Weird screaming.


TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 9, 2015
My 16yo bengal G started meowing alot around 13 months ago.  Then the meows turned into full out screams. It happens most days,  no real reason why.

She has seen a vet, she does have hyperthyroidism (on meds for it) but her numbers are in the perfect range, she has no UTIs, no infections (is on antibiotics all the time). 

The only key factor we know of is our other cat passed away (put to sleep) a year ago but her behaviour started before that. We just think our other cat kept her in check so it wasn't as bad.

We cannot get another cat as she is red zone cat aggressive and our vet has told us not to, as it would stress G out even more.  Our Vet is very puzzled by the behaviour and cannot figure out why either.

She also has twitches every day, like seeing a person with the shakes. This comes and goes and nothing in her blood work gives any clues.

She is also 90% deaf, she can only hear certain pitches (when the monsters in the Godzilla movie screams, she can hear that).

Any suggestions on what to do?  It's becoming an issue with our neighbor as G screams so loudly you can hear our when you're outside or if my neighbor has her window open.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
New Orleans area (Metairie), Louisiana, United Sta
My 16yo bengal G started meowing alot around 13 months ago.  Then the meows turned into full out screams. It happens most days,  no real reason why.

She has seen a vet, she does have hyperthyroidism (on meds for it) but her numbers are in the perfect range, she has no UTIs, no infections (is on antibiotics all the time). 

The only key factor we know of is our other cat passed away (put to sleep) a year ago but her behaviour started before that. We just think our other cat kept her in check so it wasn't as bad.

We cannot get another cat as she is red zone cat aggressive and our vet has told us not to, as it would stress G out even more.  Our Vet is very puzzled by the behaviour and cannot figure out why either.

She also has twitches every day, like seeing a person with the shakes. This comes and goes and nothing in her blood work gives any clues.

She is also 90% deaf, she can only hear certain pitches (when the monsters in the Godzilla movie screams, she can hear that).

Any suggestions on what to do?  It's becoming an issue with our neighbor as G screams so loudly you can hear our when you're outside or if my neighbor has her window open.
how long has she been deaf?  so, she has tremors? have any other tests been done (besides the blood work)?
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  • #3


TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 9, 2015
She's had xrays, an ultrasound and urine tests. Everything came back normal for her conditions.  She had her blood pressure checked too.

She's been deaf for around two years we think, we know she used the other cat as her ears for while. It just has gotten worse over time. She used to come when called, and was a very happy cat. Now she is rather sad and grumpy.

Her face twitches, her head nods with twitching and when it gets bad she meows. 

All we can assume is she's frustrated. She wont play with toys either, we've tried string, catnip scented, flashing lights, feathers etc. 
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  • #5


TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 9, 2015
Hrmm I think around seven years. It's a gel we put on the ear.  methimazole is the medicine.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
New Orleans area (Metairie), Louisiana, United Sta
She is also 90% deaf, she can only hear certain pitches (when the monsters in the Godzilla movie screams, she can hear that).

Any suggestions on what to do?  It's becoming an issue with our neighbor as G screams so loudly you can hear our when you're outside or if my neighbor has her window open.
if she is meowing/screaming and hears the godzilla movie screams, does she stop?
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  • #7


TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 9, 2015
Never tried it.  Will do that when I get home since I can find them on youtube to test out on her. 

We did try a dog whistle but she cannot hear that.
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  • #8


TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 9, 2015
Thought I'd update this incase someone else has this issue.

My cat was depressed and lonely. The screaming was due to her being 90% deaf and no longer having another cat to follow around and watch.

The fix my vet suggested was to test how she reacted to a calm dog, which she passed.  We got a retired racing greyhound who was cat friendly.
The screaming stopped the day we bought our new greyhound home. They got along very well and G lived contented for another 4 months before her kidneys failed and we had to put her to sleep.

I really could not believe it, the sudden change just by having another companion in the house with her 24/7. Screaming when we left to go pick up the greyhound, and we could hear her screaming when we were opening the door.  She came over to sniff him and we introduced them like we'd been taught. And that was that. The only time she was loud was when she'd see us giving the dog his dinner and she knew it was dinner time for her too.

I really hope this never happens to you or your cat, hearing them scream like that is just heart breaking and I really wish we'd gotten a greyhound sooner.  


TCS Member
Dec 22, 2016
You just made me so sad. I'm glad to hear that the Greyhound solved the issue and I'm sorry for your loss, G sounds like she was a great kitty ):
My babies have been inseperable litter mates their whole lives (they're 8 months now) posts like these make me scared for those days to come as I'm a first time cat owner.

