Vicious Cat Attack!!!

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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 18, 2012
Dallas, Texas
I really need some advice here. I have two cats, a neutered 1 1/2 year old male, and a 10 week old female. Both cats get along great and everything has been peaceful...until tonight!!! I went about my normal routine today playing with the cats, cleaning house, etc.... I cleaned out the litterbox and went to put in the new litter when I got attacked from behind by the oldest cat. He never does at first I was totally confused. I thought that maybe he was trying to jump over me while I was crouched down changing the litter. When I stood up, he jumped up at me and bit me several times. This wasn't just a normal "you've rubbed my belly too long" type of biting. He was growling, his tail was totally fluffed up, and at one point (as embarrassing as this is..) he had me totally cornered. He seriously looked like he wanted to kill me. I was left with blood dripping through my shirt and pants. I have no idea what to do now! I don't want to get rid of him because I've had him since he was 10 weeks old and I love him to pieces. But I'm also scared that he could do this again. Honestly, it was a very scary experience for me. I have no idea what provoked him. Any advice?

Here are a couple of pics of the bites and scratches I got tonight. I have around 7 or 8 of these on different parts of my body.



TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
Yikes!  I wonder if you scared him or if he's stressed out from the new kitty.  Are you running Feliway diffusers?  That might help him calm down some.  As for your bites, you need to keep an eye on them.  You're probably going to have to get an antibiotic from the doctor for them.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 6, 2006
Yeah, keep those bites really clean. Cat claws and teeth are no joke, especially bites that draw blood. I assume you scrubbed the bites thoroughly after you got them... If your cat is exclusively indoors and vaccinated, you don't have much to worry about except infection at the site of the wound itself, which is somewhat of a risk. If it starts to hurt more or swell, you should go to the doctor and get antibiotics. Do that anyway if they are punctures. Those tend to trap bacteria inside.

Did something else scare your cat? You say he was puffed up and scared. Maybe he saw another cat out the window or something, and felt like he had to defend himself, and couldn't reach the other cat and attacked you instead. That's called redirected aggression. My cats have never displayed it, but it can happen.

How is your cat's health? Sometimes, when a cat is hurt, it will be aggressive, as though it thought that the people around were causing the pain. There are rarer things that can cause sudden violence, mostly brain problems (like, there's a kind of epilepsy in dogs which causes sudden aggression... no kidding... no idea if cats can get it). If your cat's healthy and it doesn't happen again, I guess it was probably redirected aggression.


TCS Member
Sep 10, 2005
If you have not had a tetanus shot, you need to get one. Your local health department might give you one without you having to answer a lot of questions. Has your cat been vaccinated for rabies.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 18, 2012
Dallas, Texas
Thanks for all of your responses! I'm still a little shaken up and leery around him. To answer your questions....he is vaccinated, an indoor cat, and he wasn't near a I don't think he actually saw another cat. He was all puffed up when I turned around (he came at me from behind). This all happened while I was changing his litter box...something that is a regular activity at my this should be nothing new to him. The only thing that I can think of is that the kitten, Monday, was on the opposite side of me. I don't know if maybe the sound of the litter and the fact that she wasn't in his view startled him...thinking maybe she was getting hurt. Honestly, I have no idea. As far as I know he is in good health...but I am calling the vet tomorrow to see if they can offer any advice. The thing is...tonight I pulled out the vacuum (again, a regular activity at my house) and he started growling. I ran into the bedroom and shut the door. Other than that he's been acting normal. I'm just so worried that if this doesn't change I'm going to have to get rid of him. This would be so hard for me. I'm trying everything! Also...I'm keeping an eye on the wounds...and I cleaned them really well with soap and alcohol after I was bitten.

I bought these tonight in hopes they would help him relax a little bit...

Here he is...watching over Monday. :)  I really hope the situation was just a one-time thing!



TCS Member
Top Cat
May 4, 2011
Denton, Texas
First thing to do is take a nice.. Deep.. Breath.
Now. Remember that he is only a cat, you need not be afraid of him. For all his huffing and puffing, all he did were a few superficial scratches. There is no need to be afraid. :)
Don't act strange around him, continue on as normal. We don't want this to become a progressive thing, where he is feeding off your nervous behavior and that makes him nervous/angry and that makes you more nervous, etc. Continue showering him with affection (but no more tummy petting) and love and making sure he gets a good tiring play session each day.
This is of course in combination with everyone else's advice: talking to your vet and scouting for clues as to why he got freaked out. Keep us updated. :)


Moderator and fervent feline fan
Staff Member
Feb 28, 2012
How long have you had the kitten?

