Weight gain!!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Sep 7, 2019
Well I actually weighed her today and she was 15.2 and today she is 15 so that's a loss of .2oz . I have heard slow is good so I'm assuming that's good. I was feeding her between 200-220 calories. I started at 200 but then was reading more and thought 200 might be too low for a 15 pound cat so I'm feeding her for a 12 pound cat which is what the vet said would be healthy weight.
Slow is good! I just ordered a handheld luggage scale so I could get more accurate weight readings. Twyla loves to sit in baskets so this should be a good method. Bonus is I don’t have to weigh myself.
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  • #22


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
May 26, 2019
Slow is good! I just ordered a handheld luggage scale so I could get more accurate weight readings. Twyla loves to sit in baskets so this should be a good method. Bonus is I don’t have to weigh myself.
Yeah Presley would never do that! She barely tolerates me holding her. Ha!! Well hopefully next week goes well too 🙂


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Sep 7, 2019
Twyla weighed 13.6 today. Same as last week. Still weighing on my scale so may not be perfectly accurate. Given the reduction in dry food and her increased playfulness I’m surprised to not see more progress.
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  • #24


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
May 26, 2019
Twyla weighed 13.6 today. Same as last week. Still weighing on my scale so may not be perfectly accurate. Given the reduction in dry food and her increased playfulness I’m surprised to not see more progress.
That's frustrating. I weighed Presley today and she's 15.4 so if that is accurate she is actually up .4 from last week which makes no sense. Ugh. I think I will try weighing her again tomorrow morning. The problem is she wouldn't tolerate if I ordered a scale she later in so weighing myself then her is the only option. Let's hope next week is better!!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Sep 7, 2019
Still the same at 13.6 lbs. At least she’s consistent. I don’t understand why we aren’t making more progress as both her calories and carbs have been reduced and she is right around 200 calories a day.I also recognize that these are small differences on a scale made for humans, but that is the only weighing method she tolerates.
Hope you are seeing more progress!
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  • #26


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
May 26, 2019
Still the same at 13.6 lbs. At least she’s consistent. I don’t understand why we aren’t making more progress as both her calories and carbs have been reduced and she is right around 200 calories a day.I also recognize that these are small differences on a scale made for humans, but that is the only weighing method she tolerates.
Hope you are seeing more progress!
Yeah it's really weird. So Presley is 15.2 this week but as you said I don't know how accurate that is given the fact we are weighing with a human scale. I might reduce her calories by 10% if she stays the same or goes up again next week just to see if that makes a difference. I've been giving her 220 calories a day So I would be going back down to 200 calories a day. I'll give it one more week. I was reading an article about starting them out at 180 calories but that seems really really low to me especially with Presley being 15 pounds. I guess weight loss is never easy either animal or human!!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Sep 7, 2019
Twyla weighed in at 13.4 today so a little bit of progress. If measures are accurate she has now lost a little over half a pound. I was super careful that she didn’t sneak any of my other cat’s food. Hope you see some progress too!
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  • #28


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
May 26, 2019
Twyla weighed in at 13.4 today so a little bit of progress. If measures are accurate she has now lost a little over half a pound. I was super careful that she didn’t sneak any of my other cat’s food. Hope you see some progress too!
Glad one of us is making progress. Well I weighed Presley and it said she was 15.6 which doesn't even seem possible to gain that in a week! Are you weighing same time and same day of the week? I also recently have been giving Presley gabapentin for FHS and it's flavored with Carmel syrup from the vet. I'm wondering if there are hidden calories in that?!? I'm going to weigh again in a few days and see if it's the same. If so I'll have to cut her calories by 10%.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Sep 7, 2019
Glad one of us is making progress. Well I weighed Presley and it said she was 15.6 which doesn't even seem possible to gain that in a week! Are you weighing same time and same day of the week? I also recently have been giving Presley gabapentin for FHS and it's flavored with Carmel syrup from the vet. I'm wondering if there are hidden calories in that?!? I'm going to weigh again in a few days and see if it's the same. If so I'll have to cut her calories by 10%.
I'm sure there are a few calories in the compounding syrup - maybe equivalent to a couple of pieces of kibble? Does the gaba seem to be helping with the FHS? That's no fun for the cat or you to have to deal with. I do try and weigh every Sunday, usually in the morning after Twyla uses the litter box ( every ounce counts, if you know what I mean:lol:). She has had a couple of days of mild tummy upset this week and her appetite was off for about 36 hours but she is back to her usual intake now.
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  • #30


