Urgent help!! My cat will NOT eat or drink anything.


TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 5, 2022
Hi everyone! I don’t usually resort to this type of measure but I am so desperate right now.

My cat, Chance, is a 4 1/2 year old orange tabby cat. He is a very big boy, about 14 pounds. He loves to go outside in the afternoon and hang out around the house. He is up to date on all shots. He is VERY vocal about EVERYYYTHING. Very fun loving cat.

So the short story.. my cat has not eaten or drank anything since Tuesday night. He doesn’t want to go outside anymore. Just wants to sleep. He seems to be interested in food but then gets nauseous and walks away from it. He is not having trouble using the restroom, except once Wednesday night when nothing came out. He has not vomited. The first vet thought it was urinary inflammation and prescribed a muscle relaxant and pain killer—said to watch for any blockage symptoms and bring him in immediately if those symptoms show up… they never did but he just continued to not eat or drink and started having diarrhea. So we took him back to get some fluids and more tests done. The next vet thinks its gastrointestinal and prescribed anti nausea, appetite stimulant, and anti diarrhea. That isn’t working either. We have tried every food/treat on the planet at this point. It’s Saturday now and I am extremely concerned that he is dying or that he isn’t going to make it through this. He has never had any problems like this before. It came very sudden and hit fast.

Has anyone ever experienced this? Was there ever a diagnosis?? Does famotidine suppress appetite? because he is just not eating!
We are going to his regular vet on Monday but I’m so scared he’s not going to make it with only having two rounds of fluid in a week with no food or water.

(FYI his blood work came back fine and showed nothing wrong with his kidney)

Long story:
On Monday and Tuesday I started noticing he started sleeping right next to my face which was odd. But I didn’t think anything of it!

Wednesday: he went outside like normal at 6:30 AM and came back in around 7/7:30. not sure whether he ate or not that morning. The remainder of the day he slept ALL DAY on my bed. He got up once to use the litter box. Never wanted to go outside in the evening like usual (very odd). And never ate or drank water the rest of the day.

Thursday: he didn’t want to go outside in the morning (extremely odd, this is his routine) and he spent all day on my bed sleeping. No food or water. Went to the litter box once and I noticed he didn’t actually go.

At 4pm on Thursday I took him to the vet ER (our vet was closed due to winter storm). They seemed to think that he was having some stress on his urethra and prescribed Prazosin (muscle relaxer for urethra) and Gabapentin pain killer. Also gave him fluids. They did not perform blood work or X-rays, just physical examination. When he got home he was extremely loopy and so tired. Seemed to be interested in food and licked a tiny bit of wet food. Still no water.

Friday: woke up, still no movement. No wanting to go outside. No water no food, nothing. I gave him one does of Prazosin and half a dose of the pain killer because I didn’t like how tired it made him. After the dosage he walked up to his food and immediately started drooling, then he went to the bathroom and had diarrhea and peed. Back to sleep. He was drooling all day and non stop sleeping. He went to the bathroom again with diarrhea and peed. He was so out of it, it was terrifying and so sad to see. I couldn’t take it anymore so I took him back to the vet ER on Friday night.

Friday night: vet noticed he was licking his lips and drooling — he was nauseous. Physical exam fine. She questioned the diarrhea and thought maybe it was gastrointestinal. Did some blood work and X-rays of the abdomen. All came back fine.Gave him some fluids and prescribed him Famotidine (anti nausea) and Capromorelin (appetite stimulant). She also gave us an anti diarrheal (metronidazole).

As of right now… it’s Saturday afternoon and poor boy STILL hasn’t eaten or drank anything. I gave him the Famotidine this morning but I’m hesitant to give him anything else because of side effects. I just feel like medication is making all this worse but also big boy needs to eat and drink water. I just don’t know what to do and I’m helpless at this point.


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
Welcome to The Cat Site! I am sorry that you are facing this with your cat and I can tell how desperate this has become. From reading your post, I wondered if you suspected that he got into anything outside. This did not sound likely to me, but worth considering.

The other question I have is whether or not pancreatitis has been ruled out. The article explains how cats with pancreatitis can have normal xrays and normal bloodwork but still have the condition. There are two tests mentioned, the difference being that one is immediate and one has to be sent for analysis. Pancreatitis in cats, by the way, is not caused the same way it is in dogs.
Feline Pancreatitis

Famotidine | VCA Animal Hospitals
Famotidine in cats can cause a lack of appetite.

Metronidazole | VCA Animal Hospitals
Metronidazole can also have side effects.

I have used Capromorelin and have found it to be very effective with gently increasing appetite and avoiding the overstimulation that I have seen with mirtazapine....so this does concern me for your boy.

