Urgent CRF diagnosis. Vet recommends euthanasia. Devastated


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 21, 2011
Hello.I was told tonight that my cat's creatinine level is 10. The vet recommends euthanasia asap as she said he is in pain and will not bounce back from that high of a level. He is lethargic, and drinking a lot and is obsessed with water sources (really more evident this past week, and the lethargy is only over the past few days), but he is still social and is always hungry (very normal for him). I am devastated. I don't know what to do. Please give me advice asap. Thank you.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 7, 2011
Calgary, AB
How old is your kitty? Has he been diagnosed previously with chronic renal insufficiency or is this a sudden thing? Has the vet done anything to help him, like put him on IV fluids? What does the rest of his lab work look like (ie USG, phosphorus, BUN, potassium, etc)?

Depending on the situation, I've heard of many cats that do indeed bounce back after some intense fluid therapy, although 10 is extremely high for creatinine. I'm just trying to find out if he's in acute renal failure due to something toxic, or the end stages of chronic renal failure.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 21, 2011
HELLO. THANK YOU FOR RESPONDING SO QUICKLY. I AM PANICKED.  Jet is approximately 16 years old. He has never been diagnosed with this, and has been healthy all of his life - apart from pneumonia when I found him on the street when he was a kitten.

The vet said that I could put him on renal fluids and painkillers as an intense treatment, but the end result would be the same, or as a remote possibility he would be on IV fluids for the rest of his life. But she said 10 is high, and that usually 7 and over would be a recommendation for euthanasia because she has never seen a cat bounce back from that.  

I have noticed him losing weight over the past few months, but he eats, plays - does everything the same. So this is a complete shock to me.  She said that the rest of his bloodwork will be in tomorrow morning, but based upon this, it is not good. 

As you can imagine, he is my baby. I'm sick inside. 


TCS Member
Super Cat
Sep 11, 2011
Chattanooga, TN
If it were my cat, I would start intensive treatment immediately, and then depending on how he responds, consider euthanasia.

Your cat will let you know when it's time for him to go.:heart3:

Vibes for you and your baby cat!!! :vibes:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
Hi there, sorry you are going through this... Seems to me your kitty is not telling you its time to go yet... I would not let go without a fight, not way. No way a vet is recommending euthanasia for one of my babies, who is playing, eating, drinking and full of love. Me, Carolina, and I can only speak for myself here, would start treatment ASAP and walk right out for a second opinion- would find another vet who is willing to put on a fight with me.
Again, that's just me. If my baby doesn't respond to the treatment and starts suffering too much, then we cross that bridge... But not without a fight.
:vibes: good luck to you and your baby :vibes:

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TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 21, 2011
Thank you. Yes. That is what I am going to try. He is eating, so to me that feels like a positive sign.  
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TCS Member
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Nov 21, 2011
Thank you Carolina.  Yes, I am going to take him for a second opinion today.  Unfortunately, I am on the other side of the country for Thanksgiving - just arrived yesterday. So we booked a flight for first thing this morning to fly back home to treat him. Hopefully, it isn't too late. I just thought it was an infection, that was how fast this came on... My mum took him to the vet for me yesterday.  I'm in shock. He's my baby...

white shadow

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 28, 2010
Hello.I was told tonight that my cat's creatinine level is 10. The vet recommends euthanasia asap as she said he is in pain and will not bounce back from that high of a level...Please give me advice asap.....

The vet said that I could put him on renal fluids and painkillers as an intense treatment, but the end result would be the same, or as a remote possibility he would be on IV fluids for the rest of his life. But she said 10 is high, and that usually 7 and over would be a recommendation for euthanasia because she has never seen a cat bounce back from that......

Hopefully, it isn't too late...
Hi dandan, welcome to the forum even though it's crisis that brings you here.

Many older cats are dealing with some loss of kidney function...and, many are able to carry on despite this. Kidney "failure" is a bit of a misnomen...usually it is not complete failure but a reduction in function - often this can be managed by treatments that help balance a system that has gone "out of wack".

I'm going to give you a couple of links to a very reputable website about kidney failure (it's recognized by The American Association of Feline Practitioners). The first one deals with the very common recommendation given by most Veterinarians of euthanasia. It's important to remember that most Vets are generalists (and "old school" ones at that) and cannot be expected to delve too far into the specifics of any one condition, nor keep on top of leading edge treatments for each. So, here's you're first 3-paragraph quick read http://www.felinecrf.org/just_diagnosed.htm#euthanasia_recommended

Sorry if it sounds like I'm contradicting your Vet, but, the facts are that most cats with renal insufficiency are NOT IN PAIN...that fact was covered off in the middle paragraph of the reference I gave you. So, in all probability, no need for painkillers. (I find it a bit shameful, frankly, that a Vet would have suggested that.) Because it was put forward like that, I think I'd be looking for a new Vet - preferably a cat-only clinic - if I were in your shoes.

