Vomiting And Eating Habits


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 9, 2018
Hey all, I've been noticing some changes in my cats feeding habits and I'm in need of some advice. I've posted once before about her being very fearful and not very social so I know I need to take her to the vet but last time I tried, it was bloodshed. I'm going to work on trying to get her into her carrier this week but until I can make that miracle happen, I just need some input from people who know more about cats than I do!

She's only a year old, not overweight at a mere 6 pounds, and has been fed the same food since I adopted her 3 months ago ( science diet optimal care ) and has had no issues up until now. Last week I had a very, very difficult work week that had me with no choice but to feed her out of her usual 8am/8pm schedule. I noticed that week she wasn't eating hardly at all, and then finally threw up a white foam. I took it as a stressful change in her habits, and within a couple of days, she was back to normal.

A couple mornings ago, I woke up to vomit on the carpet, but this time it was definitely food. I thought i noticed something black in it ( her coat is black ) so I wondered if it was just her licking that caused the regurgitation. That night she had the most foul poop I have ever experienced come out of such a small creature! She also barely ate that day at all. Yesterday she started eating again and seemed like she was doing fine, but then heard her vomit again, while she was eating, right in her bowl, and again it was all partially digested food, not liquid.

I refed her fresh food and it seems like she has eaten 3/4 of it overnight and ate a little this morning. What gets me is she doesn't seem sick; she plays with her toys, runs around, climbs and plays on her scratch tree, the usual stuff she always does. I know cats throw up here and there, but it just seems so frequent and her foul poops had me worried she had caught something.

Is there anything I can do to try and help the matter while I work on luring her into her crate so she can be seen by a vet? Do I try changing her food at all or lessening how much I give her? It was recommended by the shelter that I can give her 1/3 cup twice a day, but 1/4 cup could also be acceptable. Any other advice or personal experience would be so valuable right now cause I don't know what to do and I'm nervous having a sick cat who won't let me near her. :(


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Do I try changing her food
Can you try some 50:50 boiled unseasoned chicken and white rice? Vets will often prescribe this to help settle upset tummies.

Then, I think yes, can you try giving her some fancy feast canned food, or some canned kitten food?Yyou could try some goat milk (goat milk is easy on kitties tummies and can be helpful, also if the upset continues and she's losing nutrients, try making some kitten glop or unflavored pedialyte - there are recipes on the internet.

Also, can you obtain a calming product that is a spray? Pet stores should have this, and you can then spray the carrier with it along with any material you might put into the carrier, and even your clothing when the day comes.

Try some music - kusc.org, or the app RelaxMyCat, or MusicForCats.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 9, 2018
Furballsmom-- I initially bought a catnip spray but I've read that it's not as effective as actual physical catnip. So I'm going to buy some tomorrow and see if she'll crawl in. I also do use a Feliway diffuser in the living room where she mostly stays. I just don't think she's been socialized with humans hardly at all; she might've been an outdoor/barn cat. She's come such a long way but I haven't earned enough trust to be able to touch her. I had hoped that by the time she warms up to me, then I could take her in, but now that she's doing this, I don't want to really wait in case it's serious.

I will try the music though! I'm wondering--or maybe wishing--that she's getting used to my company and is feeling off when I'm gone at work for 9 hours. That was always the reason why I didn't want to adopt cause I feel bad leaving pets alone for long hours, but they said she'd be perfect since she's not clingy. But behaviors change, so who knows.

She finished most of her food and so far hasn't vomited so I'm gonna keep a close eye, and if it happens again tonight, I will definitely try some rice ( I don't have chicken on hand right now ) and see where that takes her. Otherwise I'm just going to call the vet and ask what can be done.