Very Nervous About Cat with Ear Infection

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  • #81


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Aug 16, 2013
Thank-you for the vibes. I am so disheartened and discouraged right now. I was gathering the links to e-mail off to my vet from youtube and I read that one of the cats with these episodes had passed away. Now granted the video was posted in 2011 and the girl said the cat had been experiencing the episodes for 2 years before the video was made. She also said the cat died this past May which was an additional 2 years after the video was made so 4 years all together of these issues. The cat was also 15 as well and she can't say for sure these issues were the cause of his death. Still it worries me. I did just get a response from my vet, God bless him, and his response was "This could be due to discomfort, itchiness and allergies.  Those Youtube videos could easily be itchy cats with ear infections...its hard to tell." He also said it a could be a neurological issues and she'd need to see a neurologist, but it would be best if he saw a video of her twitching. Yet I can't catch it. I also made the mistake of watching a cat in the throes of a full blown seizure and I have to admit, the end of it sort of looked like Grace's tics. Grace did have an okay weekend. She did have tics probably at least every day since Friday, although yesterday they were minimal. There were no more intense tremor episodes but I don't know though. She seems somewhat "jerky" if you can call it that, like her movements of her head at times, plus she still tilts it. It doesn't stay tilted all the time and her balance isn't off. I'm not sure now if this was just a quirky thing she always did, but now I am reading way too much into it.

I don't mean to go on and on about this so I apologize but it's just so hard dealing with this because it's not something I can easily pinpoint or diagnose, and be able to say, "well here's the meds" so I can make her better. I realize I might be headed in the direction of her seeing the neuro, which I HATE to even put her through. It's not exactly down the street and she flips out when she has to go to the vet. Also, if her neuro exam is normal, or even not, what's the next step? It would be an MRI and as I said, affording that is an impossibility. I just do not have 2 grand. Even if somehow I did save up, if she did indeed have a tumor, the most I could do for her is offer palliative care. I couldn't put her through brain surgery and even if I chose to, again I would not have the funds. I just feel very powerless and defeated. I am going to talk to my vet when I go home about all the options. He said he might prescribe something for me to go pick up to try for her ears and then wait another couple weeks to recheck her. That's when we'd do the bloodwork as well too I guess. He's still saying she doesn't need it so I'm not sure what to do anymore.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2013
Northeast USA
Hun, I'm going to be a little bit more bluntly honest in this reply. Please know that it's because I care and me taking the time to respond is because I want to help. 

First of all, STOP looking at videos of cats having seizures! There are things out there you shouldn't see, and all they are doing is putting bad images into your mind. You've already showed the vet a couple videos similar to what Grace is doing. If he insists that you get a video of Grace, do you have a laptop (or can you borrow one) with a built-in webcam that you could put on while Grace is on your lap, or aim at her when she's in one of her usual spots? It would need to have the ability to record the live feed.

Second, it's ridiculous to fret over that 15 year old cat that died. You have no idea what that cat could of died from. It could have been from anything, including all those things that go along with old age. That cat is 10 years older than Grace! 

Third, we can't diagnose your cat. We've all suggested blood work and tests and to see a neurologist. I'm not sure what else we can do besides be there to support you and be a place for you to vent. You're going around in circles in this vicious cycle that is not going anywhere. You're at a standstill. I've never taken any of my cats to a neurologist (yet), so I don't know what they do during a physical exam. Perhaps you could find this out? Call the neuro and ask what a regular exam is like for a first-time patient? Neurology is tricky, and my guess would be that they'll want special diagnostic tests. 
Only YOU can decide if you're going to pursue this or not.

Fourth, I don't necessarily agree with prescribing medicine on a guess that it might still be her ears. Diagnosing an ear infection properly, especially a middle ear infection, also requires special tools and tests.

Fifth, I don't necessarily agree that she doesn't need blood work. Anytime I have ever taken a pet to the vet for anything of concern, a physical exam was first, followed by blood work. If the blood work comes back perfect, that doesn't mean you've wasted your money! It's positive news that you can feel good about and one more step further in figuring out what may be the problem.

Last thoughts: I know you don't know what to do. Maybe it would help to sign off of TCS (and Youtube!), go sit down somewhere comfy, get a pen and paper, and start writing. Write down your options on how to proceed with Grace. Write down the pros and cons of each, and how much they cost (if you know this), etc. Maybe that's not your style. Perhaps it would be good if you got out of the house for awhile. Go on a day trip with your mom or something. If Grace were my cat, I would have further tests done on the ear that's bothering her (the side that's tilted), get the blood work done (including T4), and a urinalysis. I know money is tight for you, so find out exactly how much everything costs and figure out how long it would take you save up for it. Lay out a plan. I can't speak for anyone but myself, but if you come back and say you cannot afford any of it, then I'm not sure I can be of any more help. You can continue to describe Grace's tics and jerking in great detail if you want, but I'm afraid I won't have anything useful to add beyond that which I've already provided.