And do you ever use flower essences? Rescue remedy can be useful.

As Minka said, it's so important that he doesn't feed off your nervous energy.. easier said than done, I know, but it really helps to be calm.

angels mommy

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 5, 2011
How long have you had the kitten?

And do you ever use flower essences? Rescue remedy can be useful.

As Minka said, it's so important that he doesn't feed off your nervous energy.. easier said than done, I know, but it really helps to be calm.
Yes, good idea Mani. Some Rescue Remedy would be great!  (Once you have a vet visit & know it's nothing physical going on).

Here's the link for the flower essences. There is a chart for animals. I have it taped to the inside of a kitchen cabinet.   Some good ones may be Aspen, Beech, or Vine.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 18, 2012
Dallas, Texas
Thanks again guys! Talked to the vet today, and he thought that Louis probably just got spooked. Other than that...he's a really healthy boy. I will try the Rescue Remedy!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 19, 2009
New York State
My bet is on redirected aggression.  He may have seen a cat before ;he came into the room with you.  My cats have had RA many times.  When they cannot get to the cat they don't like, they go after the nearest thing.

I hope this is the last you have of this.  It is scarey.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jul 1, 2012
DO you live alone or with other people? are you sure nobody has been terrorizing him? I say this because you mentioned he started growling when you got the vacuum out.My cats hate the vacuum, but they don't growl at it, they treat it like a monster and run.

another possibility is that he maybe didn't recognize you if the room was dimly lit, my cat Finn does this every one in a while, if I come into the house at night and most of the lights are off, she will stand there staring for a few seconds with her tail puffed up until she works out who I am, then she gets this *derp* look on her face lol.

were you around any strange cats, or dogs prior to the attack? perhaps you smelled differently

I agree about acting normal though, don't act nervous around him, he could of done alot more damage then he did, and next time, if there is a next time, and there almost certainly might be if you act jumpy around him, he might give you more of a clobbering.

I have only been attacked by a cat once, and it was twice in a row after breaking up a cat fight, one of the cats attacked me, then doubled back around and attacked me again, I spent about 3 months in and out of hospital because I didn't take good care of the scratches and bites, had to get rabies jabs ect. so keep those wounds clean, a cats mouth might have half the bacteria a humans mouth does, but those that it does have are nasty little bugs
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angels mommy

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 5, 2011
Just a FYI note on the Rescue Remedy, in case you don't know. If you go to  Whole Foods, or somewhere like that to get it, there is one just for animals. The difference between the one for us & the one for them is the base. The one for people is in an alcohol base, & the one for animals is in a glycerin base. (You can use the one for people if they don't have the one for animals though).

When I've used it in the past. I just put a drop ea. on a couple of treats. This way I know he got it, vs/ putting it in the water dish, & them not getting enough, or trying to get 2 drops in their mouth.


Moderator and fervent feline fan
Staff Member
Feb 28, 2012
When I've used it in the past. I just put a drop ea. on a couple of treats. This way I know he got it, vs/ putting it in the water dish, & them not getting enough, or trying to get 2 drops in their mouth.
Good point, although it is more effective when not taken with food.  But just getting it in may be a problem.

I find a couple of drops on the fur makes them lick it off very quickly too.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 18, 2012
Dallas, Texas
Thank you for taking the time to respond. I really appreciate it! To answer your questions...I live alone...just me and my two cats. So I know that nobody has been terrorizing them. They're indoor cats, so they're never outside. Also...he used to run from the vacuum, now he growls and gets ready to attack me. I have to lock him in the bedroom when I vacuum now. And I haven't even been able to vacuum my bedroom because I'm afraid to even carry the vacuum past him. He knew that it was me in the house because it was well lit, and he said "hi" to me at the door. I have no idea what happened...but I am honestly considering getting rid of him because I'm terrified of him now. Here's the problem...I don't want him to be put down...the thought of that kills me. Secondly, I don't want him to end up doing this to someone else as well. Ugh...I'm just really frustrated that I can't figure out what has caused this! By the way....he was growling at me again today and this is when I came to the decision that I will probably have to get rid of him. I can't walk around constantly in fear. I mean...I act normal around on him...etc...but out of nowhere he growls and acts like he wants to attack me again.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 19, 2009
New York State
Can you take him to the vet before you re home him?  Please make sure it isn't something that cannot be fixed.

