Vaccination side effects?


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 21, 2009
Tampa Bay, FL
My boy, Walter, also had a reaction to his Leukemia shot a couple of weeks ago. I know it was the Feleuk that did it because the injection site was red, swollen and painful. I was surprised, because he'd never had any problems with his vax in the past. His symptoms were a lot like your cats' - not eating at first, lethargic, and just "not quite right" but his lasted for an entire week. I was able to get him to eat the next day, so my vet wasn't overly concerned and he did eventually return to normal.

I called my vet and asked him to make a record of the event so that next year we'd remember to pre-medicate Walter with antihistamines BEFORE his vaccination and you'll never believe what I found out:

Apparently the vaccine manufacturer had sent my vet 100 new Feline Leukemia vaccines and asked him to report back to them if any cats had any reactions to it!! What the...?! Walter was the only cat out of 100 that had any problem, but I was really upset that my vet used my cat as a "guinea pig" without my consent. Especially with a breed (sphynx) that is often sensitive to vaccinations. I was so shocked, it didn't occur to me to even ask what brand/manufacturer this was... but believe me, this will be a topic for discussion next time I go in. I'm actually surprised he even told me.

This makes me wonder, how often do vets do this kind of stuff without our knowledge? In fact, I tend to believe the vet was given the 100 vaccines for FREE in exchange for testing them on his patients, though I paid full price for it, and probably would have been charged for any treatment had I taken Walter in because he had a reaction to it.

Sorry to veer a little bit off topic, but I'm curious if this new Feleuk vaccine wasn't to blame in your case, too...?


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 8, 2010
O'Fallon, IL
Is there any reason they need the leukemia shot(they go outside, live or have contact with a positive cat?) because generally it isn't necessary but I can understand wanting to get it done 'just in case.' I don't have this issue all of mine(6) already have leukemia. Maude did get the vaccine before we moved Attitude and Nuts inside and she was negative when she crossed the bridge. She was a little cranky after the shot and bit Paul so bad after the shot he bled like crazy, the vet was shocked at the damage she did, so I think it was the fact that she had to go to the vet and then deal with 2 kittens she already knew she hated. Lets just say she wasn't the nicest cat in the world and was going to 'punish' Paul for taking her to the vet. If it wasn't for Attitude and Nuts(they plus one other kitten from thew litter we had PTS'd have tested positive so we know everyone has it) I never would have known that leukemia is endemic to this area and that if Maude had got out, she was inside only but until the dog died(the dog went out the door and never came back so she wasn't going through the door) she would occasionally door-dash, she could have come home sick.


nancy ryan

TCS Member
Sep 6, 2013
Sorry to hear about Lucy! What did she act like after the shot and how long after did she pass. My little cat had leukemia shot on Friday and she is still acting bit off. No fever, and is eating and drinking but is acting more sleepy and just not herself



TCS Member
Aug 16, 2015
My cat Lucky had her yearly vaccinations and she doesn't appear well at all. She clearly is in pain when I pick her up and after reading the outcomes of the leukaemia shot brought me to tears.
Lucky is eating, going outside but struggled to jump.... Can anyone resurrected me?


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Can anyone reasure me.
Your cat may be a little sore from the vaccine injection long ago was it when you took your cat in for the vaccine?  If the cat seems to be eating and running around, but only feels pain when you pick it up or it tries to jump, then I would guess it is just injection site soreness and should go away within a day or two.   If it's been longer 2-3 days since the shot and you're still seeing these symptoms, then I would call your vet and ask them.   I specifically asked the vet about the feline leuk vaccine when he gave it to my girl last year (I only got it for her since she is a former street cat, and sometimes sneaks outside when I open the door) and he told me that only about 1 in 10,000 cats has a problem with it, so odds are on your side!
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