Weird poop incident


TCS Member
Thread starter
Alpha Cat
Dec 3, 2018
We had a very good period since mid-july with Musiaka up until this week when he ingested grass and had a temporarily upset stomach + threw up. It all settled though and he is back to eating/acting normal. Other than that there has barely been any vomiting lately hich is a good achievement for Musiaka! He has been eating a lot, gained weight and has zoomies everyday.

However we just had a weird poop incident that got me very worried, it happened just now.
I woke up to find a poop in the middle of the kitchen and some scoot marks. That happens to Musiaka sometimes and it's always a bunch of hair that makes the poop get stuck in his butt, so he scoots to get it out. I always assume that its better this way rather than him throwing it up as at least it means he is able to pass the hair down his intestines.

But this time there were also weird poop drops here and there as well - it was not blood, no redness there, just tiny brown drops, maybe 5-6 of them. The poop that was on the floor was completely solid and there was a solid piece of poop in the little box surrounded by a little bit of brown liquid. The butt looks normal, not inflammed or impacted. He acts normal, just went and ate a bunch.

What could those droplets mean, should I be worried?
We had an ultrasound done in early summer, there was no inflammation or thickening in his lower intestines and he never has diarrhea, or maybe like 1-2 a year. He has gallstones though and slightly enlarged kidneys, I give him rounds of kidney supplements every few months. Gallstones we decided not to try and melt down.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
It can be so many things. I am sure you know you will have to watch for a repeat. I have seen cats do this for many reasons. Worms are one thing. One flea bite and they can get parasites. Perhaps anal gland? It could be a simple bit of hair or a food issue too. If it happens again then you will need to get a vet check. Perhaps you can just call the vet and take a poop sample in if it doesn’t escalate. If it continues or gets worse, definitely get a vet opinion. Hopefully it was just a passing thing and an itchy bottom!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Alpha Cat
Dec 3, 2018
It can be so many things. I am sure you know you will have to watch for a repeat. I have seen cats do this for many reasons. Worms are one thing. One flea bite and they can get parasites. Perhaps anal gland? It could be a simple bit of hair or a food issue too. If it happens again then you will need to get a vet check. Perhaps you can just call the vet and take a poop sample in if it doesn’t escalate. If it continues or gets worse, definitely get a vet opinion. Hopefully it was just a passing thing and an itchy bottom!
The scooting does repeat every now and then... I have really long hair which Musiaka tends to pick up from the floor and swallow, but most often the poop gets stuck on a clump of his own hair. I always just assume that I'd rather deal with cleaning poop marks than him vomiting.

But those droplets were very weird, it's the first time he had those... and now that you say it, he does seem to have an itchy bottom and he's been cleaning his butt somewhat excessively lately. I take him for a walk everyday on a leash and there are street cats in the area, maybe he picked up some parasites, although I clean his paws after each walk and no visual signs in the poop for parasites.

Testing a sample before de-worming is necessary, yes? Because our vet says just to give a de-wormer each season without any tests, but it happened one time that my neighbour's cat died immediately after receiving a de-wormer, so I'm a bit afraid


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
If you want to test for worms, let the vet know that. If you are paying for this and want the service, it should not make any difference to him. You are being cautious which is a very good thing in a pet owner.