He will no doubt not have a good future if re homed and he does this to someone else.  It will probably end badly.  I hope you can help him. 


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 19, 2012
Lincoln, Nebraska
HIs aggression started after you brought the new kitten home.  It might be easier to re-home the kitten than the adult.  He may return to his old self without the kitten around. 

If re-homed, he would most likely be better as an only cat. 

angels mommy

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 5, 2011
HIs aggression started after you brought the new kitten home.  It might be easier to re-home the kitten than the adult.  He may return to his old self without the kitten around. 

If re-homed, he would most likely be better as an only cat. 
Can you take him to the vet before you re home him?  Please make sure it isn't something that cannot be fixed.

He will no doubt not have a good future if re homed and he does this to someone else.  It will probably end badly.  I hope you can help him. 
I really agree with both of these. Also, I know it's easier said that done, but try to relax yourself, & not think so much about what happened. Animals are very sensitive to our energy. I'm sure he is picking up on your fear, as well as the recording of what happened playing over in your head. You can take some Rescue Remedy to help too!

 I know how you must feel right now, but it's still a little fresh, so please try & give it some time for your nerves to calm & to settle back to normal before making any decisions you may regret. As tjcarst said, it would be easier to re-home the kitten, if it comes to that. After all, the older one was your baby first & it would be much more stressful on him, on top of what's already going on. It may cause for a worse situation w/ someone new, that wouldn't be as kind as you, & have a worse outcome as you fear.

Best of luck! Keep us posted.

Sending calming good energy for your home!

P.S. Also just thought about those calming collars other members have mentioned. That would be another really good thing to try. I have seen them at Petco.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 18, 2012
Dallas, Texas
Thanks again everyone. of now I still have him. I can't bring myself to re-home him. Also...I wouldn't re-home the kitten in fear that he would be just the same as he is now, and I would have given up my kitten for nothing. Also...I'm really attached to her as well. I bottle fed her from the time she was 2 weeks old because her mom was hit by a car. I'm kind of taking it day by day. I've been putting him in my bedroom and shutting the door when I vacuum. I just have no clue what happened. Even when I go to pet him he is "jumpy". I'm still giving him the relaxation supplements. For those who suggested I take him to the vet...I did. He just looked over him, listened to his heart, and basically said that there was no way he had epilepsy (Louis doesn't have seizures), and no way he was hyperthyroid...he's a pretty big guy! He also checked his ears. Everything looked fine.

The thing is...this was really scary! It wasn't just a random jump out and bite you then run off kind of attack. He looked like he wanted to kill me and bit into me several times. It took a while to calm him down. Now every time he growls (which he never used to do, by the way), I run and hide in another room. So frustrating! We used to be like this --->


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 19, 2009
New York State
Is there someone who can take the kitten for a while?  Do a trial run and see if the behavior improves.

My vet also boards animals.  Could your vet board the kitten to see what happens?

angels mommy

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 5, 2011
Thanks again everyone. of now I still have him. I can't bring myself to re-home him. Also...I wouldn't re-home the kitten in fear that he would be just the same as he is now, and I would have given up my kitten for nothing. Also...I'm really attached to her as well. I bottle fed her from the time she was 2 weeks old because her mom was hit by a car. I'm kind of taking it day by day. I've been putting him in my bedroom and shutting the door when I vacuum. I just have no clue what happened. Even when I go to pet him he is "jumpy". I'm still giving him the relaxation supplements. For those who suggested I take him to the vet...I did. He just looked over him, listened to his heart, and basically said that there was no way he had epilepsy (Louis doesn't have seizures), and no way he was hyperthyroid...he's a pretty big guy! He also checked his ears. Everything looked fine.

The thing is...this was really scary! It wasn't just a random jump out and bite you then run off kind of attack. He looked like he wanted to kill me and bit into me several times. It took a while to calm him down. Now every time he growls (which he never used to do, by the way), I run and hide in another room. So frustrating! We used to be like this --->
I don't know that this is the way to react to his growling. I understand you are scared, but this may just let him know he can get away with it. Not that you should confront him, that would just make it worse, but maybe treat it like any other bad behavior, & ignore him for a few minutes, If you feel safe, turn your back to him, hopefully giving him the message that it's not okay to do to you.

I don't know, just trying to help think of things that may help. What did the vet say about the behavior?
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