However, both (famotidine and metro) are widely used in veterinary care for dogs and cats and I am not saying that I am sure that your boy is having side effects vs. nothing seems to be working at this time.

Did the vet mention doing an ultrasound? Did the vet mention trying to syringe feed him? Is your regular vet available now? I would try to get additional care for him given that this started Tuesday and he has not made any improvement.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 5, 2022
Welcome to The Cat Site! I am sorry that you are facing this with your cat and I can tell how desperate this has become. From reading your post, I wondered if you suspected that he got into anything outside. This did not sound likely to me, but worth considering.

The other question I have is whether or not pancreatitis has been ruled out. The article explains how cats with pancreatitis can have normal xrays and normal bloodwork but still have the condition. There are two tests mentioned, the difference being that one is immediate and one has to be sent for analysis. Pancreatitis in cats, by the way, is not caused the same way it is in dogs.
Feline Pancreatitis

Famotidine | VCA Animal Hospitals
Famotidine in cats can cause a lack of appetite.

Metronidazole | VCA Animal Hospitals
Metronidazole can also have side effects.

I have used Capromorelin and have found it to be very effective with gently increasing appetite and avoiding the overstimulation that I have seen with mirtazapine....so this does concern me for your boy.

However, both (famotidine and metro) are widely used in veterinary care for dogs and cats and I am not saying that I am sure that your boy is having side effects vs. nothing seems to be working at this time.

Did the vet mention doing an ultrasound? Did the vet mention trying to syringe feed him? Is your regular vet available now? I would try to get additional care for him given that this started Tuesday and he has not made any improvement.
Thank you so much for the response and feedback!! I’ve been so worried all day and just want him to eat or drink something!

We don’t think he got into anything outside since he hasn’t been vomiting and the diarrhea didn’t start until after taking medication. Pancreatitis has*not* been ruled out and now that I’m reading more about it and that it sometimes isn’t shown on an X-ray I’m questioning it. The vet did mention the next step would be an ultrasound — which I am totally up for. At this point I’ll do any test to figure out the problem. She did not mention syringe feeding but I’m assuming that will be next if he doesn’t get better in the next 24 hours. We have an appointment on Monday with our regular vet and I also want to give him some time to try to heal at home rather than constantly being in the car/vet hospital stressing out, I’m sure that doesn’t help. What worries me is him making it past this point.. I just can’t see him getting the will to eat or drink anytime soon since it’s already been so long.

I’m starting to think that no medication is working at the moment.. just seems like they all cover up the issue and make him so tired that he barely has energy to want to eat or drink.


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Famotidine is actually an antacid versus an anti-nausea medication. It's the active ingredient in Pepcid A/C, an over the counter medication. If he is truly nauseated, he probably needs something like Cerenia :frown:

I wonder too if they discussed syringe feeding him? They did an xray, so I'm thinking he doesn't have a blockage, so syringe feeding should be ok. It's only when there is a blockage that it can be harmful, as far as I know. When cats don't eat for even short periods of time (36 hours), other health issues can arise, especially if they are overweight. He's a big boy, but not sure if he's overweight or not.

I HAVE had a cat who completely stopped eating and drinking and I did what you did, went to the Vet for a checkup, came back "healthy", so I syringe fed him for a couple of days and suddenly he started eating again and was ok. The main difference was that my cat never went outside. Your fellow could have been exposed to many things out there.

I wish we had some answers for you, but it could be so many things. I'm really leaning towards something from the outdoors, even a tick bite can have repercussions, or eating a sick bird, etc.

silent meowlook

TCS Member
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Forum Helper
Nov 10, 2014
At this point, being that he is urinating ( right?) I would be concerned about a foreign body obstruction.
sadly this is an emergency and he must be seen by someone who can do blood work and radiographs and ultrasound.
if he continues not eating he is at great risk of getting hepatic libidos is ( fatty liver disease)
This is an emergency. Look for an ER with specialists.
What area are you in?
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TCS Member
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Feb 5, 2022
Hi everyone!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 5, 2022
Hi everyone! I decided to give him the appetite stimulant Saturday night. And he ate!! Still no water on Saturday but on Sunday he ended up eating two small meals with no water. Sunday night I decided to syringe feed him a little water to see if that would stimulate some water intake. I woke up this morning to my cat wanting water from my sink AND wanting to go outside (both great signs). I decided to let him outside with supervision and since it's cold he wanted back in quickly. I'm still following up with our regular vet today to rule out more problems. But THANK YOU everyone for your responses they have all been so helpful. Chance seems to be on the road to recovery with whatever this issue was.


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Great news! Hoping he's over whatever the problem was