It's clear how much you love Grace.
  I hope you can make some decisions soon. 
  As always, sending many vibes her way. 
Let us know what the doc says.


TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
Fourth, I don't necessarily agree with prescribing medicine on a guess that it might still be her ears. Diagnosing an ear infection properly, especially a middle ear infection, also requires special tools and tests.
Actually, my understanding is that middle ear infections are usually treated based on symptoms. These infections are beyond the ear drum, so there's no way to see it. To my knowledge, there are two ways to actually diagnose it: MRI, which is insanely expensive; or a surgery where small incisions are made in the ear drum and a needle used to pull out fluid - if there's any in there - and have it cultured. Also expensive.

In Flowerbelle's case, the culture did not grow anything, yet the neuro wants to keep her on antibiotics for several months, because once the infection has penetrated the bone, it's difficult to kill. Flowerbelle never presented any "usual" symptoms - no head tilt, no itching at her ears, no shaking her head, etc.

Having read through the thread, I think the best next step is the neuro. I don't know how to describe the difference in the physical exam, but it was very much like a human visit to a neuro. They test reflexes, hearing, muscle response... the cat is examined very differently than with a regular general physician. I have no idea all the different tools they have available, but again, it is definitely a different arsenal.

Video will help greatly.

And as to her stress, I suggest either some type of calming Spirit Essence (Jackson Galaxy). A number of friends have used these, and have had great success with them, or a specific calming collar. It's expensive, and I haven't used one yet (but one should be here any day now, I ordered one for Spooky who has stress issues), but again, I bought it because a number of people have used it and see a very noticeable difference in their pets (both dogs and cats). The two-channel collar is very bulky on a cat, but if it's used only for trips, then it might be the better option (if you decide to go this route). I ordered the smaller single channel collar, and I should be able to tell you within a few days whether it is helping Spooky or not.

:vibes: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: :hugs: :heart2:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2013
Northeast USA
Yes, I think we are saying the same thing that to actually diagnose a middle ear infection would mean expensive tests, which, understandably, aren't always feasible. When Sebastian had an ear infection, it didn't make it past the ear drum, so they could see it with the otoscope. But he DID have head shaking and head tilting.


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
Gosh, I am SO sorry that you are so distraught over Grace and that she is having more symptoms, again. :hugs: I am going to agree with GoHolistic in that you should stop looking on the internet. AND, I say that with the utmost respect, BECAUSE, I tend to be an "internet Doc". :rolleyes: It really can make a person crazy with worry and watching videos !!!!!!!!!!! :shocker: That can send me over the edge with worry.

Also, I wanted to add this in here. It is wonderful to know how much you love your cats and care for them but you also need to care for your own mental well being too - the worry really can make things worse for everyone in the house! This next part is tricky and I don't want people to take it the wrong way. :hugs: IF you only have limited funds and can only do so much, well then, IMO that is better than what most can do or offer their cats. When we take these furkids into our hearts and homes we have to expect a time when they may become ill with something that getting a diagnosis is practically impossible unless you are extremely wealthy OR go completely broke and into deep debt. When you have multiple pets, then it becomes even more costly just to keep the simple medical things covered. I guess, I am just trying to say is do as much as you can for Grace within reason, financially, because it does seem that to diagnose exactly what is going on IS going to be an MRI. Is it really necessary? For whom? You or Grace? Do you really need to know at this point? Is she is distress on a daily basis? IF she becomes much worse with these episodes over time, then you can cross that bridge when you get to it then. For now, and I don't live with her and am going on what you tell us, I think she is not suffering. Sure, go ahead with the ear medications because maybe, that IS the underlying problem. And, to me, the head shaking and tilting is ear, it just makes sense.

You give so much love to your cat's!!! I think we do the best we can for them, and you have to keep reminding yourself of that so no matter what the outcome, down the road, you know she could not have it any better, anywhere else, or with anyone else. No matter what, you are giving her what she needs right now and sometimes that just has to be enough. I am sure what you are offering Grace is much more than she could ever want and there comes a time when we can only go so far with veterinary expenses/testing and have to accept that "it is what it is" and know we are doing the best we can..... GEEZ - I hope all of that makes some sense. :doh3: :lol3: I know what I am trying to say - but hope I didn't offend. :hugs: :heart3:

:vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes: GRACE!! :rub:
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TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
I still think you should try to isolate an allergy.  One of my cats developed a yeast infection in his ears.  The vet told me it was probably a secondary food allergy.  I quit feeding chicken and his ears have remained clear.  The drops cleared it up and they have remained clean without medication.  I know it sounds odd that a food allergy would show up as a yeast infection in the ears but from what my vet told me and what I have read it is actually fairly common.  Patches is 10 years old and has been eating primarily chicken all his life but he is now allergic to it.