Now, just because she (your Vet) has never seen a cat bounce back from such high numbers (perhaps she's never given them a chance to do that!), you can have a chance to read about many cats who have indeed bounced back. From that same site: http://www.felinecrf.org/success_stories.htm

There are specialized support groups online for almost every chronic feline health condition. The woman who is responsible for the website I referenced above also runs a practical support group where you can get info/advice 24/7 365 days a year...if you want to check it out, this page describes it and tells how to join it http://www.felinecrf.org/tanyas_support_group.htm

Hoping this will be helpful...thinking of you both


TCS Member
Young Cat
Nov 9, 2011
Wow...you have gotten fabulous advice here. They are correct, NOT your vet. Vets have zero emotional attachments to our pets, we have a reason to fight and insider observation on our cat's health. NOOOOOO....do not put that baby down. Your kitty will tell you when it is time. If he looks comfortable and acting like his life is okay, then enjoy your time with him. If you have the financial option, get him the best treatment that you can and get another vet immediately. I have had good ones and cold ones. To your vet, your baby is just numbers on paper.

   I have had to put down several kitties in the last few years, unfortunately just lost one yesterday to FIP. I knew what to do when the time came. If you have done all that you can, your gut will know it so follow your instincts. If he looks to be in a fair amount of pain or heavy discomfort and options are just to keep him alive to be with him, then it's time to let him go for his peace. If not and he is happy and eating, then don't take one opinion to put him down. Let him be his normal self and I hope it works out great for both of you.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 20, 2006
I am replying a few days after you posted, so I am not sure what is going on with your kitty currently...but I hope things are going well? Have you made it to another vet?

Last year my 1 yr old cat Joey started throwing up each time he ate for a couple days...then stopped eating. We took him to the vet and were told his creatinine level was very high and kidney function was very low. Joeys creatinine level was 7.8 when tested at our regular vet and our regular vet suggested taking Joey to the e-vet for the weekend to get IV fluid treatment for the weekend to try and flush the kidneys. Joey went in on Friday night to the e-vet, and was hooked up for IV fluids. We went back the next morning to try and get him to eat, then again the next evening when they tested his levels again. His creatinine after 24 hours of fluids went down to 7.6 which was still concerning because normal level is 0-3. The e-vet told us at that point that if after 24 hours of fluid, the levels only drop that little....that they didn't expect much recovery and to basically prepare for his levels to not go back down to normal. My husband and I spent a lot of time figuring out how we could do sub q fluids at home and what we could do to help Joey live as long as possible. The next morning we visited the e-vet again and got Joey to eat...and that night, after 48 hours in the e-vet, his levels went back down to normal.

The e-vet was shocked because they didn't think it would....we checked his levels again at our regular vet a few days later and they were still normal. With Joey, it seems like he had some sort of kidney blockage that caused his problems. It was a costly weekend, but it saved my cat.

Two years ago one of my husbands cats who was 7 yrs old got really sick and when we went to the vet (a different one) they said his kidneys were failing and recommended euthenasia. We didn't know any better....they said we COULD spend 1000 to have him on fluids for the weekend but they couldnt guarantee that it would even help him at all and they didn't believe it would. We basically let them talk us into euthenasia as the best most humane option for our cat, and we have regretted it since. This vet didn't even tell us anything about his kidney levels, just that there was no function. If I could take it back, I would have tried to get as much information as possible, find out all of our options and even see a different vet instead of letting this vet talk us into putting the cat to sleep. After that experience we switched vets and I was so happy with the vet I took Joey to last year for all they did and how instead of even mentioning putting Joey to sleep they first discussed treating him. We did spend over 1000 at the e-vet the weekend we took Joey so it can be expensive but if you do take your kitty to another vet, talk to them about any type of treatment options, if they think there are any.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 5, 2006
Chicago, IL
I am sorry about your kitty. However--- when my 16+ year old cat was diagnosed with CRF in June, her Creatinine was 9.8 and BUN was 208. We did daily sub-fluids, medications and supplements.

One month later her Creatinine was 3.1 and BUN was 58. So I would not count your cat out just yet, it is not impossible for him to improve!

