Weak Cat Who Won't Jump or Use the Cat Box


TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 31, 2015
Hi! I live in the Midwest. We have 3 dachshunds and 2 black kitties, about 2 years old. We got the kitties initially as mousers from the pound and they became indoor/outdoor cats. They are spayed and UTD on shots.

Two months ago we found our 2 year old Momma, cat laying in a pool of bile, under my husband's bed. I picked her up and took her to the vet. He did a blood panel on her and found "nothing wrong." He gave her a wide spectrum antibiotic,  anti-nausea meds and sent home an oral antibiotic (not well received by her!!!)

I still was not happy. She was not eating, so I took her to our alternate vet who also examined her and found nothing, but gave her an antibiotic injection and ringers lactate, as she was a bit dehydrated. He found nothing wrong either. A couple of weeks later I took her back since she wasn't using her litter box all this time. The UA was normal. He also said to give her warmed baby chicken food to whet her appetite. IT WORKED!

All this time, she has not jumped on any of the furniture. Shortly after the incident, I put her on a table for her food. We keep it there to keep away from our doxies. She backed up and fell backwards off the table. Another time I put her food on a tote and she was confused how to access it. She has gotten better about jumping off furniture since.

She "remains" weak. She usually sits to drink. Today she wobbled as she walked. she spilled backwards when she lifted her leg to groom herself. She does NOT walk on her haunches. Her ears and feet have felt cool. Doc put her on Elavil to see if she would use the box.

I have already taken her once to the pound, thinking I couldn't spend any more $ on her, but didn't have the heart to leave her there. The pound had been overcrowded from "decatting a house."

Has anybody else gone through this and found a solution?  Thank you in advance!
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TCS Member
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Aug 31, 2015
She eats Source chicken and turkey, as well as Instinct rabbit meal - grain free. These are dry. Her and her roommate consume approx 1.5c a day.

She is current on her shots. I think I am seeing/feeling a ball in her tummy that can be seen from the top. When I pat it, it feels like a bowl full of Jello. After having lost some weight, I believe it is steady now, about 6 lbs.

Her poop is formed and soft. I think she pees once a day, perhaps a cup. On the tile floor, it spreads out over a foot.
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TCS Member
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Aug 31, 2015
I feed her overnights as much as she wants, and periodically throughout the day. Keep food off floor so doxies don't get it during the day. Instinct rabbit meal - 76% pure animal ingredients, 24% fruits and vegies, as well as Source chicken and turkey recipe.

From her poops, she eats well. Maybe shares 1.5 cups of food with her housemate cat. I think she pees once a day, a large amount. 

I think I've been noticing a "tummy" on her, visible from the top. When I tap it with my fingers, responds like a bowl of Jello.

I haven't weighted her lately, but she started out at 7 lbs and had slipped to 6 something a couple of months ago. I'd guess stable now.

I thought I lost this draft, but will submit it in case there is anything I missed in the one that got sent. I thought I lost it when I checked your profile.

Thanks, Jack!


TCS Member
Jun 19, 2003
East Coast, USA
Thanks, Jack!
OK so she's getting plenty of food but has had some weight loss.

Did the vet see/feel the lump in her tummy?  Does it look like the type of shape that we associate with slightly overweight cats (sometimes called a jungle sack, or other cute name)?  Does it appear abnormal?

FIV, FeLV testing?

When did she stop using the litterbox to pee, and was that at the same time as the other symptoms began?

The urine was tested both for crystals and a UTI?

And help me understand, is this more about peeing outside the box or about weak/sick cat?  Or both?
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  • #6


TCS Member
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Aug 31, 2015
I just called the vet and he said it is normal to have a fat sack viewable from above. Some are round and others run the length of the abdomen.

She is current on shots. We got her in December and got the shots upon leaving the pound.

She tends to pee near the sand box. She doesn't jump since we found her in a pool of bile 2 months ago. She would back up from a bowl of food on a table and fall off the table, not realizing there was no table in back of her.

I bought them a small cat tree yesterday. I placed her on the top platform, about 2' off the ground. She lifted her hind leg to groom herself and fell backwards, off the platform. She normally walks a pretty straight line, but not necessarily straight yesterday.

She's been a bit grouchy with our doxies.

Yes, 3 symptoms began the same time. No cat box, no appetite and no jumping. She has become an indoor cat, since at this point she would be unable to defend herself outside.

Thank you!


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
Has she been checked for an inner ear infection?  Though, I would think the antibiotics would take care of that.   Have you tried Cat Attract litter to lure her into the box?  That might work.  Also, getting another box and/or new boxes might help.  Lastly, do you have any calming agents such as feliway or rescue remedy?  Did the vet do an x-ray?
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TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
You mentioned she's more grouchy with the dogs. Is there anywhere that seems more sensitive/painful on her? I'm just wondering whether there's some kind of nerve damage (or something) that is causing weaknesses in her quarters.

Has epilepsy been suggested? As I was typing I started putting things together. An epileptic seizure would certainly explain the first sign of a problem, and while I've not heard of post seizure disorientation lasting this long, it does seem to be a possible explanation.