Medication can go only so far if she is still being exposed to whatever is triggering the allergic reaction.
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  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #87


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Aug 16, 2013
Hun, I'm going to be a little bit more bluntly honest in this reply. Please know that it's because I care and me taking the time to respond is because I want to help. 

First of all, STOP looking at videos of cats having seizures! There are things out there you shouldn't see, and all they are doing is putting bad images into your mind. You've already showed the vet a couple videos similar to what Grace is doing. If he insists that you get a video of Grace, do you have a laptop (or can you borrow one) with a built-in webcam that you could put on while Grace is on your lap, or aim at her when she's in one of her usual spots? It would need to have the ability to record the live feed.

Second, it's ridiculous to fret over that 15 year old cat that died. You have no idea what that cat could of died from. It could have been from anything, including all those things that go along with old age. That cat is 10 years older than Grace! 

Third, we can't diagnose your cat. We've all suggested blood work and tests and to see a neurologist. I'm not sure what else we can do besides be there to support you and be a place for you to vent. You're going around in circles in this vicious cycle that is not going anywhere. You're at a standstill. I've never taken any of my cats to a neurologist (yet), so I don't know what they do during a physical exam. Perhaps you could find this out? Call the neuro and ask what a regular exam is like for a first-time patient? Neurology is tricky, and my guess would be that they'll want special diagnostic tests. 
Only YOU can decide if you're going to pursue this or not.

Fourth, I don't necessarily agree with prescribing medicine on a guess that it might still be her ears. Diagnosing an ear infection properly, especially a middle ear infection, also requires special tools and tests.

Fifth, I don't necessarily agree that she doesn't need blood work. Anytime I have ever taken a pet to the vet for anything of concern, a physical exam was first, followed by blood work. If the blood work comes back perfect, that doesn't mean you've wasted your money! It's positive news that you can feel good about and one more step further in figuring out what may be the problem.

Last thoughts: I know you don't know what to do. Maybe it would help to sign off of TCS (and Youtube!), go sit down somewhere comfy, get a pen and paper, and start writing. Write down your options on how to proceed with Grace. Write down the pros and cons of each, and how much they cost (if you know this), etc. Maybe that's not your style. Perhaps it would be good if you got out of the house for awhile. Go on a day trip with your mom or something. If Grace were my cat, I would have further tests done on the ear that's bothering her (the side that's tilted), get the blood work done (including T4), and a urinalysis. I know money is tight for you, so find out exactly how much everything costs and figure out how long it would take you save up for it. Lay out a plan. I can't speak for anyone but myself, but if you come back and say you cannot afford any of it, then I'm not sure I can be of any more help. You can continue to describe Grace's tics and jerking in great detail if you want, but I'm afraid I won't have anything useful to add beyond that which I've already provided.

It's clear how much you love Grace.
  I hope you can make some decisions soon. 
  As always, sending many vibes her way. 
Let us know what the doc says.
I appreciate your advice and honesty. I just want you to understand though that I'm not looking for anyone here to diagnose my cat. I know only a vet can do that. However, sometimes it helps to talk to people in similar circumstances to see what they did, what the symptoms were, and what the vet said. For example, talking to you helped because I knew you had a cat with twitching who was still alive years later. I also discovered that @LDG has a cat that had some twitching issues and is okay. That was a reassurance for me. Also, I do have a camera. I have an Ipod Touch that I frequently pull out to try to film her. I have no issues with pursuing blood work nor would I think if it was normal that I wasted my money. Grace doesn't exhibit signs of any disease that would show in bloodwork so I can understand my vet telling me she doesn't need it at the moment. As I understand it, if it were a thyroid issue, she'd probably have other things going on such as drinking lots of water, eating a ton, weight loss, and vomiting. She has none of those signs. She did have that one day where she seemed to be drinking more but the vet said it would be lapping the bowl empty, not a few extra trips to the water dish. I'm not ruling it out either that I still might get her some bloodwork. As I said, I'd give her the world. It's not out of my price range to get blood work. I just said that the MRI unfortunately would be. I do appreciate the vibes and all the help you have given me in the past.
Actually, my understanding is that middle ear infections are usually treated based on symptoms. These infections are beyond the ear drum, so there's no way to see it. To my knowledge, there are two ways to actually diagnose it: MRI, which is insanely expensive; or a surgery where small incisions are made in the ear drum and a needle used to pull out fluid - if there's any in there - and have it cultured. Also expensive.

In Flowerbelle's case, the culture did not grow anything, yet the neuro wants to keep her on antibiotics for several months, because once the infection has penetrated the bone, it's difficult to kill. Flowerbelle never presented any "usual" symptoms - no head tilt, no itching at her ears, no shaking her head, etc.