I'm not sure what Sneakers current levels are but it is around 5+ months later and she is doing pretty well, although she is still quite thin... She is still on fluids and medications but the fluids are now every other day.
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TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
Just sending prayers/vibes to you and your kitty. I don't have any experience (knock wood) on CRF.... but you came to the right place for advice :nod:. I really hope your kitty has improved with the intensive treatment :cross: :vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes:


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Apr 2, 2011
I am devastated for you. My cat is sick and last night I had a dream he was dying and I was laying beside him stroking him till he passed. And it was the worst feeling in the world. I awoke crying. So I can't imagine how you are feeling. All I can say is doing what you can for your baby, as long as they aren't going to suffer. 


TCS Member
Young Cat
Feb 20, 2011
Sending good thoughts to you and your baby.
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TCS Member
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Nov 21, 2011
Hello and thank you so much for your responses.

It is almost one week later, and Jet is still with us. We brought him back from the (new) vet today. He has been in since last Tuesday being treated with IV fluids and antibiotics, and he appeared to have a sneezing/nasal discharge problem.  His creatinine level is now 5. down from 10 and his sneezing has lessened but is still here. However, I am feeling rather sick inside. He is lethargic. He is trying to drink, but seems unable to do so, so has taken to lying next to the water bowl with his head leaning on the edge. We called the vet a few hours ago asking what to do, and the technician on duty said that we could give him a second dose of the SQ fluids with Baytril.

He is resting next to me on the sofa now, but his breathing is a little more noisy. I'm concerned that the additional fluids have caused a problem with his heart (they said that he had a low heart murmur - level 1). I read on this site that oftentimes, the cat comes home from the vet and he appears worse. I hope that is the case, but I am scared that it isn't, and that I put him through this for nothing.

Does anyone have any experience or thoughts that can help?  Thank you.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
I am glad he is now being treated and his numbers are going down - this is great! He is probably not drinking as much as he really doesn't need as much water.... This often happens to kitties who go on fluid therapy - they are getting their hydration through the fluids, so they don't need nearly as much water.... Is he eating all wet food now? Because if he is, then he will really probably not drink at all....
Pinch the back of his back - on his scruff - see if it returns flat really quickly. If it does, he is probably well hydrated.
The stress of your trip, the trips to the vet, etc, might have brought on a cold - totally unrelated.... This might also be the reason why he is lethargic.... L-Lysine might work if the cold is herpes related, and increasing his immune-system overall.
I would also advise you to put him on some probiotics as soon as you are done with the antibiotics, to take care of his digestive system....

For now, I would make sure that he keeps eating (make sure he gets his full nutritional needs everyday, even if it means spoon-feeding, syringe feeding, feeding with your fingers..... But make sure he eats what he needs!), keep him on wet food only (did your vet put him on a prescription renal food?), keep up with his treatments and keep him hydrated....
The numbers going down are truly a good sign....one day at a time hun, one day at a time :vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes:
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 21, 2011
Hello.I was told tonight that my cat's creatinine level is 10. The vet recommends euthanasia asap as she said he is in pain and will not bounce back from that high of a level. He is lethargic, and drinking a lot and is obsessed with water sources (really more evident this past week, and the lethargy is only over the past few days), but he is still social and is always hungry (very normal for him). I am devastated. I don't know what to do. Please give me advice asap. Thank you.

Thank you. We are sitting with him now, and although we are concerned by how sleepy he is, he is resting and looks very comfortable. Not pinched and sad, so that gives us hope. It's just that he seems to want water, but can't seem to open his mouth to drink it. He did eat dinner earlier (a mix of his regular wet Natures Recipe food and the KD renal food from the vet). A little by himself, and then I fed him by hand.  I don't think we will be sleeping much tonight, I want to keep an eye on him.  

Thank you so much for your advice and kind words. This is a scary time...

auntie crazy

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 4, 2006
I just read this thread... I have no first-hand experience with kidney issues but I wanted you to know I'm praying for you and your beloved kitty and sending many, many get-well vibes your way.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
Thank you. We are sitting with him now, and although we are concerned by how sleepy he is, he is resting and looks very comfortable. Not pinched and sad, so that gives us hope. It's just that he seems to want water, but can't seem to open his mouth to drink it. He did eat dinner earlier (a mix of his regular wet Natures Recipe food and the KD renal food from the vet). A little by himself, and then I fed him by hand.  I don't think we will be sleeping much tonight, I want to keep an eye on him.  

Thank you so much for your advice and kind words. This is a scary time...