
TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 29, 2020
Hello everyone.

My 7 month old cat Mei has started urinating outside her littler box recently and it has been a problem because she has started peeing on the fabric sofas as well and the house smells terrible since we can’t get rid of the smell. At the moment I am unable to take her to the vet, due to the pandemic I haven’t worked much so I don’t have enough money to pay the vet a visit. Is there a possibility this could be urinary tract infection and if so is there any affordable medicine I could buy her while I collect more money to take her to the vet?

verna davies

TCS Member
Feb 23, 2016
Wales uk
Has anything changed recently that could be causing her stress, a change of home, a baby, another pet, someone new in the home. Is she peeing more often than usual? You will need to clean the areas thoroughly as she will keep returning to them. If you have a vet, explain the situation and ask if he will consider a payment plan. There are products that I use that help but you should have her checked out with a vet to be on the safe side


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Hi. If your cat truly has a UTI, the only thing that will eradicate it is antibiotics - no home remedies that I know of. You could call your vet's office and ask about taking her in for just a urine sample collection with a vet tech, which I would imagine to be cheaper than an actual vet visit - assuming your vet would go along with that approach.

If you are able to collect urine on your own, you could go that route too. There are urine collection kits on the market - probably even at your own local pet store (call them and ask), or if you have a really easy going cat, you could even take something like a sterile ladle and hold it under her behind when she pees. That urine could be transferred to a sterile container and even refrigerated for a few hours before taking it to the vet. Just check with your vet to make sure they will accept a sample that way.

Either way, the cost of the actual tests would be all that you would be incurring at this point. Perhaps, a family member or friend would be willing to loan you the money if the vet will not work with you to set up a payment plan.

As far as cleaning the areas where she has peed - see the links below for TCS articles on products/solutions to try to ensure you remove the smell completely. You could also consider buying some puppy pee pads to place over the areas she is peeing to help with clean up. It is possible that she would use the pads since they are soft.

She is pretty young to begin developing urinary issues, but it is certainly not impossible. But, do take a look at outside influences as V verna davies has suggested.

How To Get Cat Pee Smell Out Of Clothes And Linens – TheCatSite Articles
How To Get Cat Urine Smell Out Of Carpet: Effective, Non-toxic Solutions – TheCatSite Articles
How To Remove Cat Urine Odor From Your Home – TheCatSite Articles