Well, THAT was creepy!


Thread starter
Staff Member
Oct 11, 2006
About 2 hours ago, I was using the upstairs bathroom.  I distinctly heard my DH clear his throat downstairs.  Thinking he had come home from work, and I didn't hear him come in, I yelled down from the landing, "Hi, Dear! I'll be down in a minute."  Only one problem--he wasn't there. Okkkkk....

Nobody else was here, nor outside.  It really did sound like him--I was so shocked to find he wasn't there.

Some of you may remember my previous Halloween ghost posts about the 2 possible ghosts we had when we first moved in, about 7 years ago.  I was alone, only had 2 cats, which I could observe (they were sleeping). I was dusting the dining room table, and heard very distinctly, a man sneeze, cough and clear his throat, then a woman doing the same. All the doors and windows were locked, I was alone.  I heard it again a few weeks later, but nothing since then.

I'm not prone to hearing things, nor thinking every sound is paranormal.  I usually can find a rational explanation for things--that's my first instinct--even when I saw what must've been ghosts many years ago.  I thought I had seen something normal, then realized that what I saw wasn't possible. I've spent many years trying to de-bunk the ghost idea, but could come to no other conclusion.

Now, if only if I  could get them to scoop the litter boxes...
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TCS Member
Top Cat
May 22, 2002
new york city
I know you said nobody was outside but is it possible someone cleared his throat while walking and then by the time you checked, it appeared as if nobody was outside? Do you live in a row house? I believe in the paranormal to a large degree. Oh btw that quote by Abe Lincoln in your sig- OMG, that is a superb quote. I never knew he said that.
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Thread starter
Staff Member
Oct 11, 2006
I know you said nobody was outside but is it possible someone cleared his throat while walking and then by the time you checked, it appeared as if nobody was outside? Do you live in a row house? I believe in the paranormal to a large degree. Oh btw that quote by Abe Lincoln in your sig- OMG, that is a superb quote. I never knew he said that.
Nope on both questions. I had already thought of #1.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 30, 2006
Tall Trees & Cold Seas Vancouver Island
Did you husband come home shortly after?

The reason I ask is because something similar happens to me a lot! When I'm making dinner, I hear my husband come home and usually I head to the front room to greet him but more often than not he's not there (yet). But if I wait about two minutes, he pulls up in the car and comes in. This happens probably 1-2 times a week, so now I peek around the corner from the kitchen to see if he's really there before I dry my hands to greet him. We also call each other at the same time so often the phone doesn't even ring. It's REALLY really freaky when he's far away in Japan or New Zealand or somewhere and I start dialing to call him and he's already there, or he dials me and I'm already on the line. He's an astronomer and works nights sometimes but when he's on the other side of the world I have no idea if he's awake or not, but we seem to connect!

Maybe your house is haunted, though, I lived in a haunted house on Princeton Ave. in Austin, Texas and both of my roommates and I would hear the front screen door open, the key in the lock, and footsteps through the living room. It happened many times (plus other unnerving stuff) and I was glad to move out of there. Maybe you should burn some sage or something?
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TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
OH MY.... :eek: that is totally weird... :jaw: What did your husband think when he got home? I got the chills just reading about it :paranoid:


TCS Member
Young Cat
May 15, 2012
Louisville, Ky
Once in high school I was walking across the campuss and I heard my friend call out my name, but when I turned to look there was no one there. What made it even more unusual it that all my friends call me "Lizzy" and this voice said "Elizabeth".
Now this wasn't the first and only time this has happened. Growing up I was constantly walking out of my room asking if anyone had called me only to have my family tell me no. Once it happened while at work and I ended up having a panic attack afterwards (which had never happened before).

It had been such a common occurance for me that I now just brush it off and think nothing of it.

lorie d.

TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 2, 2001
Upper Midwest (SE MN)
Anything's possible but I'd like to offer a logical explaination.  Maybe your mind was playing tricks on you by playing back a sound you've probably heard hundreds of times before.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Years ago, we lived in a house that we rented. On one of my off days from work about every other week or so, I'd bring my grandmother down to visit me for the day. We'd spend the day baking and we'd sit and talk. And then, after supper, I'd take her back home. We spent many days together like that.

After Grandma died, I was making an Old Black Joe cake in the kitchen. And I heard her say, "Pam!" Honestly, it sounded so much like Grandma that I just said, "What?" before I realized that she had passed on. And then I went outside because the house spooked me out a little.

I've read that, sometimes, walls remember and will echo certain sounds and noises. Meaning that there are times when something has happened so many times in a house that certain things will still happen. In this case, Grandma had called my name so many times in that house that, even after she passed away, I still heard the echo of her calling me. The rest of the time we lived in that house, there were times when I would hear her say, "Pam!" Nothing else, just my name. Maybe you were hearing an echo of what had happened many times in your house.

I have Grandma's old oval mirror hanging on a wall in our hallway....it's on the wall above her old desk. One night, I awakened and Grandma was in the hallway and she was not amused. She gave me heck because the mirror was dusty! She told me to get up and clean the mirror "this instant". And then she said that "I taught you better than that!" And believe me, I got out of bed, got the paper towels and the glass cleaner out of the bathroom closet and I cleaned that mirror. Rick woke up and wondered what the heck I was doing. I told him what had happened, said that I do realize I was dreaming, but figured I'd better clean it anyway. (Grandma has never been inside this house; we built it about ten years or so after she died.)
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