Walking problems/appetite loss


TCS Member
Thread starter
May 7, 2023
One of my cats has a host of issues that have so far confounded vets so I thought I'd make a post here in case anyone has had a similar experience.

He's a 3 year old Bengal. History of urinary crystals which resulted in PU surgery after several blockages - no blockages or crystals since then (has had two urine analyses). Bloodwork has always been normal. He had bleeding from tail area (may have been from urethra blockage but also seems to have been from rectum at times - both bright red spotting (urethral) and dark red blood (rectal)) transiently a few times but this has not reoccurred since PU surgery.

The bigger problem is that he occasionally has problems walking, and it seems to first affect his rear legs and then his fore legs as severity increases. This problem waxes and wanes in severity but never goes away fully (at least not any more) to the point where he can no longer jump at all, ever. The condition seems to be progressive with flares; while in a flare, he will often walk with an arched back and lose his appetite. Flares appear to occur more frequently when food is changed or after vet visits, but the baseline problem is always there. It has affected him for two years.

In the most recent flare he has lost coordination in his forelimbs and appears to trip over his front feet. He isn't eating or drinking anything (tried many different foods) and is severely underweight.

What hasn't worked: diet changes, B12 shots, dexamethasone x2 (this may have made him feel a bit better? But hard to tell), gabapentin. Xrays show no abnormalities (masses or injuries). Currently getting infectious disease panel.

Any ideas on what this could be?

silent meowlook

TCS Member
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Forum Helper
Nov 10, 2014
I would think a consult with a neurologist would be in order. He might need more imaging. Sometimes radiographs don’t show enough. If there is spinal cord compression it would need more advanced imaging to see it.

The viral panel is a good idea. A fungal panel might also be in order. I have seen cats with Cryptococcus have motor neuron issues.

This won’t be an easy fix or diagnosis as I am sure you know. I would strongly recommend a specialist if you haven’t seen one yet.

Other things to consider would be a cardiologist. I have seen many bengals with heart issues. Could he be throwing mini clots?

Most likely pain is affecting his appetite. Walking hunched up would also be a sign of pain.

meningitis or other diseases of the spinal cord should be ruled out. That is usually done with CSF tap.

There are so many directions to look and diagnostics to do. Only you can decide if you’re cat and you are up for it.

If the steroids improve his quality of life, and allow him to eat, if it was me, I would continue them.

No abnormalities in the tests done so far?
Where did you get him?
can you post a picture?

Whatever happens, I hope he is feeling better soon. So young, I know it’s not fair.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
May 7, 2023
Thanks for the thoughtful response. I'm bringing him to an internal medicine doctor in a couple of weeks, and from there probably neurologist. Cardiologist is a good idea and I'll bring it up. Maybe stress induced clots? Though he can't jump even when not experiencing a flare. I was thinking today that his symptoms seem similar to multiple sclerosis in humans but not sure if cats can get that. One symptom I forgot to mention is that he also has tooth resorption which might support a generalized autoimmune hypothesis; the resorption is not yet severe.

Here's a link to an older video of him walking when he's experiencing a flare (couldn't attach as video):

No test abnormalities other than slightly elevated muscle protein on his last blood test which didn't seem to concern the vet - my guess is that it's from muscle wasting since he's not eating. Agreed on the pain affecting appetite and responsible for the hunch. Just not sure what's causing the pain! I got him from a breeder, whom I've loosely been in contact with; no indication of this condition in littermates last time I spoke with him.