Having read through the thread, I think the best next step is the neuro. I don't know how to describe the difference in the physical exam, but it was very much like a human visit to a neuro. They test reflexes, hearing, muscle response... the cat is examined very differently than with a regular general physician. I have no idea all the different tools they have available, but again, it is definitely a different arsenal.

Video will help greatly.

And as to her stress, I suggest either some type of calming Spirit Essence (Jackson Galaxy). A number of friends have used these, and have had great success with them, or a specific calming collar. It's expensive, and I haven't used one yet (but one should be here any day now, I ordered one for Spooky who has stress issues), but again, I bought it because a number of people have used it and see a very noticeable difference in their pets (both dogs and cats). The two-channel collar is very bulky on a cat, but if it's used only for trips, then it might be the better option (if you decide to go this route). I ordered the smaller single channel collar, and I should be able to tell you within a few days whether it is helping Spooky or not.

Thanks for taking the time to read and respond. I very much appreciate it. This is how I understand it as well. The vet can only work off of the symptoms, although my vet did make it seem like he could see she specifically had Otitis Media which is an inner ear infection. Honestly I didn't know the scope couldn't see that far. He did tell me every time I've brought her in that her ears look inflamed inside which indicates to him an ongoing ear issue. I've read some of your thread and I can gather now what the neuro exam is like. I appreciate the suggestions and vibes. As of now, the vet has advised against a consult and actually talked to one about Grace specifically which I'll write at the end if you care to read.
Yes, I think we are saying the same thing that to actually diagnose a middle ear infection would mean expensive tests, which, understandably, aren't always feasible. When Sebastian had an ear infection, it didn't make it past the ear drum, so they could see it with the otoscope. But he DID have head shaking and head tilting.
 Not to be a bother, but can I just ask what the head tilt was like? Was it constant? Grace's is intermittent, there and then gone.
Gosh, I am SO sorry that you are so distraught over Grace and that she is having more symptoms, again.
I am going to agree with GoHolistic in that you should stop looking on the internet. AND, I say that with the utmost respect, BECAUSE, I tend to be an "internet Doc".
It really can make a person crazy with worry and watching videos !!!!!!!!!!!
That can send me over the edge with worry.

Also, I wanted to add this in here. It is wonderful to know how much you love your cats and care for them but you also need to care for your own mental well being too - the worry really can make things worse for everyone in the house! This next part is tricky and I don't want people to take it the wrong way.
IF you only have limited funds and can only do so much, well then, IMO that is better than what most can do or offer their cats. When we take these furkids into our hearts and homes we have to expect a time when they may become ill with something that getting a diagnosis is practically impossible unless you are extremely wealthy OR go completely broke and into deep debt. When you have multiple pets, then it becomes even more costly just to keep the simple medical things covered. I guess, I am just trying to say is do as much as you can for Grace within reason, financially, because it does seem that to diagnose exactly what is going on IS going to be an MRI. Is it really necessary? For whom? You or Grace? Do you really need to know at this point? Is she is distress on a daily basis? IF she becomes much worse with these episodes over time, then you can cross that bridge when you get to it then. For now, and I don't live with her and am going on what you tell us, I think she is not suffering. Sure, go ahead with the ear medications because maybe, that IS the underlying problem. And, to me, the head shaking and tilting is ear, it just makes sense.

You give so much love to your cat's!!! I think we do the best we can for them, and you have to keep reminding yourself of that so no matter what the outcome, down the road, you know she could not have it any better, anywhere else, or with anyone else. No matter what, you are giving her what she needs right now and sometimes that just has to be enough. I am sure what you are offering Grace is much more than she could ever want and there comes a time when we can only go so far with veterinary expenses/testing and have to accept that "it is what it is" and know we are doing the best we can..... GEEZ - I hope all of that makes some sense.
I know what I am trying to say - but hope I didn't offend.

Thank you so much for the lovely reply and vibes. It really means a lot since I have been feeling pretty low about what I can do for Grace. I tend to be an internet doc as well and my vet has already given me a talking to about it. I actually scared myself silly before thinking I myself was dying at one time due to internet research. Thanks also for saying sometimes we can only do so much within our financial means. As I said, I would sell off everything to pay for extensive testing for Grace. Also, it does seem that the MRI is the only true diagnostic tool. I did pick up the ear drops because the vet says we should stick with the obvious first. I'll put an update at the end of the post.
I still think you should try to isolate an allergy.  One of my cats developed a yeast infection in his ears.  The vet told me it was probably a secondary food allergy.  I quit feeding chicken and his ears have remained clear.  The drops cleared it up and they have remained clean without medication.  I know it sounds odd that a food allergy would show up as a yeast infection in the ears but from what my vet told me and what I have read it is actually fairly common.  Patches is 10 years old and has been eating primarily chicken all his life but he is now allergic to it.