I hope your Greyhound buddy is treating you well, I rescued a black Greyhound when I was a kid, his name was Klondike. Greyhounds are great.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Feb 8, 2017
My 16yo bengal G started meowing alot around 13 months ago.  Then the meows turned into full out screams. It happens most days,  no real reason why.
She has seen a vet, she does have hyperthyroidism (on meds for it) but her numbers are in the perfect range, she has no UTIs, no infections (is on antibiotics all the time). 
The only key factor we know of is our other cat passed away (put to sleep) a year ago but her behaviour started before that. We just think our other cat kept her in check so it wasn't as bad.
We cannot get another cat as she is red zone cat aggressive and our vet has told us not to, as it would stress G out even more.  Our Vet is very puzzled by the behaviour and cannot figure out why either.
She also has twitches every day, like seeing a person with the shakes. This comes and goes and nothing in her blood work gives any clues.

She is also 90% deaf, she can only hear certain pitches (when the monsters in the Godzilla movie screams, she can hear that).

Any suggestions on what to do?  It's becoming an issue with our neighbor as G screams so loudly you can hear our when you're outside or if my neighbor has her window open.
I wonder if there's anything neurological going on? Could the face twitches be focal seizures??? There's different kinds of seizures. I would catch these episodes of screams and twitches on video and show them to the vet...


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
Vallejo, CA
Thought I'd update this incase someone else has this issue.

My cat was depressed and lonely. The screaming was due to her being 90% deaf and no longer having another cat to follow around and watch.

The fix my vet suggested was to test how she reacted to a calm dog, which she passed.  We got a retired racing greyhound who was cat friendly.
The screaming stopped the day we bought our new greyhound home. They got along very well and G lived contented for another 4 months before her kidneys failed and we had to put her to sleep.

I really could not believe it, the sudden change just by having another companion in the house with her 24/7. Screaming when we left to go pick up the greyhound, and we could hear her screaming when we were opening the door.  She came over to sniff him and we introduced them like we'd been taught. And that was that. The only time she was loud was when she'd see us giving the dog his dinner and she knew it was dinner time for her too.

I really hope this never happens to you or your cat, hearing them scream like that is just heart breaking and I really wish we'd gotten a greyhound sooner.  
Thanks for the update.

Bittersweet......but at least glad that she felt comfort in her last months of life by the dog you brought for her :)
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  • #12


TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 9, 2015
Moonstr80- She was tested for that as she did it while at the vets.  We'd had to go away for a weekend and we left her to boarded at the vets. They were able to run a few tests while she was twitching and it wasn't brain related.  They did think it was due to her kidneys starting to fail even more at that point. :(

Thanks all.

For those with kitties who are sick with long term issues, all I can say is, when the time comes you will know.  You'll hate yourself for knowing, you'll question yourself for awhile and then you'll do whats best for your kitty.
G stopped eating, she stopped moving too, just laid on her recliner and didn't move for 8 hours. We tried her usual favorites, she'd go wild for crab meat, and that was ignored not even sniffed at (she'd bitten me once trying to get crab meat, she loved it).  I also saw that the dog left any treats (bacon) alone that we gave G to see if she;d eat. I squirted water in her mouth often. So I took her into the vet and asked the hardest question a kitty owner has to ask. Her kidneys had stopped working and it was just days left.  So we had her put to sleep in my arms. I know it was the right choice but I still hate myself for it.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Feb 8, 2017
Moonstr80- She was tested for that as she did it while at the vets.  We'd had to go away for a weekend and we left her to boarded at the vets. They were able to run a few tests while she was twitching and it wasn't brain related.  They did think it was due to her kidneys starting to fail even more at that point. :(
Interesting. Could be an mystery case and the vet are not familiar with the medical unknown. This isn't an behavioral. Something is bothering this cat internal. Quite sad. Maybe seek an specialist vet?

Cats and dogs will at times show aggression when they are in pain...

Has your vet done an MRA or Cat scan
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 12, 2015
Interesting. Could be an mystery case and the vet are not familiar with the medical unknown. This isn't an behavioral. Something is bothering this cat internal. Quite sad. Maybe seek an specialist vet?

Cats and dogs will at times show aggression when they are in pain...

Has your vet done an MRA or Cat scan
This cat has passed away and the OP got the answers they needed.  See post 8.