Watch "Pet Fooled" - A Documentary

maureen brad

TCS Member
Super Cat
Aug 18, 2013
San Jose, CA
I am so thrilled about 'Pet fooled' since this post the movie is now streaming on Netflix. They are on facebook too with some lives interviews etc. For me, the thing that I like best about it is I can tell people about the movie, I switched my cats to raw in 2014 after doing much research on my own.I went from mixing supplements to Primal Raw chubs, and then for about a week I did homemade cooked...nothing wrong with that except I felt I was adding an unnecessary step.I switched to Lisa Pierson DVM's method of partial cooking and grinding mostly because I had adopted a 6 year old cat with FIV and many other health problems so that gave me extra security. That switch did wonders for his constant itchy skin, runny eyes etc. Sadly, he had so many health problems he died 18 months later ( no not due to food) my vet said that if we had done an autopsy she was sure we would have found FELV in the bone marrow.At that point I went full raw, it is not hard at all, I get most of my meat from HareToday mix, chunk and freeze. I make 30 lbs a month and it takes about 3 hours. I also use Rad Cat as I believe in rotating different proteins and sources. Rad Cat is expensive but, my son works at a pet food store which sells raw to employee family's at cost so, until he finishes college I will buy Rad Cat .My 3 cats are very healthy, their litter boxes are not smelly, no hairballs and less shedding. I used to manage a dinner house and keeping my kitchen clean when I make raw is no different than keeping it clean when I handle any raw food product. It is important to do your research . In the beginning I was afraid so I went slow. Now I am very confident in how I feed my cats and would never do it any other way. I hope Pet Fooled is watched by everyone who loves their animals.Big Pet Food hopes it is not.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 22, 2015
This is a good thread.

When Pet Fooled came out, I remember reading what I thought was a good, balanced review.
Thoughts on the Pet Fooled documentary.

One of the (few negative) points I believe that writer was trying to make was, essentially, the film might possibly dumb down the feeding of raw food as being too simple, maybe leading the less research-prone, the less perfectionist, the less careful pet owners to not do due diligence in learning how to feed raw safely and properly.