Good luck with getting to the bottom of this. :vibes:
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  • #9


TCS Member
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Aug 31, 2015
An inner ear infection certainly seems logical, as it could affect her balance, but she's been to two vets. When checking at the vet this morning, I was reminded this started in July. She had been tested for feline leukemia at the pound before we adopted her.

I think the biggest problem is her weakness as evidenced by her inability to jump.  Secondarily, and perhaps related to the first, is her unwillingness to waste in the cat box.  I will have to investigate Cat Attract. We have 3 cat boxes in her area. She is only allowed in 3 of our rooms. Her "soul sister, Cleo," has no problems using the boxes, sometimes coming indoors just for that purpose. I change them weekly. Even when I have changed them and rinsed them with vinegar, then again with the garden hose, I will see waste elsewhere.Our doxies take care of the solid waste.... :(

I consider the first sign of a problem laying in a pool of bile.

Secondarily her weakness and

Thirdly her unwillingness to use the cat box.

Her UA and Blood work came back normal. I am considering taking her to a specialty vet when he returns to his office next week. He was the one who diagnosed my doxie with Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia about 3 years ago. The pup since passed. It was spendy, but at least I got a diagnosis.

I don't recognize anything that would remind me of epilepsy, but I am by far no expert. I am commonly home for days at a time, and have never seen her thrashing.

She was just playing with a bungee cord on the floor. At times when batting it around, she was a couple of inches off. I thought that odd.

Thank you.
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  • #10


TCS Member
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Aug 31, 2015
I'm going to have to give her up. She is turning into a wild cat and chasing our dogs around. I can't have any eyes put out.


What greater gift than the love of a cat.
Top Cat
Jul 13, 2015
With such abnormal behavior there has to be something going on health wise... When you say give her up are you returning her to the pound?
What have the vets suggested regarding the fact she has no balance and falls over? I understand the frustration of vets saying "don't see abnormal blood results, so..."
You will need to confine her for her safety and that of your dogs. I'm sorry you are having to go through this and I hope you can keep her until the specialist returns and can see her.
I keep thinking seizure, possible neurological impairment. Hoping for the best outcome and resolution for your entire household


TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
I'm going to have to give her up. She is turning into a wild cat and chasing our dogs around. I can't have any eyes put out.
I'm so sorry. I do urge you to at least try and determine the root cause before surrendering her. Discuss epilepsy and the possibility of other neurological issues (including brain tumours) with your vet. You owe it to Momma to find out what's going on. If you DO surrender her without doing this, tell the shelter about your concerns.

If you do feel able to give her a final chance, get some Softpaws claw covers for her - at least then her claws can't do any damage.
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  • #13


TCS Member
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Aug 31, 2015
Good to know about the Soft Paws covers. Hope she would keep them on. I really do feel bad, but it looks like we are going down a dark tunnel with no end in sight. She used to be so sweet, but last night it looked like she was practicing for Halloween! I feel if I do not find a cause I am failing her.

The local vets say, "I don't know." It is frustrating from my point of view. It used to be so fun to see her running up the driveway when I called her and with her sleeping near my shoulder at night. Now she lays on a throw rug in the doorway of my bedroom.


TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
Have you discussed the possibility of neurological issues with your vet, or even (and I hate to say it) brain tumours. You shouldn't have to do the detective work for them, but maybe a little prompting (even if its wrong) might help them make some connections and find a diagnosis. I wish you all the luck int the world. I can't imagine how difficult this must be. :vibes:
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TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
So sorry to hear about how suddenly your kitty, Momma, became ill. I have to ask and hope I didn't miss this BUT has an xray been done? An ultrasound? That would be my first request because I am wondering if she has had some sort of hind end or back injury. Something might have happened to her that you do not know about either outside, a fall, or inside some other incident. I would think the vet's would have suggested this? So one might have already been done. If nothing comes up in an xray or ultrasound, then I am thinking neurological. Might she have gotten into something poisonous? Poor thing and so sorry you are seeing her this way with no real answers as of yet. Many vibes to your Momma kitty :vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes:

red top rescue

TCS Member
Dec 27, 2012
Acworth GA, USA
Two things I would suggest looking into.  One is FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis) -- you said she has a liquid belly, the vet says it is "normal" but it shouldn't feel like jelly.  The vet could tap the belly and see if any thick yellow fluid comes out, and if so with the other symptoms I would think that is suggestive of FIP.  FIP is hard to diagnose but it can affect any system in the body, including the neurological system, and it can make them grumpy an uncoordinated like she is.  There are two types, the "dry" which usually concentrates more in the neurological system, and the "wet" which shows more by the accumulation of fluids in the belly.  FIP is always fatal, and if she did get that diagnosis, the only kind thing to do would be to put her to sleep.  Vets dont like to give a diagnosis of FIP but in her case I would definitely consider it. 

The only other possibility I would consider is that if you use a topical flea treatment on the dogs that also includes a heartworm preventative, an if she is actually in contact with the dogs when that is still wet and she gets some on her and licks it off, she could be getting toxicity from that. 

Do take her to the vet and mention the possibility of FIP because the belly and the personality change could be a sign of that, and the poor cat may be miserable which is why she is practicing for Halloween when she used to be sweet. Spend one last vet visit to try to get a diagnosis to free her of the demons possessing her.  And let us know what the vet says.