Medication can go only so far if she is still being exposed to whatever is triggering the allergic reaction.
My vet has said the same. He wanted her on a food trial and he suggested Royal Canin H/A but I've heard it was "junk" so I'm not sure what to give her. He told me to not do the food trial at the moment because she was having constipation issues and that might make it worse. Although, now these issues seem to have resolved so it will also be pursued. I heard EVO was good, or anything grain free, but then I read some allergic cats have bad reactions to that too so I don't know.

Update: I just want to give a quick update on what's been going on the last few days. I spoke to my vet on Tuesday and he forwarded the Youtube vids (although not Grace herself) to his neuro colleague and the neurologist said that he firmly believes based on symptoms and those vids that she has inner ear problems. The vet then told me to pick up the Tresaderm drops to try out to see if her symptoms improve. He told me the idea of brain tumor was "farfetched" and the neuro concurred. He again said if I can send him a video still of Grace herself, it would be great. The last few days though, thankfully, she hasn't had any tics or tremors that I noticed. However, she is still tilting her head off and on which I must admit still unnerves me. The vet said if the drops improve her symptoms, I can probably rest assure that her tremors/tics stem from her ear issues. I have not started the Tresaderm drops as of yet because she seemed better, except for the tilt here and there. I am going to snap a picture of her head tilt which is very slight, and her head is certainly not stuck that way, but just to get his opinion. I also am going to start her on the drops this weekend to see if her symptoms improve. As I think I've probably outstayed my welcome just a tad, I will try to take a step back and not update for awhile, at least a month. I appreciate all the advice, time taken, and good vibes sent my way for myself and Grace. 
I'm sure you all will appreciate the break from my panic though
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2013
Northeast USA
I just want you to understand though that I'm not looking for anyone here to diagnose my cat. I know only a vet can do that. However, sometimes it helps to talk to people in similar circumstances to see what they did, what the symptoms were, and what the vet said.

Not to be a bother, but can I just ask what the head tilt was like? Was it constant? Grace's is intermittent, there and then gone.
Let me think...this was back in May. I don't think it was constant. I think it would happen almost as though he had a shooting pain, so he would tilt it for a short time (anywhere from a few seconds to a minute) and would sometimes scratch it at the same time. Of course, I wasn't able to get a photo or video either because it would come and go before I had a chance to grab my camera. 

My vet has said the same. He wanted her on a food trial and he suggested Royal Canin H/A but I've heard it was "junk" so I'm not sure what to give her. He told me to not do the food trial at the moment because she was having constipation issues and that might make it worse. Although, now these issues seem to have resolved so it will also be pursued. I heard EVO was good, or anything grain free, but then I read some allergic cats have bad reactions to that too so I don't know.
I just wanted to add here that IF this is food allergy related, the ear infection will likely return over and over again until Grace is put on a novel protein and/or limited ingredient diet. Sebastian used to get this red, raised rash on the inside of his ear flap that would come and go. It went away and has not returned since starting him on the rabbit diet, which makes me wonder if his ear infection was also related to food.
The vet then told me to pick up the Tresaderm drops to try out to see if her symptoms improve. As I think I've probably outstayed my welcome just a tad, I will try to take a step back and not update for awhile, at least a month. I appreciate all the advice, time taken, and good vibes sent my way for myself and Grace. 
I'm sure you all will appreciate the break from my panic though
I hope the Tresaderm helps! 
  DO let us know if she improved with the drops. 

As I think I've probably outstayed my welcome just a tad, I will try to take a step back and not update for awhile, at least a month. I appreciate all the advice, time taken, and good vibes sent my way for myself and Grace. 
I'm sure you all will appreciate the break from my panic though
PLEASE please please do not think you are not welcome here. This is YOUR thread about YOUR cat and you may post on here as much as you like.  
  We've all grown to know Grace through you. 

I really hope my post didn't offend.  
  Sometimes what I'm thinking in my head doesn't come out quite right from my fingers. 
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TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
Thank you so much for the lovely reply and vibes. It really means a lot since I have been feeling pretty low about what I can do for Grace. I tend to be an internet doc as well and my vet has already given me a talking to about it. I actually scared myself silly before thinking I myself was dying at one time due to internet research. Thanks also for saying sometimes we can only do so much within our financial means. As I said, I would sell off everything to pay for extensive testing for Grace. Also, it does seem that the MRI is the only true diagnostic tool. I did pick up the ear drops because the vet says we should stick with the obvious first. I'll put an update at the end of the post.
It is so easy for me to understand your situation and I do know how much it helps to be able to have a place to come to and just "talk". Talk to your hearts content. :hugs: :heart3: I feel your pain, and have been in your shoes many, many a day. I have even done the internet doc thing on myself a time or two causing me great anxiety. So, you see, you are not alone in the "panic" room. :hugs: :hugs: Keep up with those ear drops because in all honesty, IMO, I think Grace has some sort of inner ear issue that is causing all of her symptoms. I hope it is something as simple as that and something that will be rectified very, very soon. Your a very, very good and loving kitty momma and we need many more people like you in this world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :grphug: :D
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TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
PLEASE please please do not think you are not welcome here. This is YOUR thread about YOUR cat and you may post on here as much as you like.   :hugs:   We've all grown to know Grace through you.  :rub:
Hun, we want to know if the ear drops help! I really think this could be the problem. Of course, if it is INNER ear, beyond the ear drum, the drops will not work, she will need oral antibiotics (as is the case with Flowerbelle). The drops will not cross the ear drum barrier.