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
May 26, 2019
I'm sure there are a few calories in the compounding syrup - maybe equivalent to a couple of pieces of kibble? Does the gaba seem to be helping with the FHS? That's no fun for the cat or you to have to deal with. I do try and weigh every Sunday, usually in the morning after Twyla uses the litter box ( every ounce counts, if you know what I mean:lol:). She has had a couple of days of mild tummy upset this week and her appetite was off for about 36 hours but she is back to her usual intake now.
We just started gabapentin a few weeks ago and it does seem to be helping quite a bit. Upped the dosage twice so far. I will have to start weighing same day and time so that it's more accurate. I know what you mean about after the litter box, ha! but Presley doesn't use it at the same times so I'll just have to do weighing in the morning before I feed her. I'm thinking of decreasing her kibble a little more. I don't want to decrease her wet food at all. I'm only giving her 3tbsp of kibble a day for clicker training and as a snack at bedtime. Glad twyla is feeling better. Love her name too!!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Sep 7, 2019
Twyla weighed 13.2 today so down another .2 from last week. Not surprised as she had a couple of days where here appetite wasn’t 100% though she is back to normal now.

If you are going to decrease calories I agree with you that it should be by reducing the dry food a bit, which is both calorie dense and high in carbs. The two tablespoons of dry that Twyla gets is 45 calories Of her total. I like Twyla’s name, too, but I can’t take credit for it. Her previous owner was a dancer and named her after Twyla Tharp. I adopted Twyla when she was 10, she is 13 now.
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  • #32


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
May 26, 2019
Twyla weighed 13.2 today so down another .2 from last week. Not surprised as she had a couple of days where here appetite wasn’t 100% though she is back to normal now.

If you are going to decrease calories I agree with you that it should be by reducing the dry food a bit, which is both calorie dense and high in carbs. The two tablespoons of dry that Twyla gets is 45 calories Of her total. I like Twyla’s name, too, but I can’t take credit for it. Her previous owner was a dancer and named her after Twyla Tharp. I adopted Twyla when she was 10, she is 13 now.
I finally weighed Presley this week. She is at 15.6 so I'm definitely going to reduce her calories starting today. I'm glad twyla is having progress. Let's hope next week is better for Presley!
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  • #33


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
May 26, 2019
Twyla weighed 13.2 today so down another .2 from last week. Not surprised as she had a couple of days where here appetite wasn’t 100% though she is back to normal now.

If you are going to decrease calories I agree with you that it should be by reducing the dry food a bit, which is both calorie dense and high in carbs. The two tablespoons of dry that Twyla gets is 45 calories Of her total. I like Twyla’s name, too, but I can’t take credit for it. Her previous owner was a dancer and named her after Twyla Tharp. I adopted Twyla when she was 10, she is 13 now.
Okay, so I think I discovered why Presley isn't losing and actually gaining weight. I've been giving her a supplement called dinovite. It's for stomach health and has probiotics, fish oil, omega acids in it etc. She likes it and that's what I mix her meds in for fhs to get her to take them mixed with inaba chura. We have been giving it close to two months. The serving size is 1-2tsp per day and it's a creamy like liquid . I haven't been measuring but I am guessing we have been giving at least a tsp probably closer to 1 1/2 or 2 tsp per day. I was curious if it had any calories in it so I called the company because no calories were listed on the tube. It has 40 calories per tsp!!! No wonder she isn't losing! So my question for you is if I start measuring 1 tsp per day should I hold off on decreasing her dry food to see if accurately measuring the dinovite makes a difference first??


