Very Strange Behavior of My Cat

sandy mason

TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 12, 2012
My cat adored me, she would sleep on my bed and hardly move from my room. After I started giving her medicine for her ears that were inflamed, she runs away from me and won't come to me any more. Her ears were on fire, I had to hold her and force her to let me clean her ears. This cat has been with me for a long time. Now she wants nothing to do with me. What can I do I love her. This cat would try to hold hands with me with her paw. Check on me when I was sleeping, to see if I was breathing. I have been seriously ill for 15 years or more and she has been my comfort and friend. Now I have lost her and I don't know what to do.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 6, 2004
The Land of Cheese
She just doesn'tnderstand why you, her human whom sh loves, h suddenly started hurting her and doing unpleasant things. Cats live in the moment of immediate cause and effect - if something hurts, they will stop doing it. In this case, contact with you results in being held down and hurt. You must make extra effort to have loving contact with her at all times - give her treats, pet her without any smell of the medicine being around. Give her treats before and after the medicine too, so she still feels there is something good going on be.tween you. Do not give her the drops just before bedtime - let there be a play/snuggle time then to relax her. And do wash your hands so that you do not smell of the nasty drops when you touch her. I am sure she will soon be loving again.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 2, 2010
It's unfortunate since you have to give her this medicine, but I agree that the wariness is caused by the pain she feels while you apply the meds. What was wrong with her ears that required medicine?
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sandy mason

TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 12, 2012
I couldn't see any mites in her ears. I think it was an allergy to the food she was eating. So I changed her food, because she was scratching her ears until they bled. She never was a cat you could pick up, she was dumped by an acquaintance of mine 8 years ago or more, and she hid under the bed. After two weeks she started to trust me and we formed what I though was unbreakable bond. She was always strong and healthy, she is a Calico Main Coon, a beautiful cat named Mimi. She was owned by a Chinese woman who named her Mimi which means cat in Chinese. She also is very finicky when it comes to food. Finally I found Iams proactive chicken that she loves. I hope that helps heal her, because she lost a lot of weight and all she would eat was Friskie's junk food. 

Thanks for all you support and encouraging suggestions.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 16, 2006
North Carolina
I go through that with Cindy whenever we have to give her medicine.  Right now we are giving her medicine for her sores because of allergy to the food and also giving her gel supplements for crystals.  She wants nothing to do with me, she runs, hides, meows pitifully whenever I get around her.  It's very sad, but she has to have the medicine and she will get over it when we are though doing it to her.  Fortunately for us, she is more bonded with DH and she associates me with all the bad stuff, so she still has him to calm her and love on her.  It's unfortunate that you don't have someone else who could do the "dirty work" so your kitty doesn't associate you with the medicine, but hopefully once you're through with the treatment, she'll go back to being the same loving cat she was.  I do agree with the other poster, love on her as much as you can throughout the day so she sees you still love her and hopefully that will calm her some too.