Anyone has the choice to read and respond ... or not. ;) Please, post away!!!!! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

And more :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: for Grace.
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  • #91


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Aug 16, 2013
Let me think...this was back in May. I don't think it was constant. I think it would happen almost as though he had a shooting pain, so he would tilt it for a short time (anywhere from a few seconds to a minute) and would sometimes scratch it at the same time. Of course, I wasn't able to get a photo or video either because it would come and go before I had a chance to grab my camera. 

I just wanted to add here that IF this is food allergy related, the ear infection will likely return over and over again until Grace is put on a novel protein and/or limited ingredient diet. Sebastian used to get this red, raised rash on the inside of his ear flap that would come and go. It went away and has not returned since starting him on the rabbit diet, which makes me wonder if his ear infection was also related to food.

I hope the Tresaderm helps! 
  DO let us know if she improved with the drops. 

PLEASE please please do not think you are not welcome here. This is YOUR thread about YOUR cat and you may post on here as much as you like.  
  We've all grown to know Grace through you. 

I really hope my post didn't offend.  
  Sometimes what I'm thinking in my head doesn't come out quite right from my fingers. 
Thanks so much! I'm sorry if I acted over sensitive. 
I just figured everyone must be getting sick of my panicked posts all the time about one thing or another. Your post didn't offend and your advice has been great. The members here are such valuable sources of knowledge. That means a lot that you said you feel you know Grace. That's my little dear one with her twin Delilah in my avatar when they were just babies. Can I bother you with another question? Can you recommend a good food for Grace? I realize she does need this if I'm ever to get these allergies under control. I hope Boo has been doing well and is tic-free.
It is so easy for me to understand your situation and I do know how much it helps to be able to have a place to come to and just "talk". Talk to your hearts content.
I feel your pain, and have been in your shoes many, many a day. I have even done the internet doc thing on myself a time or two causing me great anxiety. So, you see, you are not alone in the "panic" room.
Keep up with those ear drops because in all honesty, IMO, I think Grace has some sort of inner ear issue that is causing all of her symptoms. I hope it is something as simple as that and something that will be rectified very, very soon. Your a very, very good and loving kitty momma and we need many more people like you in this world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks so much!
I am really hoping the drops work. I am about to start them tonight. She had a bit of a rough day today so I'm nervous.
Hun, we want to know if the ear drops help! I really think this could be the problem. Of course, if it is INNER ear, beyond the ear drum, the drops will not work, she will need oral antibiotics (as is the case with Flowerbelle). The drops will not cross the ear drum barrier.

Anyone has the choice to read and respond ... or not.
Please, post away!!!!!

And more
for Grace.
Will they really not work? See I feel so stupid then. The vet seems to think it is inner ear but he acted like the drops would help. Thank you for the vibes.

Update for today: Well it had been a few days where I didn't see any tremors or tics from Grace and even this morning, her head was totally straight so I was questioning starting the drops. However, then she is sitting on the table watching me eat breakfast and batting her eyes at me, when suddenly she just jerks. It was so odd! Like nothing I've seen before. I start to feel very depressed and like this is the end again. It was like one of those sleep jerks people get. Then when I calmed myself down after that episode, she comes to cuddle on the couch with me and she is purring away. I then notice her little ears are vibrating with her purr, not sure if this is normal or some kind of tic. Then she gets an ever so slight tremor in her head as she puts her head down to sleep. Then right before I am leaving to go out, I see her at the water bowl, which isn't a big thing, but then 10 minutes later she decides to drink again. I almost didn't go out, thinking she is diabetic or something. I really am going to pursue the bloodwork for sure now, whether the vet thinks she needs it or not. Well I get home and little Grace looks just darling, my poor baby. So I am at the table, eating my dinner, again she was watching me. Then the poor thing gets another little head tremor that shook her head to the side. It was awful! She was totally aware of everything, so I know now that this isn't likely to be a seizure but her little face got tics too. I feel like every time I think I make progress, I take two steps back. I just picked up some toys for her and her "sibs" for Christmas and now I feel, what if she isn't around to get them? I have made up my mind to get her the neuro consult at the very least after Christmas but it's hard. I mean I will push it forward but the holidays are making it hard. I really want to be happy this time of year and I usually am, but I've been very depressed and crying a lot about Grace and her situation. This would just be the worst time to lose someone you love. I am starting the drops tonight so I'll see how it goes over the next few days and report back.

