Vacation question


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Oct 2, 2018
Hello fellow cat lovers :),

This summer I will be going on a vacation for two weeks to the beach. I have a lot of ideas running through my head about what to do with my fluffball, Ms Mittens, and I am hoping to get some advice.

1. I could hire someone to come visit her in my apartment twice a day, once in the morning and once at night for 30 minutes each. I have done this in the past whenever I have left, but it is normally for 3-4 days and not this amount of time.

2. I could travel with her on the airplane to the beach house. It is my parent's house, and they do have two cats already. So if they did not get along at all I could have her stay in my bedroom where I could at least play with her and keep her company. I could also drive to the beach, but it would be about a 15 hour drive each way so I don't know what is worse: a 2 hour flight or 15 hour car ride with potential hotel stay.

3. I could board her at a facility that looks pretty nice at ~200 cubic feet with cat beds, tree, windows, etc. She would get a bit more attention than hiring a sitter twice a day, but would also be in a totally new place for two weeks without me.

I guess I am leaning towards 1 but it just makes me sad thinking that she will only get a visit for 30 minutes twice a day. Also I do not know really what the sitter even does with her when they do come which makes it worse because they could just be coming to check in, snap a few pictures, and not really doing much with her.

The airplane idea downside is of course the stress from traveling on an airplane for 2 hours and going in and out of the airport. The stress of a new house to adjust to. In general when I have traveled with her via car she does hide for the first night or so but then gets pretty comfortable. Does anyone have any advice or other ideas? I really just want her to be happy and comfortable
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Oct 2, 2018
Similar to the boarding I actually just found a couple that offers to board your cat in their two bedroom apartment where they can roam around and have access to a large window and attention from the owners. Maybe this would be better than the boarding option


TCS Member
Young Cat
Dec 4, 2019
I only have experience with my older cat regarding this. She has stayed with relatives that she is familiar with when I'm on vacation and I have also left her with cat sitters coming twice a day. I can't say which one she prefers - it's always less trouble/stressful for her when we use the sitter vs when we move her to our relatives, but she does get more love at their house than with the sitter. I would not recommend flying with your cat and introducing it in an environment with other cats just for two weeks - that's a whole lot of stress for a cat for a relatively short period of time. Out of those three options, I would choose option 1. Yes, she would miss you, but she would also be comfortable in an environment that she is used to. You want to minimize her stress as much as possible.

You can also look into getting a machine like Furbo that will let you talk to her and give her treats remotely from your smartphone.

She's a witch

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 21, 2018
Europe/WA, USA
When I leave my cats for longer than 5 days, I get a cat sitter/friend that move to our place for the duration of our traveling - see if you can find someone trusted for that. I’d avoid boarding her in the facility as well as in someone’s else place.
How old is she? If still around kitten age, I’d also consider taking her with me, but if older, I’d leave her in her own home
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Thread starter
Oct 2, 2018
I only have experience with my older cat regarding this. She has stayed with relatives that she is familiar with when I'm on vacation and I have also left her with cat sitters coming twice a day. I can't say which one she prefers - it's always less trouble/stressful for her when we use the sitter vs when we move her to our relatives, but she does get more love at their house than with the sitter. I would not recommend flying with your cat and introducing it in an environment with other cats just for two weeks - that's a whole lot of stress for a cat for a relatively short period of time. Out of those three options, I would choose option 1. Yes, she would miss you, but she would also be comfortable in an environment that she is used to. You want to minimize her stress as much as possible.

You can also look into getting a machine like Furbo that will let you talk to her and give her treats remotely from your smartphone.
Yeah that is a really good point about the airplane I definitely don't want to put that much stress on her for nothing.

She's 9. She enjoys attention and just sitting around people. That's why the idea that she could just go live with a couple by herself in a quiet environment is intriguing vs just a person dropping in like I've been doing. I took her to my cousins for a few nights recently and she was playful/curious pretty quickly after arriving

Maria Bayote

Mama of 4 Cats, 4 Dogs , 2 Budgies & 2 Humans
Top Cat
Jan 15, 2018
I go with number 1 option.

When we go vacation for a month every year, my cats stay in our apartment and let a cousin come by everyday to feed them, scoop the litter boxes and just stay with them for an hour or two if he is not that busy. He does this at least twice a day.

I think your cats will be fine. If you bring her with you, there are a lot of risks involved, like panicking and escaping. Number 3 option is also not ok for me. Any new place or surroundings may stress your cat.

At the end of the day, it is you who knows your cat best. :)

I wish you a wonderful vacation! Have fun! :)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 18, 2019
I like to find someone to stay overnight as it tends to be a little cheaper or the same price as paying someone to come in the morning and the evening, and I have them feed breakfast before leaving and dinner when they arrive. My cat and 2 kittens are very social, and the trip I just came back from, all three cats cuddled with the pet sitter over night. If I know the person, and not using a pet service, I encourage them to also stay at the house during the day.

Although, like others have said, it depends on your cats personality and what is best for the situation. My Isabelle is pretty bold, and we had a 4-day trip to my summer job and back with stays overnight in hotels. She was a bit stressed, but also handled it pretty well and recovered quickly. She may hide some, depending on the day, but may also sleep on the bed or under the covers or curl up with me. you mentioned your cat may be a bit more skittish and hide for the first day, so it sounds like it could be a bit more stressful for your cat, but you know your cat best.

Enjoy your vacation!