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Sep 7, 2019
Okay, so I think I discovered why Presley isn't losing and actually gaining weight. I've been giving her a supplement called dinovite. It's for stomach health and has probiotics, fish oil, omega acids in it etc. She likes it and that's what I mix her meds in for fhs to get her to take them mixed with inaba chura. We have been giving it close to two months. The serving size is 1-2tsp per day and it's a creamy like liquid . I haven't been measuring but I am guessing we have been giving at least a tsp probably closer to 1 1/2 or 2 tsp per day. I was curious if it had any calories in it so I called the company because no calories were listed on the tube. It has 40 calories per tsp!!! No wonder she isn't losing! So my question for you is if I start measuring 1 tsp per day should I hold off on decreasing her dry food to see if accurately measuring the dinovite makes a difference first??
That’s a lot of calories in a tsp! Do you know how much is in the churu treat? If it were me I would recalculate how many calories you are administering in total - wet food, dry food, churu and dinovite and see what the total is. If it is over 200 calories in total the dry food would be the easiest thing to reduce. Get back to feeding that amount for a few weeks and see if Presley starts to lose weight again.
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  • #35


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
May 26, 2019
That’s a lot of calories in a tsp! Do you know how much is in the churu treat? If it were me I would recalculate how many calories you are administering in total - wet food, dry food, churu and dinovite and see what the total is. If it is over 200 calories in total the dry food would be the easiest thing to reduce. Get back to feeding that amount for a few weeks and see if Presley starts to lose weight again.
I know right!! And it's crazy they don't list the calories on the tube. So I'm measuring now so she will get 1/2 tsp total a day of the dinovite so around 20 calories for the dinovite. I'm thinking she was getting at least 40 before because I wasn't really measuring and would just squirt some on a plate. 1/4 tsp isn't that big. The inaba churu is 6 calories per tube and we use one a day for her meds as well. So this week I'm going to keep everything the same except I'm measuring the dinovite. If she doesn't lose or gains when I weigh her middle.of the week then I will decrease her dry food like I had planned.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Sep 7, 2019
Fish oil is highly caloric. At one point I was considering fish oil supplements for Twyla’s arthritis but decided against it because of the calorie count. She gets Dasuquin once a day instead.

Twyla was holding steady at 13.2 pounds this morning. I am going to start weighing every two weeks now that I know she is actually losing weight. I think it will be easier to track her progress.
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  • #37


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
May 26, 2019
Fish oil is highly caloric. At one point I was considering fish oil supplements for Twyla’s arthritis but decided against it because of the calorie count. She gets Dasuquin once a day instead.

Twyla was holding steady at 13.2 pounds this morning. I am going to start weighing every two weeks now that I know she is actually losing weight. I think it will be easier to track her progress.
I'll weigh Presley on Thursday again and see how we are doing. At least I know what I'm dealing with now. I would have been spinning my wheels wondering!! Glad twyla is progressing!
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  • #38


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
May 26, 2019
Fish oil is highly caloric. At one point I was considering fish oil supplements for Twyla’s arthritis but decided against it because of the calorie count. She gets Dasuquin once a day instead.

Twyla was holding steady at 13.2 pounds this morning. I am going to start weighing every two weeks now that I know she is actually losing weight. I think it will be easier to track her progress.
I weighed Presley today. She is at 15.4 and she was 15.6 last week. The only change I made was measuring out that high caloric dinovite. We will see if she trends downwards next week. If not then it's time to reduce her dry food. I wanted to see if measuring the dinovite made a difference because I'm pretty sure I was giving her a larger portion than a 1/2 a tsp per day which is what I'm giving her now. I feel like I've wasted two months spinning my wheels because I didn't know that supplement had calories. Oh well, can only go from here! Hope you and Twyla's week is going well! :)


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Sep 7, 2019
I weighed Presley today. She is at 15.4 and she was 15.6 last week. The only change I made was measuring out that high caloric dinovite. We will see if she trends downwards next week. If not then it's time to reduce her dry food. I wanted to see if measuring the dinovite made a difference because I'm pretty sure I was giving her a larger portion than a 1/2 a tsp per day which is what I'm giving her now. I feel like I've wasted two months spinning my wheels because I didn't know that supplement had calories. Oh well, can only go from here! Hope you and Twyla's week is going well! :)
Hope that reducing the dinovite does the trick! No weigh in for Twyla today as we are moving to an every other week schedule.
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  • #40


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
May 26, 2019
Hope that reducing the dinovite does the trick! No weigh in for Twyla today as we are moving to an every other week schedule.
Well Presley weighed at 15.8 so we are going the wrong direction. It doesn't make sense to me. I've been super careful about measuring the dinovite and measuring her food. We have also been playing twice a day. So.....I am decreasing her dry food by 1 tbsp so 22 calories this week. She has been getting 240 calories per day so we will see what this week brings!!