Thanks again for listening and if I get to be too much again, let me know.
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TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
As far as food goes I would try a good quality limited ingredient food in a novel protein.  I don't know what your budget is but Nature's variety makes good ones.  The thing I like about them if you get lamb for example it will list lamb liver rather than just liver.  What ever food you choose to start with you need to feed just that protein for several weeks.  Of course you should also avoid grains.  The good thing about Natures Variety limited ingredient is very few fillers.

EVO is a little cheaper than the Natures Variety.  I know they make one in venison.

There is one called I think Hounds and Gatos which is cheaper than the Natures Variety but unless you happen to live in one of the few areas that have a store that sells it you will have to order it.  The only way I have found it to order it is by the case.  If my cats turn up their nose at it than I am stuck.  I know I could donate it to a rescue so it wouldn't go to waste but I really don't have money to throw around like that.  They have a lot more in the way of novel proteins than the EVO.
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  • #93


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Aug 16, 2013
Thanks so much for the suggestion! The pet store worker recommended that food but then I found out the salmon contained chicken so I was so confused. I am going to give it a try. I need to do something instead of just medicating her.

ETA: I just thought I'd share a pic of Grace now, since you all have come to know her and nurture her with your kind words.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2013
Northeast USA
Thanks so much! I'm sorry if I acted over sensitive. 
I just figured everyone must be getting sick of my panicked posts all the time about one thing or another. Your post didn't offend and your advice has been great. The members here are such valuable sources of knowledge. That means a lot that you said you feel you know Grace. That's my little dear one with her twin Delilah in my avatar when they were just babies. Can I bother you with another question? Can you recommend a good food for Grace? I realize she does need this if I'm ever to get these allergies under control. I hope Boo has been doing well and is tic-free.
No worries. If it helps for you to write your panic out, then go right ahead! 

As to the food, you could start with some commercially available options, like @Denice mentioned. The biggest allergy offenders are chicken, beef, fish, and grains. Some cats who have a problem with chicken also have a problem with other poultry. The idea is to pick a protein that Grace hasn't been exposed to and stick with it for at least 6-8 weeks.

Nature's Variety has a specific "limited ingredient" line. The wet comes in lamb, duck and turkey. The dry comes in turkey, duck, and rabbit. Natural Balance also has a "limited ingredient" line that includes duck (wet and dry) and venison (wet only). EVO's 95% meat varieties have venison and duck (both wet only). Nutro Natural Choice "Soft Loaf" has duck and turkey canned formulas that are pretty limited in ingredients (soft loaf is just their new wording for pate). These are just a few that come to mind when I was doing many food trials for my cats.

It sounds like you're working through your options.
  Enjoy the holidays with Grace! Other than the tics, she sounds like she's happy!

She's beautiful, by the way. 


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
I am SO happy that you posted a picture of Grace!!! :love: She is very, very beautiful!!!!!! :heart3: Ramping up the vibes for you and for Grace !!! :vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: AND, I think she will love her new toys and will be with you at Christmas. :santa: :deer: She couldn't be in a better home or be more loved. I know how concerned you are but think you have great vets that will help you get to the bottom of this. :cross: :hugs:
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  • #96


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Aug 16, 2013
Thank-you @GoHolistic and @Feralvr for the wonderful compliments about Grace and for the vibes. Also @GoHolistic thank you for the recommendations on food. I am going to pick up a bag of Nature's Variety, as well as some cans of it too. I am trying so hard to get these allergies under control. She has been so itchy and grooming a lot. Yesterday, she was choking on a hairball, the poor thing. I gave her some hairball treats and luckily she didn't throw up.

I'm just at my wit's end!
I just started her on the drops a couple days ago because she seemed better and if she seemed better, I didn't want to just put drops in her ear and stress her for nothing. However, then she starts having the facial tics again, especially in her ears this time. They twitch, not the flicker type twitch, but they "jump" on her head. Yesterday, though, they were more in her face. Also, her head tilt has been more pronounced which concerns me a great deal. Before, as I said, it was more not there, than there but now she seems to have it about 85% of the time when she is sitting up. Her head is not stuck that way, just that she favors tilting it to the right, like a 15-20 degree angle. It's straight when she walks and when she is laying down. The ear on that side also seems ever so slightly off center if you will at times or it looks a tad flopped. Finally I decided it best to give her the drops. However, no improvements yet. I just feel like if this is inner ear, the drops are not going to help her. I'm also scared again that the tilt might mean something more sinister is developing. I'm scared


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2013
Northeast USA
Thank-you @GoHolistic and @Feralvr for the wonderful compliments about Grace and for the vibes. Also @GoHolistic thank you for the recommendations on food. I am going to pick up a bag of Nature's Variety, as well as some cans of it too. I am trying so hard to get these allergies under control. She has been so itchy and grooming a lot. Yesterday, she was choking on a hairball, the poor thing. I gave her some hairball treats and luckily she didn't throw up.

