Vomiting & strange litter box behavior

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  • #21


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Nov 9, 2021
You can try plain pumpkin in a can, just watch for the variety that's already got the spices in it for pie as you wouldn't want that.
After responding I actually did find some canned pumpkin at add to my online grocery order! :lol: It says 100% pure pumpkin so I'm hoping that doesn't have any extras in it.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
Pet food stores should be carrying pumpkin puree in pouches in the cat food section for just this sort of thing. Weruva makes one. So does Soulstice and Tiki Cat.


Adult Cat
Sep 13, 2022
She seems to be doing good now thankfully and hasn't vomited or anything since I made this post. She's a short hair and I have had concerns of her having hairballs and coughing as she does sometimes cough after drinking, and about a week ago she had random coughing fits without even drinking but they seem to have stopped now thankfully. I tried to give them some cat grass as I've read that helps with digestion, but they had zero interest in it. I plan on picking up some fruit from the shop that I've read aids with digestion and is good to give as a treat, such as: Apple, carrot, pumpkin and cucumber. Please correct me if I'm wrong on any of these aiding digestion!

The only concern I still have is that she still seems hungrier than usual, but she doesn't seem to be gaining or losing weight. She's 100% fine in every other way now, she drinks enough, uses the bathroom fine and sleeps normally and not too much and is very happy to play. I'm concerned it could be worms but I can't see anything around her bum (our other cat had worms when we first adopted her, and I thought it was just litter but the vet told me they were worms and they were very visible so thankfully I know what to look for) and I don't think there's anything in her poop itself and it's a normal color. Again, taking her to the vet isn't really an option as only my husband can take her as I'm unable to drive and he doesn't believe she needs to go unless something is very visually obvious or consistently happening. He says her more need for food is just her growing as she's recently turned 1 year.
The apples do have a good amount fiber and will help with a cats digestion. Just cut out the core of an apple before feeding it to a cat, because the apple seeds have cyanide.


Adult Cat
Sep 13, 2022
She seems to be doing good now thankfully and hasn't vomited or anything since I made this post. She's a short hair and I have had concerns of her having hairballs and coughing as she does sometimes cough after drinking, and about a week ago she had random coughing fits without even drinking but they seem to have stopped now thankfully. I tried to give them some cat grass as I've read that helps with digestion, but they had zero interest in it. I plan on picking up some fruit from the shop that I've read aids with digestion and is good to give as a treat, such as: Apple, carrot, pumpkin and cucumber. Please correct me if I'm wrong on any of these aiding digestion!

The only concern I still have is that she still seems hungrier than usual, but she doesn't seem to be gaining or losing weight. She's 100% fine in every other way now, she drinks enough, uses the bathroom fine and sleeps normally and not too much and is very happy to play. I'm concerned it could be worms but I can't see anything around her bum (our other cat had worms when we first adopted her, and I thought it was just litter but the vet told me they were worms and they were very visible so thankfully I know what to look for) and I don't think there's anything in her poop itself and it's a normal color. Again, taking her to the vet isn't really an option as only my husband can take her as I'm unable to drive and he doesn't believe she needs to go unless something is very visually obvious or consistently happening. He says her more need for food is just her growing as she's recently turned 1 year.
but like everybody else said the pumpkin is the best bet for the best digestion, it has a lot of fiber and the seeds especially, if you dry them and then turn them into powder it helps with worms. Hope this helps 😊


TCS Member
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Apr 29, 2022
BeccaT BeccaT Cat urine will smell strongly if she's holding it a bit more or peeing less frequently.

Is her dish raised? Something about the height of the boxes that canned food comes in, not too high, is great for cats with sensitive tummies that may have a bit more acid build up. Or even the difference between two stairs (however she might try to go on the same stair and eat flat). I always think it would suck if you're not feeling 100% and then have to bend over to eat. I probably wouldnt eat much either 😅

If she will eat it like this, try adding some warm water to her dry food until it bloats up. This will stop it bloating in her tummy, and get some more water into her.

Do you know how to test her hydration by pinching the back of her neck gently?
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  • #27


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Nov 9, 2021
BeccaT BeccaT Cat urine will smell strongly if she's holding it a bit more or peeing less frequently.

Is her dish raised? Something about the height of the boxes that canned food comes in, not too high, is great for cats with sensitive tummies that may have a bit more acid build up. Or even the difference between two stairs (however she might try to go on the same stair and eat flat). I always think it would suck if you're not feeling 100% and then have to bend over to eat. I probably wouldnt eat much either 😅

If she will eat it like this, try adding some warm water to her dry food until it bloats up. This will stop it bloating in her tummy, and get some more water into her.

Do you know how to test her hydration by pinching the back of her neck gently?
Thank you!

Yeah, their water bowl and their wet food bowls are those elevated ones, although I have wanted to find something to elevate them a bit more. Especially considering their dry food bowls aren't elevated as I serve their dry food in those puzzle feeders because there was a time when our other cat would eat too fast and throw up. Thankfully that was solved with the puzzle feeders but I do want to elevate them, I'll need to find a box or something though as we don't have any stairs in our house sadly.

I add water to their wet food when it's been refrigerated (one can lasts 2 meals between them) but I might start to do this all the time if that helps. I'm also aware of the neck pinching but have yet to do it. She seems more well hydrated now thankfully!

Sadly they don't seem to be interested in the pumpkin puree, at least not on its own or with dry food. I have yet to mix it in with their wet food but will try that next. I also have plans to buy them a water fountain soon.
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  • #28


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Nov 9, 2021
I apologise for adding more to this thread, I just didn't think I'd need to make a new one every time when the problems are similar.

So our other cat has started to have diarrhea now, has since yesterday. Nothing in their food has changed, and our other cat Annie (who this post was initially about) seems fine in terms of not having diarrhea. There's been no vomiting from either of them. The cat with diarrhea seems fine in every other way, though. Neither of them will eat the pumpkin puree so it's not that and it won't help either sadly. We do actually have to take this cat to the vet soon for an annual vaccine I believe so we may be able to get it seen to then, but I'm still concerned what could've caused this as there's been no change in food and she's still happy to eat and drink etc.

Edit: Just as an afterthought, I thought it might be worth mentioning this has happened after she's eaten her wet meal. I only feed them one wet meal a day, and they're given the same brand each time from a multipack. The only thing is that they're given a different flavor every 2 days (she has the same flavor yesterday and today) so I'm wondering if it's the wet food as a whole, or that specific flavor that she's become intolerant to. I plan on feeding them both only dry food for the next few days to see if it clears up and will keep a note of which flavors they're given after to see if there are any consistencies between them.
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Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
It sounds like that's a while off, but maybe you could see if they'd check a fecal sample if you brought it in sooner?
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  • #30


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Nov 9, 2021
Might still be too soon to tell but I think everything was better in the diarrhea area yesterday. I fed them dry food with some warm water mixed in yesterday instead of their usual wet meal. I'll keep up with this for another day or two and then perhaps try to feed them wet again and see if it's the specific flavor or the brand in general. If it's the brand in general, it's going to be a chore to find a new one that agrees with them and can be bought in big multipacks 😓