reason I was always afraid that aliens were coming to abduct me at night when I was in bed. I would sleep with the covers over my face no matter how hot it was just so I wouldn't have to see them. I would even be scared of going outside at night because of the UFO's out there. LOL. I think that stems from those alien shows being on tv and my parents watched them a few times. Plus there were a few movies they watched (Fire In The Sky was one of the movies I remember, and it was supposed to be based off of a true story).

One thing I'm afraid of now are heights. I hate escalaters. I also hate going over those big overpasses to go from one road to another if that makes sense. The boyfriend is mean about it. He always starts shaking me when we're on an escalater making me think I'm going to fall over the side. He also makes sure to speed up when going over those huge overpasses to annoy me. But he's afraid of spiders so I've put a daddy long leg on him a few times LOL. I've never known a man to be afraid of spiders except him.

Another thing that I'm scared of are those huge cockroaches (Palmetto bugs/tree roaches) I had an infestation in the last house I was living in. It got better when I started exterminating. It was to the point that there were little baby ones in my dishwasher and that was just unacceptable to me *shudder*. One night at like 3am I was asleep and something hit my pillow and woke me up. I opened up my eyes and saw one of those huge roaches on my pillow crawling around next to me. Yeah, I freaked out. I can't remember if I went back to sleep that night or not. I hate those big roaches because they can fly. I learned from a friend a few weeks ago that apparently they bite too. Thank goodness I never experienced the biting from one of those things. I'm hoping that I didn't bring them with me when I moved a few months ago. I have found 2 dead ones in the house (at least they were dead) and another fell off of the garage light onto my shoulder a few weeks ago and then flew off my shoulder and ran away *shudders*. So far I've only really seen them in the garage, so I hope that they stay out there and don't come into the house.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 1, 2008
South Coast, UK
Not sure why I was scared of them as a child....must have been something to do with the supposed 'leprechauns' at the end of them (dad told me about them being unpleasant creatures who bit kids who tried stealing the gold!
Yeah, think that's the explanation...
I'm soooo glad that the fear has disappeared now that I'm a lot older!


TCS Member
Super Cat
Feb 4, 2002
Orange, CA
I was lying in bed last night and it came to me...

When I was a young boy, I had a fear of the drains in swimming pools! To this day, I have no clue as to why I had a fear of them. I still swam and jumped off the board, I just would stay as far away as I could from the drains.

I finally conquered my fears when I dove down and touched them. Nothing happened!

Hows that for weird?