I'm just at my wit's end!
I just started her on the drops a couple days ago because she seemed better and if she seemed better, I didn't want to just put drops in her ear and stress her for nothing. However, then she starts having the facial tics again, especially in her ears this time. They twitch, not the flicker type twitch, but they "jump" on her head. Yesterday, though, they were more in her face. Also, her head tilt has been more pronounced which concerns me a great deal. Before, as I said, it was more not there, than there but now she seems to have it about 85% of the time when she is sitting up. Her head is not stuck that way, just that she favors tilting it to the right, like a 15-20 degree angle. It's straight when she walks and when she is laying down. The ear on that side also seems ever so slightly off center if you will at times or it looks a tad flopped. Finally I decided it best to give her the drops. However, no improvements yet. I just feel like if this is inner ear, the drops are not going to help her. I'm also scared again that the tilt might mean something more sinister is developing. I'm scared
When she's on the new more treats! You may be able to give her the PureBites freeze dried treats in the Turkey Breast (I'd avoid chicken during the novel trial). I have these at home and Boo really likes them.

For hairballs, you could try adding 1/8-1/4 tsp. organic, cold-pressed extra virgin coconut oil to her wet food a few times a week. I recently bought the Nutiva brand. Some cats like it so much they'll lick it right off a plate. Lots of people swear by Egg Yolk Lecithin for hairballs. It's a powder that comes in capsules that you could open up and sprinkle into wet food.

As to the drops, I wouldn't stop them as soon as she seems to be doing better. It's like stop them too soon, it comes back. So she seemed better when you were giving her the drops, and then starting having tics again when you stopped the drops?

When Sebastian had his ear infection, not only was he tilting his head at times, but he also "flattened" his ear flap. So one ear flap was sticking straight up like normal, and the other was was laying flat. It was very weird. It was like his ear flap broke. 
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  • #98


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Aug 16, 2013

Thanks again for all the helpful advice. I'm sorry I wasn't that clear. I started the drops and she is still on them. I wouldn't stop abruptly. I didn't start them at first because she seemed okay but finally started them because her tics did seem to be acting up again and she was tilting her head. I have continued them but no improvement yet. Actually tonight I'm very concerned. Her tilt is at times now more pronounced like this picture:

As you can see her head is tilted sharply to the right, maybe a 45 degree angle? I have e-mailed this to my vet because it has me feeling queasy. Of course her head is not stuck this way. After doing this, she got off the couch and it was straight again. Today she's been acting out of sorts too, hiding off and on. I'm not sure if she is fearful it's time for the drops again or something is up. My mom spent the day with her and said her behavior was fine. She only hid when she ran the vacuum which she always does. I can usually lure her out with some treats. I had to earlier because I was so concerned about her whereabouts. She then proceeded to catch 4 in a row in her mouth like a trickster so she certainly has her wits and talents about her lol. Then I took a brief nap and she was hiding again. She also did not show much interest in some of the chicken I made for dinner. Usually she enjoys that greatly but she just acted odd. Her appetite has been well all day but just all of the sudden, she doesn't want chicken which is a tad uncharacteristic. The worry over her has me feeling out of sorts today myself. This whole thing has me a wreck and I feel I am only making her worse. Oh and she flattens her ear flap sometimes too or keeps it in the position in the picture, like off center or turned outward.
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TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
This is definitely looking more and more like an ear infection.  Her ears are probably bothering her enough to affect her appetite.  Even if she want's a bite of your chicken don't give it to her.  You need to stick with whatever protein you have chosen.  You can find freeze dried treats in most proteins.  It may mean ordering them on line but they can be found.
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  • #100


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Aug 16, 2013
Yes, she was finicky yesterday too, but then seemed to bounce back and was ravenous by the end of day. The tilt has been happening for probably close to 2 weeks, but this is the worst it's been. I see it a lot and sometimes it's pronounced like in that picture. Her head is fine at this moment but she's hanging out by the couch away from the action.The drops are supposed to be for infection since they have an antibiotic and a steroid in them but I'm not sure if more needs to be done. I am waiting for my vet to e-mail and advise. My mom fed her earlier today and said her appetite was great. She also ate around 5 or so and she loved it so much, I gave her a bit more. Then though she was disinterested though. It always is a worry too when they lick something and walk off, makes me think nausea too. The hiding makes me nervous though too. She'll come right out if she thinks there is food but I hope that this is just a fear she has over being medicated and not something worse.